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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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She did apologize to Kim. It wasn't the apology Kim wanted but she did it. It was more than what the other women did. None of them owned their parts in it and all placed blame on Kenya. I was glad that Andy called Nene out on WWHL, and I am sure he'll do the same on Thursday when they film the reunion with Porsha and Phaedra. 


My whole issue with Kim is that she feels that only Kenya deserves a 'read.' Wrong. If you gonna read one person then read them all. Nene, Porsha, and Phaedra deserved a read. Kim's husband was the only one that dished a nice/nasty read out to the other three (see below): 


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And Kenya has been 'dismantled' so many time that it's old. I honestly don't see her catching any flack at this reunion except for the usual. I don't see Nene really coming for Kenya as she's over their rivalry, which she showed on WWHL. Sheree likes Kenya even though she fakes that she doesn't. Cynthia will cry and express that Kenya hurt her but they'll get over it. Kandi likes Kenya so there's no drama there. Phaedra and Kenya might exchange a few words (re: the Miami incident) but it won't be too toxic and dark like previous seasons. Porsha and Kenya hardly interacted so they have no reason to even talk. Only thing these women will pile up on Kenya on is Chris-is-gay-gate, which Andy will call the other women out and lessen the blow. Kim will play aloof and take the so-called high road do herself in. She'll get the DeShawn/Claudia treatment and get one season. 


I truly don't see this reunion being toxic like past ones. Only person with a major chip on their shoulder is Kim and all of the women want her gone. 

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I did not expect those miserable tics Brandi and Yolanduh to show up at NYC but their scene with Kristen and Carole turned out to be SO much fun! And Heather's anniversary party really looked great. There was part of the scene were Heather, LuAnn, Kristen and Carole were sitting in a line in front of some tall grass with the sunset behind them that was a thing of beauty. And I cannot believe Ramona's daughter has grown so much she's going to college. I have to admit, I felt a little twinge of sadness.

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Whatever that link is, it keeps making ads pop up on my phone when reading the thread.



I don't recall Kenya apologizing for the gay thing, in fact she decided to throw in tax issues as well. Her apology to Cynthia came off phony as hell.


I literally have zero [!@#$%^&*] to give about Kenya or Porsha's dating lives. Whenever they get those alone scenes I just tune out completely.


I respect Kim Fields for not getting down and dirty, which is exactly what Kenya wants her to do so she can later cry victim.

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I totally agree! RHoMelbourne totally validated my love for the RH franchise. This is what it SHOULD be like, true glamour and gorgeous locales, served with drama, social manipulation and a lot of humor too.


Lydia is giving me LIFE so far. I always loved to hate the bitchy bombshell, and now I feel like THIS is the true Lydia. She just oozes insincerity at every turn, gossips, backstabs,condescends, not to mention is dumb as a box of rocks. The way she treats her poor housekeeper Joanna (" Let's rev it up a bit, sweetheart"), omg. She really thinks she is Mother Teresa wrapped in Sophia Loren's body. Still, I have to love her bitchery and her attempt to stir the pot and play Pettifleur against Gamble.


And totally, I did not buy any of her denials regarding Shaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhne Warne. This guy is the equivalent of a Tom Brady or a Kobe Bryant in the cricket world -- but boy, he cannot keep his anteater in his pants. He famously broke up Elizabeth Hurley's marriage (she of Hugh Grant, Estee Lauder model, and The Royals fame) and when they were together, she stuck him in a diet and he went and had a major facelift, some Fraxel and probably a nose job, too. I think she really fell for him but Shane couldn't stop his tomcat ways... and now it seems he's hooking up with Lydia the kitten! LOL I hope he appears on the show this season.


Gamble vs. Pettifleur --- Team Gamble all the way. Pettifleur is a jealous, egoistical, mean-spirited wannabe -- just the way she stomped around in heels to the coffee shop to meet Lydia shows what a try-hard she is. Spreading rumors about Gamble's beloved wolf cub while STILL playing the Poor Me victim card epitomizes how desperate she is to stay relevant with the women. Gamble by contrast is witty, self-deprecating about herself and the other women, and has a lot of vulnerability she is not necessarily worried about showing.


Chyka & Bruce.... lol, I think I want to marry Bruce myself. At first I thought the scene where they confronted their daughter about driving his car was slightly contrived, but then she started crying for real and I thought 'Oh sh*t! They just guilt-tripped and embarrassed her on national television!" It was a pretty funny scene. I think I will always enjoy Chyka even if she doesn't always 'bring it' in terms of sh*t-stirring. I like that she is a happy oasis of calm.


