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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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I dont like Kenya filming alone with Phaedra. I dont trust that hoe and dont think Kenya should open up to her either. I will say that Phaedra looks beautiful in her new talking head. Kenya does as well

Phakedra switching things up and says she wants 50% of the proceeds...see how much of a fraud she is? Trying to scam the women out of their money in the guise of "charity"

LOVED that the women got together and realized that Sheree talks alot of s--t and spreads their info. That scene needed to happen bc she does do that and never gets called out

I thought Kenya was crazy in previews to try and move in with Kandi given her situation but it was Kandi that extended the invitation. Its wrong of Kandi to have done that when she had no intentions of wanting her in her home. This Matt storyline is draining and Im ready for it to be wrapped up

LMAO at Kenya shading Sheree's booth. "Who Gonna Check Me?" t-shirts...really Sheree? That was a phrase from 5 seasons ago when was barely relevant. She had some nerve trying to make fun of Kenya when Kenya has an actual product and brand

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Despite my love for Kenya I am totally Team Marlo and here's why. Phaedra brought her on the show to do her bidding with Nene and although that would've gained Marlo lots of friends and possibly a peach, she gave Marlo a fair shot and was a good friend to her. Their relationship benefitted both of them. Marlo stepped up Nene's fashions and gave her an entertaining side kick while Nene helped build her profile. Nene also wouldn't have had any footage for her wedding spin off if not for Marlo. 


Nene introduced Marlo to Kenya so naturally they all became friends. It was unfair to assume Marlo should turn on Kenya just because of her petty (and let's be real they were petty) squabbles with her. Once Nene turned on Marlo she continued to be a good friend to Kenya. I believe Marlo when she says Marlo contacted her to setup her birthday and when she saw she could repair her friendship with Nene, Kenya dumped Marlo for the higher profile friend. Marlo explained her case well and Kenya herself said she couldn't defend her actions so she deflected and started to bash Marlo. 


I think this is all a setup for next season when Nene will likely be back. She needs the money and a high profile gig. They have leverage now and all her whining about not being asked to film this year shows she wants to come back. She'll have to take whatever Bravo offers because they've now proved two years they don't need her for ratings or press. 


Other than that that I don't have much to say about this episode. With the charity event I think Sheree and Kenya should be ashamed of how little they donated. Personally I would've given 100% of proceeds and doubled it out of pocket. Kenya and Sheree giving less that 600 just looked so cheap. 


I did enjoy Kenya and Phaedra having a normal relationship. I've always enjoyed them as friends and wish they could maintain that. Kandi also remains MVP for me. I feel she always delivers and is also one of the most real. She's not a true original missing season one but she'll always be the true OC for me. I don't always agree with her but she's vital to this show. 

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IA with @Chris B. It does look like kenya chose Nene over Marlo and quite frankly she did. Id be feeling a certain type of way as well. Kenya should have invited both and if the other had a problem with the other showing up, then they could have chosen not to attend.


Marlo filming with Sheree to shade Kenya though? Not a good look for her. Sticking with Sheree is far from a power move

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Isn't Marlo the one who reintroduced Sheree last year? People keep saying Marlo is hopping on Sheree, but I could've sworn she brought Sheree to Cynthia's party in the season opener and she also had scenes with Sheree working out on Bravotv.com. 


And yes there are two trips, camping and Hawaii. Marlo goes on the camping trip with them but I believe Lena is done at this point. 

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Oh I know they just used Marlo as an excuse to ease her in, but my point is that she isn't latching onto her. If anything, Marlo helped Sheree, including this season. Sheree had sucked this year. She's only a talk to and her scenes with Bob are coma inducing. We still haven't seen a house, air mattress, tent or apartment. I'm over Sheree. She needs to step it up next season. I don't even find her relationships with the girls interesting this year. 

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Not an air mattress! 


We did see the living room part of her apartment/condo when Kairo & Kali were reintroduced to us. I doubt Sheree wants us to see all of that though. 


But with Marlo, I get what you're saying now. I do have to give Sheree props though b/c she is at least stirring the pot (along with Kenya) this season. 


Her stories with Bob are fake though. That's why they are coma inducing. Those 2 aren't back together or even attracted to each other. I've heard that Bob has another woman and is only helping Sheree, so she'll keep this check and stay off his back for money. 

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Sheree stirring the pot was cute at first, but the girls don't even call her out on it. I feel like everyone views her as a joke so she can't get a rise out of anyone. The feud with Kenya was her attempt and it fell flat. Sheree needs a good direct rival to really pop and I hope she gets one next season. I do enjoy Sheree I just need more realness. This is why I support Kandi through thick and thin. What you see is what you get with her, positive and negative. She shows you her true life. I need a little bit more of that with but Sheree or at least a more believable love interest than Bob. 

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Sheree popped last season cause she was just a friend....the Greek chorus that commented on the train wreck of the other women.  She should have stayed supporting..so she could go ton the events..maybe even the vacation...but not have to produce individual day to day scenes.


I think if you have nothing going on in your personal day to day life...you should just be a friend....Brandi, on RHOBH should never have been full time due to not being allowed to film half of her life.

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