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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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From what Tamara Tattles is hearing, it sounds like they’re making Kenya an offer, but due to her pregnancy and reduced filming schedule it sounds like they’re trying to offer her a Friend position. She’ll only accept a guaranteed peach. Tamara also said that all the other housewives were accommodated for their pregnancies and that it was odd they weren’t doing the same for Kenya. 


Honestly, this is what we go through every season with RHOA. They never know what they’re doing. Hell, they had Tammy film an entire season as a housewife and even included her in the cast photo only to fire her before it aired. They also apparently have 3 newbies filming so we will see if that amounts to anything. 


Eta: I’m in the season five reunion and Aviva is just getting slaughtered! I can’t recall but is there any housewife that was so well liked and mid season became a villain like this? It’s such a turnaround! Usually it happens their second season not during their first. She literally went from everyone liking here, which is rare to bring the biggest nuisance and drama queen until she finally left. 

Edited by Chris B
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Yeah I believe someone might have posted it waaaaaaay back that as they were filming that it looked like that might be the theme. Don't quote me on that though.

LOL!!!! Nope. I fell for LeeAnne's redemption last season and loved all the stuff with Ashley Abbot. Other than RHOA, I think that's the only consistent posting for a RH show I did last year. lol. They had a great second season after that murky first season. 

Producers still sour over their failed coup on the Queen.  

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Just finished rewatching season 7 of New York so here are some scattered thoughts.


Bethenny really disrupted the harmony the cast from seasons 5 and 6 had developed. She really stood out and honestly was an unlikable bitch for most of the season.


Ramona is literally just an awful [!@#$%^&*]. No matter what random season I watch, she’s still awful.


I really enjoyed the Heather, Carole, and Luann friendship so I hated watching it crash after Turks and Caicos. I miss Heather and Kristen and would take them over Tinsley.


Dorinda sucked her first season. Like seeing it a second time, she’s pretty awful. She had random blow ups at Kristen and Heather, she actually went after Heather multiple times for no reason. I’m wondering how she became a crowd favorite.


Pretty good season for the Countess until after Turks where she decided the women wanted to catch her with a man. Which just seemed so random. It was fun seeing her single and having fun, especially knowing the awful Tom period of the show is right around the corner.


Sonja is [!@#$%^&*] nuts.


I’m not sure I can rewatch season 8. It was a pretty nasty season from what I remember.

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Agreed on both counts. Season 4 was fantastic, on a par with S3 NYC, while Kim Fields' season (S7? S8?) was the best of the more recent seasons. I liked some of the sweetness she brought to the show and felt she was 100% authentic. Kim Fields' Year also had coked-up Tammy and the aggressive guy who tried to attack Kenya in Miami. And Porsha trying to straddle Cynthia in order to punch her and Cynthia donkey-kicking her away!




100% agree regarding Melbourne. I don't think it should be considered a show apart just because it is international -- I enjoy it as much as I enjoy the US-based RH shows. In fact, I just finished watching Season 4 of Melbourne and IMO this was its best season yet! I would agree with your rankings in that OC, Melbourne, NYC and Potomac are among the most consistently entertaining of the RH shows. Though I tuned out of OC last year, this has not dimmed my excitement for the new season. I'm so relieved Meghan is finally gone, for a start! The same cannot be said of BH which I used to adore but which badly needs a revamp and multiple firings. People who refuse to play the game should be let go.


Shout out to Auckland which shone brightly its first season but will likely never return. 

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Back to Melbourne, I was glad Pettifleur left as she was exhausting. The jury is still out on whether Sally and Venus are great additions -- Gamble Breaux, they ain't -- but they are better than Petty Complaints. Venus was clearly put in there to be Gina's minion, the new Gamble, but she doesn't have Gamble's quick wit. Still, I thought there was a niceness underneath it all and that is a breath of fresh air on a show where the HWs DO. NOT. PLAY. Sally was a stuck-up snob, but wow did she ever trigger Gina! She reminded me of Andrea in that sense but without the poisonous disdain towards 'ordinary working mums' (a phrase I hope to never hear again).


