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LVP's annual plea for a relationship with Erika Jayne mystifies me.  Erika is civil to LVP regardless of their friendship status, and she's not a [!@#$%^&*]-stirrer, so there doesn't seem to be any personal gain.  They have nothing in common, they don't share a similar sense of humor, and they have no similar interests.


Also, LVP always dresses as if she spent lots of money a decade ago on clothes and has been recycling them ever since.  Nothing she wears ever looks new or fresh.  She's got three hairdos, a dozen pink silk blouses, some good bags, and a bunch of old shoes that Rosio keeps painting the bottoms red.  



On the other hand, does Louis Vuitton really make hair salon smocks?

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LVP is constantly playing the victim anytime anyone tries to call her out on her bullshit which stinks to high heaven. Lisa’s impression of her in the last episode was spot on! What a c-nt!

That’s because LVP is stuck in the 90’s with her dreadful looking granny clothes and hairstyles. She sees Erika as a threat because she knows she can easily take her place as the queen b on the show, so ofcourse she’s gonna kiss her ass. Erika has a young fan base with a fabulous style which is very modern (unlike LVP). It’s interesting how LVP is able to intimidate everyone except Erika.. and maybe Rinna as well. 

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LVP got a new stylist in recent years -- they all did after Erika joined the show. I think this new stylist has been very hit or miss for LVP. I miss her old looser style tbh. It's all a little severe now. But now everyone (except Denise bless her soul) is dressing like they're going to an S&M rodeo and it's too much. Too much time spent watching these hoes get done up like it's the Oscars for a latte at the organic coffee shop. And it's taken the place of truly organic drama and interaction. In my humble opinion. Heck I even miss Kyle's Alene Too kaftans sometimes.

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I still watch the shows but ATL is the only one I watch when it comes out. Im playing catch up with the rest


I used to think LVP could do no wrong but she is a bit manipulative and likes to play victim. I dont like how the other women always gang up on her but I can see through Lisa's BS now



You like Jennifer? I cant stand her. One of the worst housewives. I may dislike her even more than Kathy and thats saying something. She's so extra and it doesnt feel real or organic. I think she is very aware of the camera and trying to secure a second season


Jackie. Dislike her too. Both housewives are a bust.


The husbands fighting is downright pathetic. Danielle's husband saying that Margaret is jealous of her is so messy.

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Lol yeah I thought Jennifer came across well in this week's episode (part 2 of the reunion). She softened a bit and sounded more relatable. I find her very entertaining (mainly because I know people like her IRL) -- in contrast with Kathy. I did think Kathy acquitted herself well in her forced send-off two seasons ago. She ended up carrying the can for the Gorgas/Wakiles, and it is kind of sad the way the Gorgas dumped Rosie, Kathy etc so quickly.


I love the husbands in NJ! I like that everybody family-related gets in the mix, and I enjoyed the drama this season. Pacey and not too toxic. Danielle's ex-husband looked like a fool, though. Especially now that we know the Two Joes were right and just looking out for him. Danielle is already engaged to a new guy!


I've been lax about keeping up with ATL this season. I found it hard to get into after Kenya's departure and couldn't warm to Eva. Maybe I should catch up on more episodes. 

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You’re not really missing anything with Atlanta to be honest. It’s defintely one of their worst seasons, easily.



Erika has disliked Lisa since she came on the show as Yolanda’s “friend.” Lisa’s want of Erika’s approval is one of the things that annoys me the most. The way the ladies all need her validation and approval is stupid overall. She has serious anger issues and is one of the most humorless and defensive Housewives on any franchise. And her “fashions” do absolutely nothing for me. She has a whole team that dresses her like a clown.

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 Erika's style is fabulous??? Um, ok if you say so.


I do think it's interesting vanderpump is trying to get on Erika's good side.  The one thing I will say about Erika is that she called out Vanderpump as a spider and said she isnt her friend.  Since then, erika has been cordial to vanderpump .and nothing more.  rinna is too messy and tries to suck up to vanderpump off and on.

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My opinion on the BH thing...  It is more entertaining out of the gate than it normally is, but I'm still worried this dog storyline will drag throughout the entire season and become another boring ass season, yet again.  BH really shoots itself in the foot by doing this, season after season.  What I love about NYC is that those girls can get over something so quickly and move on, there may be story arcs, but each episode is something different, exciting and entertaining (and funny).


I see through LVP.  I like her, but I think she's annoying sometimes and I can see how she grates on the nerves of the other ladies.  The 'English jabs' can be tiring and off-putting - like saying Dorit snores and farts 

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  But I also respect her work ethic and I love her on Vanderpump Rules.  


Unless I missed something, wasn't LVP the one that brought up the dog situation that first night in the Bahamas in front of Kyle and Rinna?  They were talking about Dorit being allergic to cats and LVP goes "and probably dogs ha ha", which then pushed Rinna to ask what she's talking about.  LVP - why would you make that joke if you didn't want the dog thing to be brought up again?   


I think the whole thing is being blown out of proportion, which again, is BH's achilles heel (panty-gate anyone?).  Dorit should have given the dog back Vanderpump Dogs, she admits that, Lisa forgave Dorit... let's move the heck on.


Erika - I loved her during her first season, but ever since Hong Kong and tearing into Eileen, I've had the same thoughts as most of you.  She's rude, humorless and tacky.  Such a shame.

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Agreed. That's when the decline began for me, too. That cold, flat delivery thing she does when goes on about being offended by some dumb comment (Eileen, Teddi last year, LVP this year, etc.) has grown tired and unnecessary. 


At the end of the day, to quote Ramona Singer, she's just not a "girl's girl". 

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Exactly! It was KYLE who said it, not LVP. This has Kyle and Rinna's stink all over it. 


That said, I do understand some of the criticism of LVP and I too thought she was just dumb to bother with Erika. I understand LVP's point about the card...in her mind, or at least she wants the audience to think, she feels Erika is a better friend to her than that. But Erika isn't. She's never been LVP's friend. And LVP needs to get real. Erika is a cold, humourless, awful bitch.





I love you guys!

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Checkmate, bitches!! Word on the street is that LVP got another spin-off -- centering on VPD! The coven is hopping mad! They went out to Craig's for dinner last night to commiserate. Apparently they feel 'used' by production and LVP, and are angry she is being 'rewarded' for not filming with them. I dont even know why they are pissed -- this likely means LVP will no longer film RHOBH. But LOL she left on her terms, not theirs. Rinna must be FURIOUS! She wanted to destroy her so badly.


Re: the Erika fashion talk:

Erika succeeds IMO when she goes Old Hollywood like the white 30s pant suit or even the latex outfit in Berlin (cliché as that was). However, it is getting costume-party territory, and even her non-costumey looks are derivative of the Kardashians or Gwen Stefani. Remember her first season how soft and pretty she looked hanging with Tom? The fashion one-upping has become so competitive now, that's why I don't enjoy it anymore. It's not for entertainment purposes, it is to outdo the others and show off how much money you pretend to have. It's for Erika to lord it over the others and keep them at arms length, bowing to her 'superior' style.

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