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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Welp...Karen and Monique DEMOLISHED Gizelle. It’s almost as if Gizelle and her minions thought Monique would just come quietly to the reunion, let them ice her out/scream at her and she’d just quietly leave the show. How was Gizelle not prepared for this?! She looked STUNNED! And you KNOW she wanted to lie about that being Jamal’s number lol. It was the best use of receipts I’ve seen and this was only part one. I have a feeling it’s going to be very hard waiting for the extended third part. 

I also just echo the comments about Wendy. I want to like her, but the connection with Gizelle makes it hard. You can’t claim to be all about girl power, but be friends with the biggest hater. Like you all, I’m very curious what the cast will look like next season. Honestly I’d be happy if only Candiace didn’t return, but after this I wonder if Gizelle will want to go back. 



Im going to make my Housewices Resolution not to judge newbies before they debut. I assumed Gina and Emily would be great on OC based on a gorgeous cast photo. I was wrong. I assumed Sutton on BH would be boring based on pictures and she was amazing. Now with one episode I feel Drew is the best newbie since Kenya for this show. I thought she’d be boring and quiet, but she came in very interesting and I see why she always had a peach! The relationship with her husband is so interesting! Missing for 3 days and won’t tell you where he is? Either he cheating or doing something illegal. Ima say cheating. 

La Toya was fine, but she does seem a little low rent for the group. I’m not sold on her. Overall though, the new group has chemistry. They’re definitely making the most of Covid. We got a good group scene and also interesting solo stuff for Drew and Kandi. That’s one thing RHOA does better than anybody. They always deliver. 

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I would not put up with that husband, hot or not. He’s gunning for Marc Daly’s position as worst ATL spouse, and he’s only an episode in. He was SO disrespectful in the way he spoke to Drew. You can only imagine how he speaks to her off camera. Of course, it takes two to tango, but... toxic. At least they’re being transparent that they’re not a perfect partnership, and she certainly brought the drama from the jump.

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He came off so controlling and manipulative. Simply saying what city he was in wouldn’t be enough to satisfy me. He must be the breadwinner for her to put up with that. It felt extreme to me. 

Did we mention this RHOBH update yet? I’m sorry but this is escalating fast and not in their favor. 

They still have at least 2-3 months left of filming so we should see this covered. 


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Hopefully if Wendy is coming back for sure next season she has some time for self reflections. 



I know they ordered him into court today and I was waiting for the result. So....Ooooooooooooooooo!!!


@Cat and @DaytimeFan you see this yet?


I saw this last night and just thought...ooooo...we getting to EVERYBODY IN THE BINDER???




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Andy has confirmed that they aren't doing any cast changes to the show, so if someone is out, it is by their own choice. 


Only person I can see leaving is Candaice b/c she'll be p*ssed that Bravo didn't get rid of Monique. 


The network and production like Monique from what I've heard and seen on Twitter. They'd be stupid to get rid of her seeing as she carried the season and now the reunion. Plus, Monique wanted out her contract (out of embarrassment) after the altercation initially occurred and Bravo told her no. She ain't going nowhere. 

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EXACTLY!!! It's been clear this season on air and off air that the network and production really do like Monique and have been in her corner several times during her time on the show. Production are the ones after all who had her back against Gigi.  But production unlike BH are family tight knit and not vicious cliquish. Part of the reason that it will be interesting where S6 goes from here. 


Oh, it does without saying that everyone likes Ashley. Michael...not so much. hehe. 

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I've seen it. It's MAJOR. Potentially bigger than Teresa & Joe Giudice's case. (Though the reason the Giudice case was so newsworthy is because the Feds got in on it).


RealityTea has the summary on what happened at yesterday's ruling -- https://www.realitytea.com/2020/12/14/tom-girardi-contempt/ . What stood out to me were the judge's words, which RealityTea quoted:


Judge Thomas Durkin reportedly said the “simple way to cure all of this” is to pay at least four clients that are allegedly owed $500,000. “These are widows and orphans. Half a million dollars for any one of these families is a significant amount of money. Life-changing, given the tragedy they went through,” the judge explained.


So $2 million in total. Given the Girardi's possessions, including more than one home, this sum is doable for the Girardis. They could offload a holiday home somewhere or one of the private planes? Liquidate some stock/share portfolios. I mean, if push came to shove, Tom could ask Erika to give up some of the Cartier Panthere jewellery we saw onscreen (the expensive Panthere rings currently retail for US$15,000. A Panthere necklace is priced at $75,000). Didn't he give her a small Marc Chagall painting her second season on the show? That has to be worth $$$$.


What shocks me is how easy it could have been for Tom to pay out $2 million but he chose not to. He instead moved some money around before Erika filed for divorce on November 3rd. $2 million! Erika has flashed much more cash on the show, surely. (Thinking back to Erika and her VT/reunion appearances, all that grandstanding looks extra gross given how relatively paltry a sum the judge is demanding here).


