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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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The 'scripting' is also sloppier than usual. Case in point:


- Black & white flashback to "3 weeks ago" when Teddi grudgingly invites Brandi to her baby shower. This was ostensibly before the group went to Rome.

- Later, we get a flashback to Rome. Dorit in the car with Sutton says she wants to do a surprise baby shower at the Olive Garden. This is after the Boring One invited Brandi to her baby shower?

- Then we get Kyle at the event saying she just got a text from Brandi who 'happens to be in the neighborhood. Can she drop by?' I thought BRANDI WAS ALREADY INVITED. That's why Dorit was freaking out about Denise and Brandi possibly being at the same event!

- And so, on a whim, Brandi -- who was already in the neighborhood -- shows up... with a pre-wrapped baby gift.


As Judge Judy would say, it's actually easier to tell the truth because otherwise you have to remember all the lies you invented!


A remark about Brandi:

Back when she was a regular on the show, the one thing Brandi bucked against was doing some rich woman's dirty work so they could keep their hands clean. She didn't have the power and status that money conferred upon Adrienne, LVP, Yolanda or Kyle, and she chafed against that. She also eventually turned on the women who used her. 


So it is sad for me to see Brandi completely give up the pretence of being her own free agent. She is now Kyle and Teddi's b*tch. Teddi deigned to invite Brandi to the baby shower, but the disgust was written all over her face. No way she wants to be associated with someone she considers trash. (And make no mistake, both K & T consider Denise and Brandi to be two peas in a pod).


It's also sad to see Brandi allow her body to become the battleground upon which these women attack Denise. It feels very exploitative. When Brandi began screaming about sucking this and that, it sent a vicarious, ugly thrill through the group. This is exactly how low they expected her to go -- she is meeting everyone's rock-bottom expectations of her. In a weird way, it feels like Brandi is prostituting herself with this SL that relies so intimately on her sexual life. 

Edited by Cat
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@Cat Brandi is also a hypocrite. Se has whined for years about Leann Rhimes and how her marriage was broken up by a third party and now here she is the third wheel to a marriage, doing what she can to try and hurt this family. She said what she said, but she wont let it go. Like she WANTS this to be an issue. I dont get what vindication she will get from people knowing she had sex with a married woman. She tried to paint herself as the victim bc "Denise didnt tell her, that Aaron was oblivious" but she's no victim. She joked about wanting to have a threesome with them at Kyle's party so her attitude now makee no sense. If this is true, then she is everything she hates....a homewrecker. I wish Leeann Rhimes was messy on Twitter to call her out after the years of crap she gave her

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Not to mention the fact that the storyline is now a series of pick up scenes versus the clear direction that it was going in. They should have stuck the landing.


If these 'ladies' cannot be real on camera like they are picking on Denise for being (when she is being real herself), it is time for them all to go.

Love you.


Now THAT'S a REAL reaction.


God, I hope not. That scene...another scene where Denise stopped being nice and let her claws out...was a great one from the trailer.


Now that I think about it. Does that mean they threw out ALL of the promise of Episode 1's flashforward with the grinning Denise.

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Agreed. She built an entire tabloid/reality TV/Twitter/book career on Eddie being a love rat and leaving her for Leeann.


I assume Leeann no longer acknowledges Brandi on Twitter and that is probably something she and Eddie agreed to do.


I don't think Brandi looks healthy or happy, like she's boozing/partying too much, and scratching around for reality TV crumbs.


And she will get zero vindication from the Coven. They are silently judging her HARD for this, just as they are judging Denise. They think Brandi is trash and way beneath them, and when she arrived at their table in Wednesday's episode, it was like a servant being allowed to sit with her masters.

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Agreed, and perfect comparison (ATL's Porsha). Two women I never thought I'd warm up to becoming vital pieces of the show. (Well, maybe I'm giving Dorit too much credit, but another good season could elevate her in my eyes)


Dare to dream: Since it's producer-Kyle and it would also show their hand in production/editing, I would love at the reunion for someone to call out that Kyle's Christmas decorations were apparently up WAY before Thanksgiving/before the trip. Hmm... 

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I felt like a rant today:

Rhobh: Brandi went on t.v. to have her father accuse her of being a hooker. I don't think there's a low that Brandi has met. This woman has children. Why is she allowing herself to be used by these women? Does she really think these women want her back on the show? They will spit her out into the trash heap when they're done with her. The money can't be that good either.  I think this has the fingerprints of Kim on it. I didn't watch last season but I'm told Denise put Kim in her place during a Rinna/Kim argument. Kim is the right kind of vindictive to plan this sort of thing. Plus, she wants back on the show as well. What also gets me is the people who still say LVP was the master manipulator. Really? The same b.s. is still going on but it's even worse. Kyle has been the puppet master since season one where she obviously said that to Camille (re: Bravo not wanting to film her without Kelsey) and she's been lying and manipulating ever since. Kyle took such delight in Camille's season one fall.


