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Absolutely agree - it's fan fiction. LVP will not succumb to the likes of anyone.




How does Kyle not comprehend that her undying loyalty to the Morally Corrupt Faye Resnick is not going to inspire joy in LVP? And let's be frank: the reason Kyle didn't want LVP flipping through her phone is because she's talking crap about LVP via text.


Yolanda hasn't walked in 9 months? Give me a [!@#$%^&*] break...oh and then she hasn't been to the beach in a year? She can't keep her story straight within the same scene! She's a bad actress with her mock shock about Anwar and Bella. 


I loved Erika's house. Pasadena is an old money, old school, California classic with beautiful mature trees and lush landscaping. It's got so much more character than Beverly Hills and Erika lives beautifully. And she can sing classically. 


Eileen and Vince's scene was very boring and very staged. Eileen is a talented actress, she made that scene WORK...Vince, on the other hand, is about as believable as a faked orgasm.


Lips backtracked like a MACK truck...Yolanda was working Lips hard and Lips cracked like a piñata. Yolanda pretending she doesn't know about Munchausen disease? Give me a [!@#$%^&*] break. Lips shouldn't feel guilty. Yolanda is a walking contradiction.


Kathryn had a good line with "I'm doing Halloween where all the sluts get a day pass"...but boy do I see the age difference between her and Donnie. He is incredibly polite. Kathryn isn't wrong about Faye and Kyle spluttered like an old car when confronted. Kyle really is an unskilled debater and all she can do is whine like a highschool bitch and demand that LVP side with her - which LVP wisely sidestepped. 


Erika's reaction to Kathryn telling her not to use the C word was hilarious. She is unflappable.


Next week looks GOOD!

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Oh, you all. If you saw the clip last night, you really have nothing to worry about, but the fact that she went gunning for Lisa makes next week look like it will be all kinds of awesome for THAT alone. THEN you have the stuff in the preview as well.


Next week can't get here soon enough.

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Thank you for reassuring me. I was worried that Yolanda and her fakery had 'got' Lisa and that she would run all the way to Reunion and beyond with it. How dare you question a sick woman and her sick children... Who are you to spread gossip... Who is Lisa Vanderpump in dis verld?


I think Lisa will avoid going hard on Yol, tho. For the reasons illustrated above. And I also think Yol did score a victory of sorts by getting Mohammed to come out publicly on IG and say the LVP friendship was over. LVP/Mo really did have a long-time friendship. I also do not doubt for one minute that Mohammed said that to Lisa and he meant it just the way she took it. :lol: Allegedly Gigi Hadid is already telling worried family friends asking her about Bella and Anwar that none of the three kids are sick. Let me repeat that: NONE of them.


Allegedly. B)



You know what struck me about that apology scene? The fear. Fear in Lipsa's eyes. Yolanda has her scared. Which tells me that she believes Yolanda is making this up and that this is a mental issue. That's why she was bowing and scrapping and couldn't get out of there fast enough. I felt bad for Lips actually. 


Kyle is just... :lol: The jealousy is real (even though I think it has died down a little). Her comment at the end about "BE CAREFUL LISA. Remember what happened the last time you sided with the new girl over me." LOrd. AS IF Kyle has some kind of social power in BH to shut Lisa out of the BH social scene! Girl, the reason Lisa took Brandi's side over yours is because you colluded with Adrienne, Taylor and others and tried to get everybody to turn against LVP at S2 Reunion. And then got your mouth piece Faye to go after Lisa the following year with the same tired "Chess game" mantra! At least Lisa has a sense of humor over it and over the fact that she holds a grudge. :lol:

Edited by Cat
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No, I haven't been watching. As everyone knows, my favorite BH housewife was Brandi, and obviously she's gone. I also loved Kim, and she's gone too. I can't stand Kyle, to the point that even when I was watching, she almost made me not want to. As much as I loved LVP seasons 1-3, I've found her increasingly disgusting since season 4. Lisa Rinna is someone I always liked, but last season made me dislike her. Eileen I love as an actress and liked well enough on the show, but not enough to make me watch. Yolanda I have always liked and, while I do believe she is sick, I don't necessarily want to watch another season where that's all we talk about. Also, I find it disgusting to question someone's illness, and that appears to be what the main storyline is this season. I don't care what it "looks like" or even if Yolanda is delusional, she's obviously ill with something and I think it's extremely tacky to center a show around screaming at a sick person that they're not sick.


So, there's not really much reason for me to watch, lol.

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Adrienne was on last season and i beleive made an appearance earlier this season.




Kenya's blog is up


Bravotv.com: Why do you think things got so heated with Kim?

Kenya Moore: It doesn’t matter why at this point I took things too far by pulling her chair. Although I didn’t touch her that could have gone in a very bad direction, and I thank God it did not. There is no excuse for my behavior and I am deeply embarrassed. I do wholeheartedly apologize to Kim.

With that said, I have always had the ability to read energy and see the subtle nuances in one’s behavior. I have previously stated that she is often condescending, self-righteous, and judgmental. She tried to blame me for “provoking” the man who was threatening and aggressive with all the women in Miami; she has made nasty comments about Life Twirls On despite all the work and money that went into it and the immense love I received for it from fans and industry professionals; she judges and lectures all the women on some level. Nothing is lost on my eyes and ears. Including her husband coming for me every episode calling Matt "a mutant I found off the street." Let the record show he came for me first, and I didn’t send for him.

When Kim went to the room and ranted to her equally delusional husband, she stated “I’m Kim Fields!” I think that says it all about what she thinks of herself. I’ve never heard Meryl Streep, Shonda Rhimes, Oprah Winfrey, or even Tyler Perry say something so arrogant. Who does she think she is? Oh, that’s right…Kim Fields. Womp Womp

Bravotv.com: What went through your mind when NeNe Leakes surprised you all at dinner?

KM: I knew NeNe would be back, I just didn’t know it would be so soon and in Jamaica. I was so bored with the table that I almost didn’t notice her walk in.

Bravotv.com: Were you surprised to hear that Cynthia said you were not BFF?

KM: A true friend not only defends you in your presence but in your absence. This is a woman I have adored for over four years and I consider her my sister. When she denied me, it just felt a little too much like rejection, and I’m all too familiar with that. I was surprised and crushed that she would treat me that way. She not only embarrassed me but deeply hurt me. I just hope our friendship is strong enough to withstand this test.


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In Real Housewives of Cheshire news Dawn Ward was in court yesterday defending against a criminal charge that she assaulted the 80s singer Sinitta. The case continues in June. This article also revealed that Dawn put her mansion up for sale in September.



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I think Yolanda may have some type of illness, but I think she's also a woman whose kids are growing up, and in some cases are having more success than she ever did, she is married to a man who is cold and even if he wasn't, could probably never give her what she wanted, and her time on the show, instead of being the platform for her empire and to make her the queen bee of the BH ladies, saw her make one bad choice after another and end up being an outcast on all sides as well as having little support from viewers. 


Retreating into an illness, especially one that will put positive attention on her and act as a catch-all for various things she has done or can't do, using said illness as an example of what a wonderful and loving mother you are - even if she isn't doing it consciously, it must be very tempting.


I think she has some real mental health problems and if Bravo had had any sense of responsibility they would have let her go. Instead, as often happens with this show, they hang on too long and too late.

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