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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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You lost all credibility when you compared Kenya's empty bank account ass to Jesus. And then you somehow lost even more when you made it a black thing. Like your former ride or die bitch said, this ain't a black thing Starr Jones. Plenty of the people supporting Porsha on twitter are not black. Try again. ;)

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Pretty much wink.png

I'm on Kenya's side on the fight BUT Twitter was obviously on Porsha's side - black, white and in between.

I found it interesting how certain RHOA cast members were literally shutting Porsha's mouth. Hmm.

I feel bad for Kenya at reunions because she gets beat up uhm figuratively and literally. Her "spell it" line to Porsha was excellent though.

Cynthia was getting the worst of Kenya's props. Porsha was also throwing out a lot of derogatory comments towards Kenya before Kenya threw out the whore line. IMO, Porsha flipped on Kenya due to their verbal exchange not due to the props.


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But Queen Kenya did sacrifice her body to get rid of a pest and many of us applaud her. wub.png #JesusStatus #Hater2DaLeft :P

And most of them are black. Sorry but we do encourage violence when it comes to solving problems. Especially my generation (i.e. the younger generation). Instead of using our wits and words, we'd rather use weapons and our fists. Are we the only ones that react this way? No. Ours is showcased more, highlighted more, and instead of changing it, we encourage it. You cannot say that it isn't true because it. Instead of chastising Porsha AND Kenya, the mass condemns Kenya (who used her brains), but applauds Porsha for using violence. It's wrong. Violence is never the answer, and as I've said on here, feeble minded people use violence. A real boss uses words to sting an opponent. And Kenya did nothing bad to Porsha. She didn't hit her because of the scepter or blow horn. She hit her because she was all up in her feelings about the truth.

Ain't nothing wrong with being passionate in your stance but no one never has the right to hit someone. Had Porsha ignored her, she would've killed Kenya. And instead of Porsha taking something away from this, she's probably reveling in glory because Twitter fans are boosting her head up and telling her what she did was right, and it isn't right.

Edited by Nothin'ButAttitude
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To me, this is where I stand. Kenya does get it the hardest at reunions, but that's something she brings on herself. You can't just act any type of way all year and then expect people not to retaliate. That's how I feel about all these ladies, so long as their arguments are justified. You know I ride for Nene, but I didn't mind Kandi shutting her down re:Chick fil A because Kandi had a point. With Kenya, she makes all of these comments and acts a fool all year, and then plays the victim at the reunion talking about other people getting their karma. Where is her karma for stealing Phaedra's workout DVD idea, telling Phaedra she was going to get AIDs, acting a fool at Porsha's charity event, etc? She is phony.

As for the fight, I do not condone physical violence BUT that doesn't mean I don't understand it. You cannot come at somebody the way Kenya has been coming at Porsha, talking about her marriage, spreading lies and rumors, and getting into her face, without expecting that said person is going to reach a breaking point. Porsha did not handle things well but Kenya had it coming.

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But again, Porsha came for Kenya about her relationships (whether they be faux or not) too. She called Kenya out her name too. An eye for an eye. Plus, no one was talking to Porsha at that point. Like the Pinocchio she is, she allowed her strings to pulled by Gepetto 1 & 2 (Phae and Nene), and she's left to deal with the consequences.

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I could've sworn that Andy was talking to Kenya about her allegations that Porsha was cheating. Then Porsha interjected, trying to silence Kenya but Kenya whipped out the bullhorn, which further set Porsha off because she knew then she couldn't talk over Kenya. That's what I remember. Regardless, both were wrong and handled the situation poorly (one more than the other but I digress.... :P).

However, I still live for you Mr. Vixen, even though we're going through a housewives tiff. wub.pngwink.pngmad.gif

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You are correct - However, Kenya interrupted Porsha to throw in the cheating allegations. You're right, one did handle it worse than the other…but what can you expect from a woman who rents boyfriends and then accuses them of being gay when they don't want her. wink.png

I still live for you too, boo…But, that being said, I'm surprised you feel that way considering I'm


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After the vulgar things that have come out of Kenya Moorewhore's mouth, that was the least of Porsha's worries. Kenya is constantly ragging on someone's personal appearance so naturally someone else would make similar attacks. Besides, Porsha was probably just going by what she heard and smelled, hunni.

Not you boo, I just feel like my reputation in these parts has taken a hit now that you all choose to ride for Kenya "Can't Take Care of a Puppy Let Alone a Man or Baby" Moore instead of Nene. And I live for it. ;)

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LOL. I am NOT saying Kenya os a victim. I just can not with yall saying Porsha has been bullied. No she has not. I dont feel like doing it but I could name dozens of low blows she has thrown Kenya to her face and in the confessionals. This is why we watch to see the shade. Just because Porsha has the mental capacity of a teenager doesnt mean I am going to cut her slack for getting physical.

I can believe she cheated on Kordell too. He always said she would go missing for days at a time and come home late.

Edited by Eric83
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People aren't on Porsha's side as much as they're happy that she got physical and did some clowning around. Many of these same people were likely tearing her apart for her marriage and divorce, her Underground Railroad comment, etc.

She's a court jester. And she hasn't been able to parlay that into anything else.

Ultimately it doesn't matter as much to me what Kenya did or didn't deserve, because Kenya is just going to keep on going to wherever or whatever she was doing before the show. Porsha is the one who screwed this up. If you look at her compared to someone like Nene, Nene got physical during season 3, but she was always reserved at reunions. She knew how to play the game.

Unless even one of those people cheering on Twitter is there to help Porsha once that money runs out, then she lost.

Edited by DRW50
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