The group is clearly split in two, and I can see good and bad points of both sides. I never feel like Production is trying to make me root for one group over the other (the same cannot be said for ATL, BH and NYC in recent times). I will always love Gina because even when I don't agree with her, she argues her case succinctly and I understand where she is coming from. Her alliance with Lydia confounds me given the way Lydia betrayed her in S1; I guess it is down to the fact that they are both second generation Italians who grew up knowing each other. Lydia remains the dumbest villainess that ever plotted, and that tickles me. She is very childlike in her meanness, thanks to her stunning lack of smarts, and I'm ok with that.! I've always liked the relationship between Jackie and Gina even though they are often on opposite sides; Jackie was better this season than in seasons past imo when she was pushing her wine (I hope we never hear of La Mascara again!) and trying to be the Ellen of Australia.


Gamble says so much stupid sh*t but she always wins me over with her fragile bird aura and her whip-sharp sense of humor. Janet I also love as well, although her gossiping behind people's backs continues to get her in hot water. Not sure if her and Jackie's friendship can withstand Lydia's allusion that Janet has been talking out of turn.


And finally Alex Perry, born Alexandros Pertsindis, is my favourite Reunion host ever!



YES I DID SEE THAT AND IT WAS THE BEST THING IN THE TRAILER!!! I know this is sacrilege to say, but imo the Dallas tv series of the 80s lacked a strong matriarch/strong daughter dynamic like Dee and D'Andra Simmons.There is no way Dina Mergeron isn't driving into that parking lot every day at 7.59am to let herself into the office, rummage through the paperwork on Ashley's desk and break into into her computer. I'm willing to bet that the glorious old lady chemists in the lab are keeping her abreast of things too!

Edited by Cat
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I also agree. The RHOA Season 4 reunion is still one of the best reunions start to finish. I would say this past reunion with the dragging of Wig was an awesome one as well with Kenya vs Struggleface...I mean my girl Marlo. 


You make me realize that I haven't watched the recent Melbourne season. So are you saying that Gina does not come out well like she usually does a la season two curse bad?

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Nope, I thought she came out fine! She is very consistent in how she comes across, and this is still the same Gina as we knew her in previous seasons. There is always a fear that a fave like Gina will be hit by the season two curse, and just when I think she might be staring into the curse's abyss, she manages to pull back and remind me why I enjoy her so much. Her personality, her wit, her smarts, her impassioned outbursts, her entire look -- she is the show. But just like the others, she is human and has her flaws. Still love her though!


Hope you get a chance to watch it -- it is literally only 12 episodes long and IMO it was the most quietly enjoyable season of the lot.

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I liked the Kim Fields season.. at least the reunion of that season.  Kim Fields vs Kenya was an intriguing fued because both had legitimate gripes about the other.  Kenya is correct that Kim does tend to talk down to others while Kim was right on the money that Kenya loves to pull out that blender to mix things up.  Plus, both women used words and not their fists to fight with one another (Porsha should have been banned from ever appearing on the show again).


For me.. RH of Orange County will always hold a special place in my heart... it's still about their families and about their interactions with one another.  Season 13 will interest me.. just to see Shannon on a blind date alone LOL


NY doesn't interest me because it is almost all about them as a group and not very much about their personal lives (give me more individual scenes without a surprise drop in from another cast member).

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Karen came in guns blazing this episode and equipped with that Chanel brooch and new foxy wig, she was ready to rock n roll with taking Giselle down several pegs. The mime was unintentionally hilarious. Karen had no time for that at all. Dim bulb Robyn couldn't even get out a full sentence before Karen grand damned her ass with a few flicks of her manicured hand.


Ashley and Michael as a couple are DOA and Ashley's mother is uncomfortable to watch. Her wig was tragic. And Ashley can't sing. She's a pot stirrer, but she brings little to the table herself. 


Candy Ass and her man need to call off this charade. All she has going for her is this stupid wedding that will never end. She brings zero to the table. Bring back Charisse's messy, bloated, champagne infused, crooked wigged ass full time.


I enjoyed seeing Monique and Charisse have a good cry. I don't believe any of it, mind you, because Monique could hardly get a drop of tear to form, and Charisse is devoid of genuine feeling


I cannot wait for next week's trip to Cannes - the South of France is my favourite place on earth. It is spellbinding. Gorgeous. Exotic. Luxurious. Sparkling. LVP gave us a glimpse of it many seasons back on BH, but it's high time that a franchise went there properly. Bring it on!

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