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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Nene, Apollo, and Christopher Williams are getting the brunt of the hate on Twitter.

Apollo absolutely should have been arrested. What a clown. His latest arrest is well-timed.

And hopefully this finally knocks Queen Nene off her pedestal. She's been doing childish [!@#$%^&*] for too long without facing a backlash.

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You get the feeling that Peter and Apolo had already decided previously if they ever had a chance they'd beat him up.

Something about Peter seems really nasty to me. I mean genuinely nasty.

This is why having this united front of husbands isn't always the greatest idea.

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NeNe's ass was wrong! She planned this. The reason she was so angry Kenya was late was because the plan was to attack her. She is so messy. Asking questions like can you be in the same room with someone who had sex with your spouse?

Apollo is an animal. He has the mindset of a child. He had no business getting in the middle pf that.

Christopher crack head Williams need to sit his washed up ass down. Putting his hands on a woman. Kenya isn't even lying on him.what the !@#$%^&*]?

Yaaassssss Brandon got up and gave no [!@#$%^&*].they thought they could try him because he's gay but he was not scared pf the convict and the crackhead.

Kenya should have popped that Moose in the face. How dare Nene chase after Kenya to blame her for this and excuse a KNOWN woman beater grabbing her.

Yaaaaassss I hope Kandi drags the hell out of Peter and Cynthia next week.

I'm firmly Team Kenya. Nene really disappointed me tonight. I'm disgusted wwith her.

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Now that my pulse is back to normal

Kenya had every right to stand up. No one is gonna talk down to me. If you are going to address me we will be at eye level. What was Chris thinking? He was gonna give Kenya a speech and she was gonna sit their and take it while his burnt spring roll gets gully in the back??

Natalie tried to get cute with the whole "don't back pedal now"....and Kenya was like "now I'm front pedaling". Kenya had to defend her womanhood, she can't let some random and her washed up husband come for her. After the winery, Natalie went home hurt, and rehearsed her lines of what she was gonna say next time she saw Kenya cause she knew Chris was there and would be there to get in Kenya's face in the way she knew she couldnt.

Chris should have never put his hands on Kenya, and the fact of the matter is he should have sat his ass down next to his wife. HE SHOULD HAVE NEVER GOT UP.

Personally, I think Chris and Kenya hooked up/had some relations in the past. It is obvious as the day. Chris doesn't want Natalie to know he hooked up with Kenya while being "married" and Kenya doesn't want to blurt out that she had relations with a married man under the guise of "he said he wasn't married". Say what you want about Kenya, but I think she respects marriage and I think it bothers her that she may have relations with a married man even if she didnt know at the time that he was.

I'm completely over Nene. She is trifling and Kenya should've knocked her ass out, when she was screaming in her face. Nene is just a vile hateful person, and Nene is just jealous of Kenya. Nene has to try hard at everything while certain things come effortlessly to Kenya. Kenya sees Nene for what she is and Nene knows this. That is why she always wants to knock Kenya down a peg or two when she sees her, but Kenya doesn't let the Nene get to her.

At the end of the day, Kenya has nothing to be jealous about when it comes to these group of women. The marriages these women have is not one to put on pedestal. The marriages they have are struggle marriages, and the females have no idea of what their mates are doing and what they are truly capable of, as evidenced tonight.

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Coming on this show was a PR disaster for Christopher Williams, especially since I keep seeing people bring up those rumors about Halle Berry.

It was nasty. It felt like they were just waiting for a reason. Peter is so insecure, maybe this made him feel big.

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