Tom's lawyer said in this hearing that Girardi Keese only had $15,000 in their bank accounts. In the initial suit filed by Edelson PC (which can be found here and makes for fascinating reading if you have time for 30 pages: https://images.law.com/contrib/content/uploads/documents/292/78143/Edelson-Girardi-complaint.pdf ), there was reference to Tom transferring 'loans' in the $ millions to Erika's company EJ Global prior to the divorce. This comes after Girardi Keese took out litigation loans for company purposes. So the company was heavily in debt. The Edelson suit says the Lion Air settlement was used in part to pay off these litigation loans, and also alleges that the settlements and the loans funded the Girardis lifestyle.


The connection between the depleted accounts and the transfers is probably why the judge ruled to freeze all Girardi assets (cue the memes about the assets being not just deliberately frozen, they are INHERENTLY FROZEN (c) PK). 


If Tom is moving money around in an attempt to hide it, then it is likely that other creditors and lawsuits may be coming. If it was a case of just $2 million to 4 families, then this would be a no-brainer pay-out. But moving those assets signifies to me that the Girardis are worried about losing absolutely everything.


Oh! And yesterday's hearing gave a small glimpse into what might be Tom's defense. The lawyer brought up his age and perhaps making decisions while not being in perfectly sound mind. Judging by what we've seen on screen, Tom has always seemed sharp as a tack so I'm not sure how true that is. But it does stun me how Tom could have gotten himself into this mess. I know greed is real, but he always seemed smart, in control and clear-sighted. I don't think Erika is ruling him and forcing him to make these decisions, but that is what this 'old/confused' defense might make it sound like.


Anyway, he risks being disbarred, publicly shamed, losing all his money, and going to jail at his advanced years. It's a major shock. I always liked Tom on the show and thought he was an OK guy considering. Out of all the couples on BH, I honestly never thought this would happen to the Girardis (the Kemsleys, maybe).

Edited by Cat
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Monique -  clearly the MVP because the mean girls on the right thought she was going to lay down and slither away in disgrace. Despite their best efforts to get her fired, they thought all they had to do was present a united front in not wanting to work with her and that would be suffice.  She proved them otherwise and it was pure gold. Loved the receipts ad while I have no use for Monique she definitely won me over.  I think the producers were hedging their bets with the fight because she didn't always get a favorable edit during her confessionals. I thought the "evil" laugh in her last confessional was a deliberate sabotage to paint her as a bully while Candiace got the softer edits as she played victim to the hilt.


Wendy - Not likable in the least and I truly wished the other women had called her out on her misuse of the word aggressive relating to colorism.  She is aggressive and butts in other people's conversations when it has nothing to do with her to make her relevant. You can be black and be legit aggressive and she's both. She thinks her degrees entitles her to be  condescending. She should have been dragged. And as much as ya'll rag on Gizelle about her fashion sense, Wendy's is atrocious. She is in desperate need of a stylist and her gaudy make up at the reunion was god-awful. 


Ashley- They will come for her husband and I'm here for it. Every time Michael is drunk drama ensues. Ashley doesn't do well at reunions. Her come backs are always lame. 


Robyn -  Completely irrelevant. Her non story with Juan is boring. I wouldn't mind seeing her replaced.


The Grand Dame - I'm totally in love. It is because of her I find myself binging from the beginning.  Karen has definitely evolved the most from S1. Both in character and style. She still needs some work on those wigs but she now has inner strength that exudes without the fake Potomac bouginess and can still cut a bitch without flinching. I flove her confessionals. They always make me laugh always shady and spot on.  "There will be no gang banging!" in reference to the other ladies still remains funny. When she told Robyn at her wig party when they were coming for her about Monique "I care about about you not to set your ass up. Are you good? Receive THAT".  As she paid them dust when leaving "I paid for the bill. F#ck U!" Perfect!  Sure, she was clearly caught lying about Monique's invite but I don't care. She knows how to stay relevant without being aggressive (Wendy) or coming off as fake (Gizelle). 


Gizelle -  I know exactly where she lives in Bethesda, MD.  Great neighborhood, tacky house.  She cannot afford to keep up with Monique and her 4 homes or Karen, so she did the next best thing (for her) got herself an affluent zip code so she can still pretend to keep up with the Jones's. Gizelle has nothing coming in, she's broke, has no business, and has no cash flow except her Bravo checks. Does her "pastor whore" still keep up with child support? She's desperate to stay relevant. 


Candiace - If she's not careful I can see her becoming the "Nene Leaks" of Potomac. Riding the wave of her modicum of success before it plateaus and she becomes desperate.  If she doesn't wise up, the inability to curb her tongue will be her undoing.


All the ladies looked shook and Wendy looked legit scared when Monique read the receipts. Even Andy was speechless and shell shocked.  When she asked him if he wanted to see all he could croak was yeah. Probably thinking no way we could get rid of you now.  All these ladies underestimated her and had no idea she came that prepared. Best part, Karen knew. She knew Monique had her binder and knew it contained receipts. They were waiting to collect asses and I can literally envision the conversations between them as they high fived each other. When Candace deadpanned "Well that's unfortunate", she knew Giselle's lie was busted wide open.


I can't wait for the next 2 parts.  Hopefully it doesn't disappoint. Even big boi Chris looks ready.

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