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I can't believe I am saying this, but IA with Kandi in that interview ^. When she was recounting the story to Carmon and Don Juan, she was pretty shady painting it as Poor Porsha/Bad Cynthia. But she is right here ^ in that Cynthia shouldn't have started getting petty over the Bitch word. However, Porsha should have acted like a human being. Porsha resorting to physical fighting underscores how she cannot fight back with words so she goes with fists. I don't think she even has anger management issues as much as 'This is going to make me look BOSS' issues. Porsha thinks she is about the thug life but she really isn't. And it's a shame because, dumb as she is, I have been enjoying her this season up until now. I thought that she and Cynthia handled the apologies well and I am beyond relieved this will not become a SL dominating the rest of the season.


Kandi was :lol: putting Kenya in her place. Kenya used this fight to burnish her crown/halo and make it all about her but Kandi and Kim were having none of that. I think Kenya lowkey liked the fact that Porsha was on the outs with Cynthia.


BTW Kandi looks beautiful in her VTs. Gosh I can't believe I am complimenting Shady Kandi so much this week!


Phaedra saying she saw cuts on Porsha's stomach -- when the camera clearly saw none -- was such a huge lie, but I bet she will never get called out on it. I can't believe Kim somehow thinks Phaedra is her pal in this group. LOL did anybody see Phaedra's face at the lunch when Kenya tried to go on for a kiss? :lol:


Sheree should definitely get a peach. I am enjoying her participation in the show a hell of a lot more than I ever thought I would.


Peter snuggling into Cynthia's amazing breasts as the hugged it out lolololol. Papa Smurf is such an old horndog. 

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so Yolanda's still dying? Insert eyeroll. Everything is wrong with her. The metal in her mouth is poisoning her. She has 2 feet long parasites. There's the Lyme Disease. Yada yada yada. Its quite pathetic what she feels she has to go through to hold onto a man that doesnt want her


Kyle went to Nice, Monaco and Portofino....I was at all three this past summer! Kathy Hilton is f--ked up. I dont get why 2 of Kyle's kids are invited to the wedding but she and the other girls are not. WTF? Their family has some major issues. I do think Lisa should have left it alone since Kyle didnt want to discuss it in front of the children


When Lisa's mom said that her dad's lips were swollen, I thought she was going to crack a joke about Lisa




I cant with Yolanda. The pity party continues



Yolanda Foster Broke David Foster Condo

I’m Broke! Yolanda Complains To Friends About Life After Divorce

‘RHOBH’ star has gone from a Malibu mansion to a modest condo.

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That's what happens when you marry for money. She tried to fool everyone with her constant proclamations of love but unfortunately she fooled no one, not even King David. I have zero pity for her.


Perhaps some of her Hollywood friends will let her crash in their pool house? :lol: 

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The thing is she is not broke! She is just whining for more sympathy. She was married to billionaire Mohammad and got $35 million from the divorce and still gets child support for Anwar which I read is $30K/month. She also has her own money from her modelling days and she got properties from the divorce. Her "broke" is not the same as ours. I cant with her

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I can't until the day Rinna burns all these bridges...


"Heavy metals"!? Oh Lord Lemons you're truly losing it...David showing up at the last minute shows just how checked out the marriage he was by this point. It'd be sad if it wasn't so obvious how fake their marriage was...

OMG she's got more medications in that closet than my mom had when she had full blown kidney failure with diabetes! Ridiculous 

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RH of BH


Yolanda: first of all, her story makes me sad for her because she's clearly ill...just not in the way she probably thinks. Yolanda is one of those people whose probably dealing with depression, menopause, empty nest syndrome, a bad marriage and ageing - and now she's made it into some kind of over the top illness. She's manifested a lot physically. But then she's made it so much worse by doing a wild ride of treatments that are bogus, California crap. Word to the wise, Daisy, her 'healthcare advocate' admits to being a former hooker on her website, among so many other professions my mind boggles. And let's be honest, being a former hooker might work on a soap opera (take a bow Karen Wolek!) but she has basically no formal medical training. That's just plain dangerous. That closet of vitamins and medications was just ridiculous. That many pills can lead to extreme liver toxicity. I really did not appreciate Yolanda reading, with a bottle of Patron next to her bedside, only to make herself look exhausted and tired once Lips and Eileen arrived - I just have to call bullsh*t on that. 


LVP: I loved seeing her in Tuscany and it's interesting that the Vanderpump-Todds are in LA because Ken likes it there. I am quite sure that, one day, Lisa will return to Europe, at least part time. She will go 'home' again, those English girls always do. Lisa was right to say that Yolanda is taking so many steps it seems that she doesn't know what's wrong with her anymore. That isn't mean or critical, it's a factual observation. Lisa looked gorgeous in her floating dresses and perfect hat. I also don't fault her for discussing Kyle's f*cked up family. It isn't as if the kids don't realize that half of them haven't been invited and that Mauricio is being treated like crap. 


Eileen: her trip to Palm Springs was sad and otherwise she put in a respectable appearance at Yolanda's condo. I love that Eileen drives a Ford (me too!).


Lips: I love that she calls Harry "Harry Hamlin" and that she was showing off those beautiful earrings. That is so adorable. I do think Lips should keep in better touch with her parents. It's just laziness on her part that she doesn't. I loved her girls lunch with LVP, they are a winning pair. 


Kyle: she comes from a truly heinous family. We already knew this since we've seen Kim...but good lord Kathy Hilton, way to not control your PR image well. There is no positive way to spin "I invited my sister, then disinvited her, then invited her and kept half her children in the wedding party but left the other half and her husband out" in a positive way...I don't know what she was thinking. She could have just sat them in Siberia in the Kensington Palace gardens (that anyone can get married in by the way, they're open for rent!) at Nicky's second wedding. I do sort of feel sorry for Kyle as she can't seem to do anything right with her horrible family. Her mother failed them, despite Kyle's praise of her as some kind of amazing mother. LVP is right that Kyle should simply distance herself from her whole family for her own sake.



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Nene being off Housewives has been a really good look for her. She's had several slices of humble pie which is smart of her when she returns next season. Cus you know she will. Kenya never wanted anything more from Nene then her friendship. It's a shame Nene let her gigantic ego and insecurities get in the way. Kenya, Cynthia, Nene and Sheree could be the ultimate dream team! I'm loving how all the dynamics seem to be shifting off screen this season. 


And where the hell is Sheree's peach?! There's no excuse for her lack of a peach because she's put in a hell of a lot more work this season then Phaedra, Porsha and Kim (even tho I do like her.) 

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