I kind of agree about Jackie. She stomps in like a bull in a china shop and tries to be all ballsy and knock heads together in the fights and I just want her to take a seat and STFU. I'm glad she's stopped saying "That's so couture!" though. I have a feeling Jackie won't be as involved this season on the show, I don't know why.


I'm not sure how I feel about Susie just yet, but I cannot deny her Melbourne social pedigree, or the fact that when she was talking about Lydia, she was speaking the 100% TRUTH.


I'm so glad the show is back! It really feels like a breath of fresh air!

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Totally agree with everyone - Melbourne gave me LIFE yesterday evening.


Lydia is a total dolt but she's amped up her housewives game like I didn't know she could and is a major focus of attention. Lydia is easy to love to hate because she's so dumb and awful to her housekeeper but isn't straight up evil like some housewives of yore. She protested a little too much about Shane Warne, the sleaziest sleaze who ever sleazed, but her husband seems to find her amusing.


Team Gamble in the fight with Pettitfleur. Gamble is what she is and doesn't try to play sophisticated ("I dated a guy whose family owned Selfridges - I thought they sold fridges.") and I like that she laid it out for Pettitfleur and swore like a banshee.


Gina really shouldn't be losing her sparkle by being near Pettitfleur - Gina can survive as a solitary island if need be. I do find her reactions amusing.


I like Jackie - always have. She made me laugh when she replied "I got up and left" when the other ladies were amazed at how she escaped...good old common sense.


Loving Janet as usual - she takes NOTHING seriously and I love her for it. She's a good one to do battle with Lydia because Janet is witty and old school and smart - poor Lydiot doesn't stand a chance.


Chyka and Bruce are adorable and she really lucked out to find a soulmate like him. Her daughter seems sort of terrible though...


Susie seems like a good addition because she knows so many of them - that helps a lot in establishing a new housewife.


This season opener was glamorous, fun and feisty. Bring it on Melbourne!

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@DaytimeFan: Omg yassss when Gamble dropped that "selling fridges" joke I almost fist-pumped the air. Selfridges is a GREAT department store btw.


Agreed, and I think the shows have a lot of lightness which comes naturally and isn't forced. These women have a sense of humor about themselves. Even Lydia knows that she comes across as a buffoon sometimes. I also think that some are so rich that they don't really have to try and contrive lots of story for themselves -- they just are going to do their thing and worry about being witty and galivanting around with their pals. Some of the other franchises have gotten very dark lately, and there is a sense amongst some women that this is their primary source of income, so they will do whatever it takes to stay on the show. Somebody like Chyka, for example, would definitely survive and carry on having a great life working at her job if for whatever reason the producers decided to drop her.


Vancouver was an absolutely awesome show with some fascinating ladies... but it went way dark in Season 2 and, IMO, the producers actually made a wise choice to stop it. I honestly think somebody like Ronnie would have spiralled even deeper into depression and self-medicating if she was contractually obligated to carry on into Season 3. And that awful Jody person and equally awful daughter really did not deserve any more TV fame as a reward for their nastiness.

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Given what happened to the Vancouver ladies season 3 would have been insanely dark: Ronnie splitting from her husband, Mia getting shot, Jody's custody battle and walloping in the BC Court of Appeal, Amanda relapsing, Mary getting sued by Jody for defamation...it would have been terrible. Production was smart to end it when it did.

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Honestly, I feel the same as Erika and Eileen re: Vanderpump.  I see the same thing.  Still, though, I love Lisa V...so what do you do?


Yolanda is the worst and I'm done with her.  They need to kick her off and then on the series finale, just give us a one-liner about how she's doing during the credits.


 I'd love to see Erika on this show without Yolanda. I really love her, but I don't love how she's tied to Yo.


We need to get off this page, because my phone is tripping out over that video - keeps taking me to ad sites.  :/ 

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Ain't sh-t wrong with Yolanda. Not if you can threaten someone. Kyle is better than me. I would've let Yolanda have it at that table. 


I am with Kathryn that Eileen needs to let it go. Vanderpump is not gonna give her the apology she wants. She should be glad that Lisa gave her the passionate one she gave tonight. The same can't be said for others. They would've died to get a portion of what Eileen got tonight. 


But while we are on Eileen, I didn't like when she said that Kathryn was not smart to relay what Erika said about LVP. I find that funny seeing as Eileen stays repeating and bringing up what others have said. 


You can tell that Kyle and Rinna are itching to call Yolanda on her sh-t but are fearful of the backlash. Again, they are better than me. I would've been told Yolanda where she and her 'illness' can shove it. 

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