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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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IA. Brandi is an alcoholic and her concern for Kim is fake. Kim is the only one that tolerates her (bc she's a drunk herself). They are toxic together and arent doing each other any good. Its disturbing to watch. Brandi is dead wrong for trying to come between sisters. She needs to back off

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Kim: She is an a$$hole. I really don't see how she took the interaction with Kyle and Brandi the way that she did. Brandi must be passing her pills or sneaking her booze. She has some of the most easily hurt feelings for an adult woman on earth. She is pathetic!

Brandi: She and Kim have "been through more"? Really? I did laugh at "Kyle is an attention seeking whore, horrible sister, [bleep] of a bitch"...she also remained much calmer, sharper and nastier in the confrontation with Kyle. Brandi's a dirtbag, but at least she can keep it together when she's sober and really go for the jugular. I don't like Brandi at all, she's heinous, but she's met her match in Kyle.

Kyle: She's got this bad habit of squealing with hatred when she isn't getting what she wants. Kyle is furious that she has taken care of Kim, she resents the hell out of her for it. Kyle can't apologize to save her life. Her keen sense of melodrama and that frog croak of a voice she has when things get heated is a real treat. Kyle gets BIG when she gets angry and it's sort of like an overwrought child exploding into a tantrum and it's unintentionally hilarious. Her perfectly timed sigh of devastation when Brandi said Mauricio doesn't want her. You couldn't have written a performance better than that.

Lisa V: She broke my heart. It's the unspoken sadness of an adopted parent when they know that, deep down, in the heart of the child they've raised, those adopted parents aren't quite enough. And that's not wrong of Max to feel, but it's hard for a parent to bear. Particularly when she scooped him up and out of foster care, one of the uglier systems in the world, and gave him a beautiful life. She's handling it the right way, and Ken was right to add some levity with the "Well, your father was Japanese and your mother was Nigerian..." because it's a touchy subject. You could see how giving Max the information about his biological parents was the last thing separating him from total independence and being an adult. And that has to hurt. As an aside, she looked chic as hell in that black dress at the gay mixer.

Yolanda flies off to Italy. Whatever.

Eileen: She said it, it wasn't the time or place for Kim to try and "break the ice" between Kyle and Brandi! I love how Eileen and Lisa R are quiet comrades. Those daytime soap stars know to stick together and they really say nothing at all, as if they had some kind of blood pact when the show started, if so, that was damn smart of them. She makes me laugh with her common sense: "What do you do? Do I get a hose and hose them down?"

Lisa R: She's being kind when she describes Kim as sick. She's kind when she attributes Brandi's behaviour to being hurt. Lisa R is kind and fun and self effacing. I dig her.

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Lmao.....if Yolanda has a "life" I sure as hell am not seeing it. Cuz her life seems very empty and boring. Especially now that Gigi has left. I did find it interesting that Mohammed left her 18 months after her son was born. Talk about a hot mess. I wonder how long they were married.

Your analysis of Kyle is interesting but that's usually how it is with some folks. They'll stay quiet and try to keep it all in. But the minute it erupts is nasty and ugly. I sort of see Eileen being the same way.

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At least she gave up her endless bitching about "going to go get a Starbucks." Guess she FINALLY got the hint that nobody wanted to get a coffee with her except Brandi. (Which I'm sure she spiked with Bailey's)

With that said it really is sad what Lyme's disease is doing to her. I hope she can overcome all the challenges.

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