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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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And I LIVE for her petty.  I mean...what did Brandi expect? Garcelle is THAT RIDE OR DIE CHICK when it comes to her friends. 




So this article references Page Six, but how reliable is this site.


Cuz...Yeeeeeah, I already don't like her even with her messy past I hear.






Sees like a bad article given they need to give more of the facts AND the tea.


For example...SOUTHERN CHARM originally started filming last fall and Bravo thought it was BH this season aka 'too boring.' So they forced them to restart again. THEN their narrator Cameran Eubanks from REAL WORLD: SAN DIEGO alum left arbuptly after all these years with other regulars following due to the fact they were going to pull a Denise Richards on This Year's BH (except it is her doctor husband that had the affair) on her, using the show's villain (who had been redeemed somewhat) to do it. Then said villain said some bad racist tweets. And you get where I am going there. Research, writer.


There's a whole other article that could be used for this...namely why is Bravo railroading several of its long time stars on various franchise in slanderous ways? This. Below Deck Med. BH. A pattern is there. Just follow the thread.


On the good, I guess that means SAILING YACHT is getting a second season, but given that franchise is in a dark turn like the HW shows are right now, not sure if that is good news. 


I did love that Shannon on OC got props. And that is true. And I must admit...that (along with the mask fight) does kinda make me want to watch this season. Cuz Shannon for better or worse does give the good, the bad, AND the ugly. And any experiences with Coronavirus might give people the knowledge needed to follow up and even wear masks properly. But let me stop. My work environment is showing.

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Another cut scene that should’ve been in the episode...

For the most part I notice the cut scenes are extended versions of scenes we did see that add more context. There is so much filler they could’ve been cut to develop the relationships of the actual housewives. 

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Why are the edited out portions always so much interesting than what they leave in? This is always going on with RHOBH. Sutton even posted a little snippet of her singing during the finale party. Why couldn't they include that instead of all the Denise nonsense? It's just so aggravating that they could have a really good show in the raw material, but they choose to focus on one storyline that no one cares about. 

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That's why I've very interested to see the Lost Scenes episode next month. It has been clear there has been a long of interesting scenes (other than one involving some random preggers chick) that has inform scenes we have seen and really reveal something that should have been in the season, not the cutting room floor.


That was like RHOA this past year when they had a scene putting Snakegate to some form of resolution. In the actual show, it just vanish after taking up most of the season. There was another scene that shows a hint into Kenya and Marc's marriage. They were showing all these scenes that should have STAYED in the season that would have made it richer.


And I personally want to see the cut party on BH which everyone was dressed to the nines and pre-gangup-on-Denise. Cuz she was there. Garcelle was there. It would be nice to see the dynamic before they did the 'hiatus.'

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So much for trying to bring attention to the Breonna Taylor case. Porsha was using the opportunity to twerk for justice


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I side eye her now and cant help but think she is motivated to use this as a storyline

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I am shocked they cut those bits out of 2 scenes. These cuts were like 1 min each? They could have cut Kyle and Dorit on the scooters (which went on for 10 mins) or Teddi showing off her baby room to leave this relevant stuff in. That other filler could have gone into the lost scenes episode.


Social media has become such a breeding ground for hatefulness. It's just a RH show and yet the violence of the language is out of control. And i know I have expressed some opinions on here but... It's a Pandora's box the world has opened without realising that we can never put the hateful stuff back in.


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I don't understand people's need to tweet negative/hateful comments to people. That's what message boards are for. I can't stand Kyle, but I'm not going to tag her in an anti-Kyle tweet. A lot of these people just tweet these attacks so they can get blocked. A lot of them will have the list of people who've blocked them. I don't know why this would mean anything to them, but there it is.


Oh Porsha. You almost made me appreciate your efforts. I never liked her, but I thought maybe she had changed. Twerking??? 2020 is waiting for Ashton Kutcher to come out and reveal the cameras and the actors.


I was trying to remember the last time I thought RHOBH had a good season. I think 1-3 and 5 were the best ones. 4 was just a hateful mess, but that had nothing to do with Carlton and Joyce. From season six onward, the show just deteriorated into a dreary hateful mess with the housewives protecting their secrets at all costs. I'm now wondering if Taylor was more important to the success of the show than I thought.

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Your latter paragraph: I wonder about that too. Taylor did not want the info that Russell was hitting her out there (although in S1 it was hinted at, especially in the episode where she spoke on behalf of a domestic abuse charity). I felt like another part of her actually hoped it would get out, maybe as a way of protecting her from his abuse if the cameras were always scrutinising their married life.


Taylor's life was on display throughout S2, but instead of supporting her, production barred her from the cast trip to Hawaii, barred her from Pandora's wedding, and in S3 basically made her a FOH, barring her from the Paris cast trip. Because she wasn't rolling in wealth (especially after Russell killed himself), Bravo kind of looked down on her. And IMO what made BH work in the early days wasn't just the fancy houses and private jets, it was the mix of the Wealthy and the Wannabes (the latter group included Taylor, Dana, Brandi, Cedric and Kim in a way, who had clearly lost much of her money and clout). One might argue that, at the time, Kyle was a Wannabe masquerading as a Wealthy, although she had the Hilton connection. Fake it til you make it! I loved that whole dynamic which, yes, created a lot of tension, but also the Wealthies needed the Wannabes, for excitement, laughs, drama and to stir the pot. It was very true to life in a place like Hollywood where people are always social climbing and kissing ass and there is a friendship eco-system built around power players.


BH lost something by getting rid of Taylor. The social climber scrambling to regain her old life. Those people are always more interesting than the Adrienne Maloofs  I never liked the way Yolanda turned up her nose at Taylor either. The standout scene of S3 was Taylor hanging out with a drunken Dana whose fiancé had just left her, and Dana telling her "These women can't love you because they love themselves too much."


Agreed about Porsha.


Yeah, I'm not crazy about the current BH cast but I'm not about to Tweet Kyle, Rinna and Teddi hateful things. Their reply threads are nuts. Brandi's is also insane. I could never face a torrent of personal opinions like that on a daily basis.

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End of September.

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 I fully expecting it to be eye opening this year like RHOA's was this year with scenes that SHOULD have stayed in the season. Mark my words.



THE BOLD. I liked that it was about the glamour and that very thing. And when I think about that S1-3 and S5 did all of that with the introduction of Eileen and Taylor McBride. There were still hints of it in later seasons, but it seem like Bravo moved away from it to non-pleasing results. Is it safe to say that the start of this season is the closest it got back to the glamour side of things with the introduction of Sutton and Garcelle and Dorit stepping it up?




Yeah...I hate to say it...but I am side-eyeing.




Last cast trip is going to Oklahoma. And then a finale event this coming week or next. And they will be done filming. 

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