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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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So happy to see Kyle call Lisa out on her changing stories based on who's backing her. Abd she was correct in that specific example. Lisa did back Kyle against carlton and then after the season wrapped it changed in her TH, blogs and here.

Loved Andy shutting down Carlton's argument because he knows she's not returning lmao.

Do not care about their fitness, surgery or kids. Boring. I do wish we could see Brandi with her kids and as a mother tho because we only get one side to her.

Kim is kind of holding her own here. Then again Lisa can't go all out on her because that won't fit her victim and innocent image. Is Lisa really denying that she, above abd beyond anyone rise, has pointed out Kim being missing or late? Kim is on the attack and sadly earning her spot next season I think. God I hate the idea of her returning. I'm surprised production pointing out Lisa's lies tbh. Though this argument boils down to this - Kim wants to be accepted by Lisa. Lisa thinks she's above Kim as a person.

Was Joyce there? Sadly I do think she will be back for another season.

Kyles lips and Lisa's hair are distractingly bad.

I wish we had seen Lisa's bitches son this season. He's so attractive.

Me and Brandi are so similar when it comes to dating, and family, and friends, and drinking. Basically at life.

Joyce is just so phony. So Joyce doesn't call the papa on herself, but she is friendly enough with them to know Brandi does? Ok. Glad Yolanda called her ass out on it. Joyce was so pathetic abd it was nice to see Yolanda call her out on all her basic attempts.

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Aviva keeps mentioning carol wrote one book like it's all she's ever done. I don't think Carole thinks she's above Aviva, I think she's offended that Aviva is trying to make her career into a sham and building her own up as some great writer. Loved her TH about "on the street" cuz it's so true. Of course trashmona just leaves. Avivas "image consultant" came up to stop her from acting a fool.

Heather is just the perfect cast member. Love Kristen too.

"Harry it's nice to meet you, I totally understand your divorce" DEAD.

This heather/trashmona scene sums up why I think she's total trash. She's trying to imply that Aviva is right about Carole's book/career, she's attacking heathers character for standing up for her friends career when she to is a self made woman?

Sonja living so far above her means is sad to watch. But oh hi Tyler boo.

So now Aviva has a writing background that rivals Carole's 20 year history on news and writing? Ok. Loved Kristen call her out on being jealous and Aviva ignore it.

I wonder if Ramona knew her marriage was over once Avery went to college?

Who works out in the rain? This is why I'm fat and they are fit lol.

Floating staircases freak me out. I never want kids or a wedding but I've thrown tons of bridal showers, baby showers and what not.

Loving Carole sticking it to trashmona. She's awful at playing innocent. Heathers husband is the best. Not only did he go in her place he knew to break into that talk and give carol an out lol.

Eff that Spartan race. Nope. I'd cry like Kristen.

I love Kristen shows the issues in her relationship. It's not a fake act. I'd be pissed if I were her in this situation tbh. She went out of her comfort zone and did something she didn't want to for him and he just dismissed it and her.

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I noticed that now that Aviva has been busted with the Ghostwriter, she's admitting to it in her blog and praising Carole to high heavens and talking about how it was a misunderstanding and stupid fight. Yeah right, 'vivs. Also, Carole tweeted that she's going to ignore Aviva the rest of the season, so we don't have to worry about Book-Gate taking over the entire season.


Has anybody else noticed that so much of what we saw in the RHONY trailer is happening right off the bat? So far this is an EPIC season IMO and is reminding me of season 3. I can't believe next week you already have LuAnn's first episode and things are kicking off with Heather and Aviva's obnoxious friend. I'm in Real Housewives Heaven! :D

Edited by Chris B
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What is papa? And who did Joyce call it on? Joyce read Brandi like the cheap pathetic drunk she is. There's no moral justification for what Brandi did and her approach to life is a losing one. Her friends are her friends because they back her up in all her nonsense and are afraid to call her out for what she truly is. Someone who is on a downward spiral and refuse to grow up and face reality. Give where she's come from her family should be absolutely in love with her but instead she basically spent half the season trying to soften them up and buy them back. Aside from her book success she really doesn't have much going for her and any positive feedback and goodwill she got in Season 2 and 3 has been reduced significantly.

Joyce will definitely be back. I knew Andy would go all PR about her tagline...rolls eyes. As if she said fat people are evil. Living in Beverly HIlls thats probably the number one rule those ladies all live by so lets keep it real. And its not like you can't go on the internet or open up a magazine to see that fat is not what's selling clothes these days....

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Nene mugshot. She was charged with three felonies and a misdemeanor in the 90's. LMAO at her trying to shade Marlo's criminal past or when she said earlier in the season A yden and Mr. President would grow up to be a criminal like their dead. Yet she has a criminal past and her bum was stealing from Wal-Mart


Athens-Clarke County (Georgia) Superior Court documents say Leakes was arrested and charged in 1992 with three felonys and one misdemeanor counts of theft of services from the phone company. At the time, she was 25 and known by her birth name of Linnethia Johnson.

NeNe settled on a plea agreement, where she pled guilty to all four felony counts and was put on two years probation and ordered to repay $2,650. Over the next two years, though, she was arrested three more times for probation violations.

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Man you so would have hated how the reunions used to be like back in the day LOL RHOC season 1 through season 3 reunions were very low key and light hearted with little to no fighting. In fact, season 1 just had the housewives sitting in the backyard talking about the season with no Andy Cohen.

I'd much prefer that then to the senseless rehashing that Andy puts them through. What I don't get is why these women don't understand that Andy basically hates women and enjoys showing them in a bad light. While it's wonderful Andy Cohen no longer is in charge of development at Bravo, he is still going to run the housewives shows so no hope of them ever becoming less toxic.

That said, I didn't watch the full episode of NY last night but Kristen is married to d-bag. I do applaud her for finishing the race, I certainly wouldn't have LOL

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The other girl Marlo was fighting with had a weapon too and she dropped it. She had the intent to slash Marlo's face and she actually committed suicide because she found out she contracted HIV.

The point of me posting it is Nene has shaded others for their criminal past amd she has one just like the others. She was still dead ass wrong to say Ayden and Mr. President are future criminals. We all remember her getting in Sheree's ass for coming for her son.

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Joyce didn't read her. She came off as a judgemental bitter bitch who tried to wind Brandi up except this time Brandi didn't fall for it. She defended herself and was pretty honest about being depressed and even using booze to get through it. I think it takes a lot to admit things like that esp when being attacked.

Her friends are likely her friends because they see many, many sides we do not see and they understand she's going through some [!@#$%^&*]. Those are real friends. The ones who stand by you. And you have no idea if they talk to her about her issues or not.

Parental relationships are complicated. They hashed it out, she bought them some things, they moved on. I'm thankful I've not had issues like that with my parents, tho if we did I'd hope we'd be able to move on like that as well.

And I'd gladly take multiple NYT best selling novels myself.

Joyce is lucky that carlton is such a flop and almost everyone wants Kim gone otherwise she'd be out for sure.

Yeah I don't really think the crimes are fair to compare but I think the point was nene herself has a record and furthermore was friends with Marlo so does her criminal past really matter?
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