Adrienne is still blaming LVP for the surrogacy rumor. I  have no idea why LVP would do that, but even if she did, this is why I don't like Adrienne. She wants to rewrite what happened. She was using Bernie to get to LVP. Bernie was posting all these anti-LVP tirades. This was between taking photos of an allegedly abused Adrienne which she would post on Facebook to get back at Paul. Adrienne was always angry that LVP didn't choose her hotel. Adrienne was mad about the Maloof Hoof comment. In 2020, she thinks Brandi was manipulated by LVP. These women never take the thought all the way through. If Brandi is so malleable that she can be manipulated into saying these things outside her character, that means she has no moral compass and she is a liar. IT also means that she would be such a failure as a human being that she should not have custody of her children. The same goes for Rinna who plays the "I was manipulated" card.


I know the Munchausen gets brought up against LVP, but I think there was a lot more to the story. I believe David and Yolands's family talked to some of the women because they felt that Yolanda was faking. Yolanda admitted as much at one point (her family not believing her). Yolanda also became angry when she didn't get the spinoff she wanted. Joyce said some interesting things about Yolanda in her interview with Heather McDonald--for example, Yolanda wanted Joyce to badmouth LVP and would stop taping to get Joyce to do it. Speaking of Joyce, why is Bravo giving Brandi a platform after the racist way she treated Joyce??? 

Edited by chrisml
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One word: Desperation


She's got nada going on, and Andy isn't stanning for her behind the scenes because no one likes her. Yeah, she'll do their dirty work when it suits them, but otherwise she's a loose cannon and pulls their "classy" group into the gutter. She'll never be welcomed back full-time, but she'll eat up every crumb they throw at her for another second in the spotlight. It's kinda sad. 

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I don’t have much else to add except Brandi is SO desperate to get back on this show it’s pathetic. And the rest of the cast knows it, they don’t even like her but are so happy she can help with the Denise takedown to try and keep their hands clean which is backfiring.


If Bravo actually rewards Brandi by giving her her diamond back for this bull, I will not be watching. I can happily walk away from RHOBH.




Dorinda has to go. Her inability to take any accountability at all is disturbing and not fun to watch. How could anyone get enjoyment out of a cast having to walk on eggshells around one cast member’s rage? Like Dorinda somehow made me support fuc.kin Ramona whom I loathe.

Edited by Antoyne
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Agreed. There was a time that I thought she was the best addition to the cast but she has become one of the worse. She's mean and not fun and I wish we could say her lack of accountability is due to the alcohol but we've seen her blatantly deny and deflect while sober bc she cant own her sh-t. She's an alcoholic and Im glad that is finally be called out. I can only imagine how draining it must be to be around her bc its draining to watch her as a viewer.

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All good points.


In answer to your question, the BH money for Brandi was decent enough -- plus she got the perks of being recognised, free gifted items, paid guest at parties, etc. I think she got addicted to the fame. And I don't use the addiction word lightly. To me, Brandi seems like she is on something, a fame junkie looking for a fix.


On one of her podcasts a few years ago, Brandi talked about her relief at being let go after S5, how she could not deal with the pressure of Making Drama Happen and getting treated like crap by the women and production. I felt happy that she had arrived at this moment of self-realization. However, she seems to have now regressed.


Kyle has been the puppetmaster since Ep 1 S1. She not only set up Camille but also her own sister so she could look good. S2 is also worth a look, especially the tea party at LVP's. She whips Taylor up into a frenzy to confront LVP but lets her get bulldozed instead of having her back. She cannot guess that LVP and Camile are going to bring up Taylor's abuse direct to camera. Later, when Taylor and LVP make up, the anger Kyle feels at her plan having gone haywire is evident.


Adrienne is blaming LVP and absolving Brandi, but Brandi led the charge on Adrienne in S3 and it was a successful victory for her. The fact is, Adrienne got caught out in a lie. Her henchman Bernie was awful. Addicted to the cameras also, and the accusations he made about Paul Nassif hitting his wife, he and Adrienne later had to publicly recant.


Joyce would be a welcome return. She is a friend of Kyle's though! 




It is extremely sad. It felt like watching someone on the edge. The desperation of doing absolutely anything for this one last chance... like she had nothing else left. It felt very hopeless. I hope she turns herself around because I do not want to see another tragedy. I think she deserves some happiness in her life.

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@Cat, Joyce and Kyle are not friends. Joyce speaks out all the time how she found it heinous how the women treated LVP last season. I do wish that LVP would stayed on the show and brought Joyce back given they are extremely close. LVP has said numerous times that she should've listened to Joyce when Joyce tried warning her that Brandi, Yolanda, and Kyle were plotting to take her down.

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Joyce was a good friend to LVP and it annoys me that Joyce and Carlton got the short end of the stick because of the ugliness of the LVP takedown attempt. They could have had long-term potential, and it would have been nice to have Carlton there since she loathed Kyle.

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