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We don't know if she did more than that because the fight could have been heavily edited. I feel like Andy tried to garner sympathy for Porsha by splicing those flashbacks of her when she claimed she blacked out and she's just sooooo embarrassed. Bitch please. She got turned up and realized she f*cked up royally. And notice how quick Nene and Phaedra shot up to help her when she started wailing on the floor. Yeah, those rumors are so true. Don't get me started on how she claimed Kenya put her through so much in the last two years. Has it even been two years since she's been the show? Andy damn well knew that if he didn't send Porsha home Kenya's ass was gone and that would have been the reunion. Who the heck was that guy that kept carrying Porsha around as if she was so fragile? Talk about lame.

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Nene covered Porsha mouth with her hands to keep her from spilling tea.

I think that's all that happened we clearly see the hair pull, Kenya and Porsha falling, and ot being broken up. I doubt Porsha did more considering her wailing like a baby afterwards. She ain't tough.

Edited by Eric83
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That was a bizarrely unsatisfying first part of the reunion. The dynamic between these women is every bit as toxic, if not more so, than NYC S4, when they purged the cast. Outside of Kandi and Phaedra, whose relationship seems genuine, these women CAN'T STAND each other. And once that's the case, as it is now in RHOBH, something's gotta give.

Nene looked as ugly as her behavior tonight. She clearly didn't want to be there. Kandi really checked her ass too.

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I really have no sympathy for Porsha. Kenya owned her ass and she couldn't handle it. I LOL at the blowhorn and when she clowned her about using the dictionary. Kandi was right though; homegirl should have come prepared with her prop. You don't fumble for batteries to put it in when you're about to clown someone. Porsha looked royally dumb when Kenya kept clowning her and Cynthia is so spineless. If I was caught in the middle of someone using a blowhorn in my ear it would be on. But asusual Cynthia just sat there and took it. Not surprised.

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Porsha ... LMAO! You got fired for pulling hair? You lost a good paying position because you were not only boring and stupid, but because you pulled hair?! If you were gonna go out like a real bad ass, she should've demolished Kenya. I can't ... I can't! :P Kenya wins yet again.

And I'm over Phaedra calling Kenya a whore when her past is very murky too. OK, head doctor? And the streets of ATL have been talking for years about how she was a big ole slut while she was attending college there and afterwards. And numerous women from her past has come out and said that Phaedra is loose, so pot meet kettle.

Kandi killed me with the shade she threw Nene tonight. Nene has been dogging her about her weight since s4 and I am glad that Kandi has finally said that Nene can't talk. Nene couldn't handle that truth.

I cannot wait next week when Nene starts getting called to the carpet for her actions.

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First - poor Cynthia! She has a heart of gold and always looks SPOT on... and then she gets put in the middle of Kenya and Porsha's fight, and Porsha exposes her boobs!

Kenya is a goddess and so much smarter than Porsha. Team Kenya!!!

Nene looked like a bloated rhino on that couch - she was stank the entire time and I couldn't stand her face. She's not doing herself any favors.

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Nene did not look like a rhino, she looked like Miss Piggy. Period. That dress and that GOD AWFUL WIG! I just can't accept those wigs anymore now that I've started doing drag. Nene has millions and yet I can find better looking wigs? How is that possible?! There is a way to attach pony tails or half-wigs to achieve the style Nene wanted. Is she really bald? Why wouldn't she show ANY of her hair? The hairline on that lace front was PITIFUL! Just PITIFUL. How are they allowing that? And the two hair pieces didn't even match.

I also think that Kenya owned Porsha. Kenya wasn't featuring Porsha at all and Porsha should've shut the hell up because she KNOWS she can't handle Kenya. I can't get over how people are saying her props and stuff is the reason. She didn't do anything more dramatic than any other housewife on a reunion. In fact, she was firmly in her seat, something you can't say about all wives (including Nene in the past). I can't with people supporting Porsha, a total dumb ass who has been a disappointment from day one. I'm glad she''s finally gone because she NEVER deserved a peach.

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All I'm gonna say is, if someone blasted a megaphone in my face and called me a dumb whore, they wouldn't have had a hair left on their head. Kenya once again proved she brings nothing to an argument. She is unable to handle confrontation and tries to hide that by using ridiculous props. How tiresome.

Very telling that Kandi, Phaedra and Nene all rushed to PORSHA's aid while nobody gave a !@#$%^&*] about poor attacked Kenya. Cynthia remained spineless and useless as always.

Nene finally shut down Kenya lying about Nene knowing her prince. So sad and telling that Kenya tried to play like Nene knew him when she does not. And the icing on the cake is that Kenya lied about her man buying her a Bentley and now we know it's a loan from a local dealership. :lol:

I doubt Nene will return next year.

ETA: online support is overwhelmingly in PORSHA's favor! I live.

Edited by Mr. Vixen
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Either way Kenya wins. IF Porsha returns (which will only happen if Kenya agrees to it), then they'll probably have to throw a lot of extra money at Kenya in order for that to happen. They won't risk Kenya not signing on for a new season, not over Porsha's tired ass.

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Feeble minded bi*ches resort to violence. Real bosses use their tongues and minds. And Kenya knew what she was doing when she stood up. She knew feeble minded Porsha would take the bait and she did. Now she's gone. Kenya sacrificed herself like Jesus did, like Judi did on BGC7, to get rid of a basic broad.

And I'm sorry, Porsha has no reason to get up to and hit Kenya. That scepter didn't touch her at all. That blow horn did was not in her face. If anyone should be pressed or violated, it should be Cynthia, and she seemed unbothered. Porsha got mad because Kenya called her out on her relationship, which Porsha was doing 10 mins earlier with Kenya. Horsha got a taste of her own medicine and couldn't take it, so she resorted to violence.

And yes, of course Black Twitter would applaud in Porsha "dragging" Kenya because sadly our community embraces and encourages violence instead of promoting intelligence and true wit. Porsha is put a pedestal by the black audience but in a world ran by "the man," Kenya is winning in the long run.

Stupid ass Porsha fails yet again.... :rolleyes:

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