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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Sneak peek of next week's therapy session on RHOA:


Just as I predicted. Nene is going to over talk and play victim while accusing someone else of being the victim. Nene seriously needs to grow the f-ck up! She's the eldest woman on the cast but she acts the youngest.

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I put this episode on my iPad and I was watching it from work before anyone else got in. Great episode! I found the fallout to the bullsh-t to be better than the actual bulls--t itself.

Demetria was more integrated this week. She wasnt on much but she felt like she had more of a presence.

Good lord, Kandi is having problems in her marriage so Poorsha recommended the same therapist that worked on hers....right before she got divorced. Im glad Kandi acknowledged how absurd that al was. Poorsha is a snake and I dont like how she is instigating beef between Phaekdra and Kandi. She is really stressing out Kandi's flaws and exacerbating them. BTW, why was she dressed like a thot at the lunch?

I have to give Nene credit for being positive this episode as she is usually nasty. I dont buy her actually caring for therapy though and that much is true as evidenced by the preview. It was funny how she called Cynthia defensive when she was the one that got all super defensive when Cynthia tried to ask about her. I was LMAO like Kandi was bc that exchange was funny.

Phakedra was so weak just running off from Cynthia when she got called out. Weak

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and she said the only reason she agreed to that meeting was bc she was a good Christian lady. That was right before she said she would have whooped Cynthia's ass, but ran off. Girl, bye


She is giving me thot vibes. Totally dressed inappropriately for that occasion


That wig though...

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I just noticed that Kandi is really sensitive. She cries in her talking heads, she cries when her mama tells her she doesn't come around, she cried during therapy and she is crying in the previews with Phaedra. Jeez.

Porsha need to step off. She's trying to make herself relevant by inserting herself between Kandi and Phaedra and Phaedra should know better but since she's fake as a southern belle routine I expect nothing less.

LOL at Kandi saying she didn't know about Mr Chocolate when a few seconds before Todd is telling Peter she knew. Busted!

There are no words to describe Nene's horrendous wig on the preview for next week. That monstrosity was awful. She looked like an overgrown cabbage patch kid on crack. And of course she walked away. As usual she could dish it but she can't take it. Nene would never care to have a group therapy to hash out the their problems since she's completely over them so this was clearly production mandated. Greg, my ass. She's such a hypocrite. I really hope they all read her for filth next week.

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RH of Melbourne

Janet: She is so thirsty and gossipy and freewheeling. Janet's shady, but she's also fun and doesn't take herself too seriously. She's in her mid 50s and has been there, done that, and bought the t shirt. So she doesn't mind throwing around her mouth

Pettitfleur: Like Andrea before her, the 'book' of hers is a boring storyline that nobody cares about. And she appeared to pull the rug out from under that friend of hers when she decided her 'book' needed to be written solely by her.

Gina: Pretty much sitting on the sidelines. She isn't nearly as enjoyable when she's just sitting back passively. Obviously, she was badly burned by Andrea, but she's so docile this season.

Gamble: She doesn't know how to play the Real Housewives game. That she exploded about being called a call girl/stripper only gives credence to those rumours, as her fiance said. That she'd then throw up an (admitted) false statement about Janet sleeping around for heroine (of all things) goes to show how easily rattled Gamble is.

Lydia: It seems she was very well acquainted with Shane Warne (Elizabeth Hurley's ex) and I wonder just how intimately she knows him...

Chyka: Not quite as Switzerland as she was last year. Her closet is great.

Jackie: She is lovely and fun. But she's adding very little this season aside from some levity...but judging from the previews, this will change. I can't wait!

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Gamble is growing on me. I am also liking her relationship with Gina.

Janet is doing herself no justice this season. Her messiness is going to bite her in the ass come reunion time. She already looked like she was about to crack at the fashion show when Gamble was chewing into her ass. But part of me felt bad because Janet wasn't the only one stirring the pot.

Chyka is gonna catch heat because she is no longer Miss. Switzerland, and everyone is catching on. Hope she has thick skin because I see some of the women calling her out eventually.

After this week, I've noticed that Lydia and Pettifleur don't mesh well with this cast. Both are super isolated. I can see it changing later on with Pettifleur later on as she's clearly going to stir the pot, but I don't see it with Lydia. She should've been given the boot alongside Andrea.


I hate that we had so little Magali this week. I live for her and her positive energy. I do like that she and Ampika are starting to build a close bond with each other.

But Ampika is the MVP this week. She said everything I wanted to be said about Leanne. Leanne is nothing but a slave. A puppet. A lapdog to Dawn. It felt good watching Ampika call Leanne out about her cleaning Dawn's messes up. Sad part is that I don't even think Dawn asks her to. Leanne just insists on doing it herself. Idiot.

Ampika and her ex still have feeling too. Glad that Lauren and Paul noticed it. I wouldn't be surprised if those two reconciled because there are clearly unresolved feelings between those two. In a strange way, I find Mark handsome too. Ampika better toss this other man aside and reunite with Mark.

I am over 'baby fever' on this show. Dawn keeps whining about wanting a baby and now Leanne wants one. :rolleyes: All this baby talk is going to end up killing this decent franchise before it even grows legs.

What I can't wait for next week is for Lauren and Paul to show out at that dinner party. These two have no chill and give no f-cks when it comes to Dawn's feelings. :lol: But I am wandering what makes Magali cry next week. Nobody better not cross my girl, Magali!

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I actually have found myself liking Lydia much better this season thus far. When evil influences are taken away, one can become nicer.

I actually much prefer seeing the women in their day to day lives...I thought they Chyka and Lydia scenes on their own were great.. and Pettifleur's scene just shows how mean and clueless she truly is.

At least Janet is owning that she is a gossip queen and she's very hilarious as is Gamble. The one thing I like about Gamble thus far is that she will say what she thinks to the person's face and I think her reaction was unscripted.

I think the show needs to better balance the group interaction and the day to day aspects of the women. Most of them have careers, i want to have scenes focused on that and their families.

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RH of Cheshire...

I enjoyed the few scenes Magali had, her clothes are so bright and beautiful - she knows how to dress for Dubai!

Dawn and Ashley trying for the baby - it's Countess LuAnn de Lesseps levels of ludicrous, I can hear Dawn's joints creaking she's so old. If she and Ashley just want folks to realize they can still keep it hot, got it, but don't kid us about the storyline. Dawn has been photographed out and about just this week and she obviously isn't pregnant - like sands through the hourglass, so are the viability of Dawn's ovaries.

Ampika is an IDIOT for not being with Mark. He's the father of her son and clearly adores her and she clearly still loves him - dump that stupid mystery man and move forward and grow up! She was lovely with Mark's mom, whose the classic Northern Englishwoman.

Leann is so tiresome and I loved how Ampika nuked her about how she cleans up Dawn's disastrous life. She could not rebut a single thing Ampika said. That she kept droning on about a baby - gimme a break. Stop talking, start *******. Then you'll get your baby.

I do love Lauren and Paul - they are two peas in a pod. Sure, they probably have a bit of dysfunction going on, but they're a riot and they 'get' each other. I also love how they really do not give a damn about Dawn's feelings because they think she's stupid.

Tanya is a non entity on the show. She's likable and her story of the credit card was fun - but it all adds up to a bit of whatever.

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