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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Camille came in hot and I was here for it.


Yet again the episode turned into a bash Vanderpump session. If the only thing you have bonding you is a dislike you have for another woman, you don’t really have a friendship. I don’t buy it with these women at all. 


Bravo was clearly pissed at LVP. In the previews for the show, they made it seem like we’d get to see her scenes in full but they gave all of her scenes the flashback treatment. Way to sucker fans in to watch the finale.

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Potomac was iconic this week. 10/10. Five Stars. A tour de force. The first 20 minutes will go down in Housewives lore. It was everything I could have wanted in a dinner party scene. 


Karen's reactions were essential viewing. And then she was the only one to go to Candiace and try and calm her down. I also enjoyed Robyn, for like the first time ever. And then when Chris co-signed for Candiace and Robyn's version of events I was gleeful.


Ashley isn't much of an actress. Her denials were as thin as her weave tracks. 


And then we had the later gripping scenes between Candiace and her awful mother. Dorothy must have a very poor grasp of how she's coming across, because the woman appears to be straight up evil. 

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You hit the nail on the head. This franchise is built on true-blue friendships. I get it in NYC and even Potomac. They tried with the poignant guitar solo at the end. They tried with the 'best friend' tea at Kyle's house when it was clear that most of these women had not seen each other in 6 months. It was all so scripted. And the fact is, they wanted to dump LVP and so they scripted some BS in order to make that happen. 


I want to like Erika so much. She is wise and has lived an interesting life. But all she gives us is having her makeup done. She admitted in France that she doesn't like any women. So why is she on RH which is centered around female friendships?


I can't buy anything Rinna is selling me. She is so performative that everything feels like an act.


Dorit is a fake through and through. 


Teddi... lint.


Denise didn't come across great this episode. I like her fine but wonder what on earth she has in common with the others.


Kyle is... sigh.


I don't know if Bravo or the women even realise this, but BH is in deep trouble. The audience is not buying this.

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I don't mind Kenya, but her return, along with the various returns of Nene (who never should have been brought back on the show) and the disastrous return of Kim Zolciak, reinforce how little the show has managed to develop new faces in recent years. They have dull as hell Eva, where the best thing I can say about her is her consistency (she's been dull as hell for most of her career in showbiz), and...who else? 

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RHOBH:  That 6-month flash-forward was so contrived and awkward. First of all, they mention LVP opening her new restaurant in Vegas a couple weeks prior, meaning this was filmed mid-April, and the show began airing in February. You could totally tell this was a mini reunion for most, having not spent time together since they wrapped filming. Such genuine friendships they've forged. All they could do is chit-chat about inane highschool crap like Rinna seeing LVP in a parking lot looking for spare change in her purse. And the vultures cackled. Really? This was their way of trying to save face and paint themselves in a better light? This table trash talk summed up the entire rotten season. I'm glad we got the LVP/Camille scene in Vegas, even if only as a flashback. It helped solidify how important these two women are to the series. 


Listen, Camille wasn't always 100% in the right, but considering who she was coming after, it all felt justified. The fact that Dorit is off the hook for the puppygate fiasco is ridiculous, and I'm glad Camille still calls her out on it (amongst other things, namely their crumbling house of financial entanglements). I loved Camille brushing off non-factor Teddi and sass-mouthing Miss "Own It" Rinna. 


Kyle/Rinna/Erika/Teddi/Dorit look like idiots with nothing to talk about other than people who aren't at the table.  Teddi is the biggest poser, coming into the series as a no-nonsense jock who didn't care about glam, and her second year is a total Gretchen Wieners to Kyle's Regina George. On her own, Teddi is a dull loser that shouldn't return another season. Dorit and her sanctimonious crap can go eat a dick. Erika is as over the show as we are of her. Rinna, though I always will have a soft spot for her, really has nine lives when it comes to this show. After her successful first season, she let it all go to her head with all the gossiping, fake amnesia, and accusations towards others,  and yet she somehow manages to come out smelling like a rose to the rest of the pack. 


RHOBH is actually making me kinda look forward to New Jersey returning and I've basically been over that one for years (thank God for Margaret!). 


NYC and Potomac are top dogs that deliver


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PREACH to everything else you wrote in your elegant, epic post. If it wasnt late where I am, I would write a longer post in response! And yes the fact that Rinna has nine lives on this show is truly incredible! 


Dame Joan, Nicollette and LVP! We have now established that they all know each other, for years in some cases.


I don't know if Bravo cares to realise it, what with ratings apparently fine (that alone shocks me). Plus the network seems both enamored and intimidated by the BH women and their money. Well, the money of some *side-eyes Dorit*


Still, it's no secret what has been driving a lot of the ratings: the promise of a possible LVP appearance. Bravo has strung out her story over 21 episodes, with no true resolution. Next season,  I'd be interested to see if other LVP fans follow your lead and throw in the towel. 

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If Bravo had any balls, they'd take that final moment with the 5 (or was it 6? Denise is nice, but kinda just there) as a sendoff for THEM, and rebuild the show around existing OG's LVP and Camille. Bring on Dame Joan, Nicolette, hell bring back Adrienne or Taylor or Joyce for a familiar face and give RHOBH a much needed reboot. I have a feeling this type of mass overhaul would find much more success than NYC's Season 5 shake-up. 

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I am so excited to watch Potomac these days!


Monique is so fabulous, I just LOVE her this season. Candiace is out of control. She is a little girl playing in the big girl pond in that clip. I cant believe she has let Gizelle and Ashley manipulate her; now she has lost a good friend.



Solid start to Reunion. Luann seemed to be on the brink of a breakthrough... but never quite made that leap into self-realisation. I understand her need to stay selfish, especially when she is craving a drink -- but sobriety is not an excuse for treating friends poorly. And it is more clear than ever that cabaret has replaced alcohol in her life. That is a worry.


I was grateful the other women mostly did not pile in on her -- they were focused instead on trying to make her understand their feelings (Dorinda's pleas were especially heartbreaking). It was a welcome relief after the last few toxic reunions. In fact, I think I may be (deep breath) coming around to Bethenny??? I can't believe I am saying this. Yes, she still is Me Me Me and sucks the air out of the room. But she also verbalized her deep emotions in a very human and relatable way this episode. Even with all her money and success and boyfriends, Bethenny's life is lonely and ringed with tragedy. Her ex-husband is a psycho, and she keeps picking the same type (wealthy, successful WASPY white guys) to give her love and security. Bethenny is a secret romantic at heart. She desperately wants the Big Love. Even with all her openness about Dennis, though, the fact he died of an opiates overdose was never mentioned. This addiction crisis really touches all levels of society -- even the rich, with their access to the best doctors and support.


When Andy played Feeling Jovani 

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Luann lip-syncing versus Dorinda trying not to punch somebody versus everyone else just sitting there bopping their heads. 

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Tonight's Potomac in one word--EPIC!

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When Karen delivered Ashley with the uppercut, I died. Ashley was begging for it. Can I just say that tonight was three years in the making! Ashley has been all up in everyone's business but tonight, she could not take it. She cannot dish but not take it. 


Also, Candiace's petulant outbursts are getting old. What Monique was telling her was the truth. The only gripe I have for Monique is that you don't confront your friends in the presence of enemies (Ashley). She should've called her aside and told her to stop acting up. 


If Robyn does not see that Gizelle is playing her, she is a fool. Gizelle's messy a** used her to relay the message and put the drama on the table. Then she wants to back away from the drama. I can't with her. 


Karma truly is a b*tch and circular and tonight highlighted that. I just hope the same effect comes tenfold on ALL the BH women on their show. 

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