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I expected better of Kandi. This is the kind of stunt Kim Zolciak and her do-nothing brood would pull. Some of the tweets in response were SO good and put Riley firmly in her place, but I still think Riley should have done more. Instead of a $500 lucky draw (which, for all we know, could be made up of the $$$ people already cashapped to her), Riley should have publicly returned ALL the money people was foolish enough to send her. Then she should have donated a further large lump sum of her own money to a local charity helping disadvantaged school kids or families. 



Finally caught up on another great episode. I really like and feel for Katie. Even struggling with issues, she defended herself quite lucidly. I am also glad that most of the other women took a step back and put a stop to the argument and tried to look out for Katie. She should have never have been the target of Ashley's ire. In addition I liked how Robyn handled everybody fairly this episode. She kind of came out of Gizelle's shadow and into her own.

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@Cat I agree that Robyn handled everyone fairly and she gained a few points but she quickly lost them when she told Jiz to wait a few minutes before going at Monique.  As if waiting 5 minutes would have helped in that professional setting.  She stay a dumb ass!  Why not tell your friend to let that baseless grudge go or talk about the real reason she hates Monique.  


Chris Samuels!  That's all.  


Can't wait for next week and hope Karen really gathers that heffa, Ashley.  Ashley has a problem with you talking behind her back (something she loves doing herself) but she doesn't want you telling the truth to her face?  Which tf is it?  Ashley believes you are her friend if you support her charade and that's it.  She's only riding with Jiz so that she will have help at the reunion.  Karen doesn't need it, but she's got Monique and Candiace and without Jiz, Ash has no one.  She's a rat!


I hope Katie gets the help she needs and possibly returns because she would be great as a regular HW.  

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IA. I hope she gets help for (what I suspect are) depression / bi-polar issues. These need to be treated properly -- right now she appears to be self-medicating with the bad stuff. But even with all that going on, what I liked about Katie the last few episodes was that there was no mask. She responded to Ashley genuinely and truthfully. I found her clarity about her feelings refreshing. Honestly, my heart goes out to her. I would love her to return as a regular HW when she is in a better space mentally.


By contrast, Ashley's every contrived move feels highly strategic (and I include her 'search' for her father in that category). We all know the reason she went after Katie -- because she didn't want to confront badly-needed ally Gizelle who has been FEASTING on this scandal, and she figured Katie was an easy target.


Chris Samuels is the sweetest, cuddliest, funniest HW hubby ever. I love him. I love how Monique and his kids are his world. He and Mo seem like they are on the same wavelength.


Speaking of Monique, I hope she drags Gizelle by her dried-out split-ends at reunion!

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Kyle just got announced for Halloween Kills, the sequel to Halloween! Considering how successful the one last year was, it’s a pretty big deal they kept her. They recast the role of her male co-star with Anthony Michael Hall. They’re filming two sequels back to back to form a trilogy but I doubt they’ll say who is appearing in the final film because that would be spoilers. I’m happy she’ll have something to talk about other than Kim or LVP! A true success of her own. Thank god lol. 


Article: https://halloweenmovies.com/little-lindsey-wallace-wont-know-what-hit-her/

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It's always been Kyle's show. She has had a producer credit since day one and has long been chirping in Andy's ear about castings. Kyle refused to film with Carlton and later Brandi, and that's why they got booted. Apparently she refused to film with Camille this season and that's why Camille wasnt asked back. Don't forget she tried to destroy Camille's rep in season 1, and we all know about her underhand efforts to get LVP in seasons 2, 4, and 9.

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Still making my way through season 4 of RHOBH.


I don’t even like Kyle, but Carlton’s hate for her is crazy. Kyle legit hasn’t done anything to her and this bitch is having dreams about Kyle talking [!@#$%^&*] so she believes it must be true. I wish she would’ve just said, I don’t like Kyle and that’s okay, not everyone likes each other. 


I will say LVP, who you guys know I adore, was pretty messy with the bringing Scheana around. She even asked Brandi to go to talk to Scheana about her getting married, which was odd and rude.


If Brandi hadn’t been such an [!@#$%^&*] all season and actually stated that’s the big reason she’s upset with Lisa, instead of talking about well Lisa doesn’t call me as much anymore, when two seconds before she was saying she was avoiding Lisa..I feel like I’d have more sympathy for her. But her turn on Lisa has been coming for the whole season and Lisa didn’t notice at all.


Yolanda’s whole issue with Lisa stems from Lisa not coming to some paint party for pictures for Gigi that I guarantee Gigi never put up. It was absurd.


Lisa has been wrong at times this season but I didn’t like the gang up. And I’m confused why Kyle hasn’t asked Brandi why she just now is talking about the tabloid situation instead of telling Kyle months ago since she feels so bad. It’s clear Brandi just wanted to take down LVP.

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I just love Carlton's explanation at the reunion. When asked why she was so pressed about Kyle when they first met and Kyle was making small-talk asking questions, and Carlton says, "I didn't feel you were coming from a place of genuine interest."  And hence, the season-long hatred begins! 


Carlton is the one person whose animosity towards Kyle was unwarranted. Just one.

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