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Bravo's The Real Housewives of....


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Never made sense to me either... I actually really enjoyed DC, and their ratings in the last few episodes matches that of Beverly Hills Season 1 and average OC ratings.

I've heard a few reasons... DC is a risky city with tons of liability, and the Salahi's White House stint didn't do Bravo any legal favors. I think Bravo had enough of DC, everything takes 10x as much to clear, etc. Also, the ladies all lived far away from DC (i.e. Virginia and Maryland suburbs), so it took a lot of time and more money to film any events or parties in DC (I know, doesn't make sense when you think of Bev Hills/OC when they all live far away from each other).

Oh well :(

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Canning DC was pure laziness, but was done at a time when the series was riding high. I think that was a short-sided move. The first season ratings were comparable to Beverly Hills in season one and that show was on a competitive night and never had a Real Housewives lead-in for it's opening episode. Considering the women remain friends, it would've been easy to relaunch without the Salahi's. If they had trouble finding a new HW, I'd throw in Stacie and Mary's friend Erika who ruffled a lot of feathers in her short time.

I think it's a good idea to try and revamp Miami, if only because it wasn't given a proper change the first time around. Let's see how the show is cast, edited and produced by a company that handles Real Housewives series. I enjoyed what I saw.

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ATL: Sheree is pathetic and desperate, plain and simple. I do not for one second think that she truly believe what she told Kim about Kandi. She knew she was twisted and manipulating the situation and that nobody would clarify. I cant even be mad at Kim for believing it, because im sure even the accusation of one of her closest friends saying or even agreeing with someone else saying such a thing must really hurt. We have seen Nene throw shade at Kim regarding race so, shes kind of been through this before too. I hope Kim and Kandi work through this and kandi beats the [!@#$%^&*] out of shree. Nene clearly brought Marlo on to make herself seem more sane and/or to piss off producers looking to stir the pot. It comes off very fake, but then again everything with nene is fake.

OC: Vicki and Alexis are NOT ok with Gretchen and Tamra becoming friends and i LOVE it! I hate V & A so much. They are awful. I sill am loving Heather.

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OC is sucking this season, so fake, so set up. Dull/

Atlanta, still enjoyable.

DC: No shock about Stacie and her husband, they seemed like a couple that, deep down, resented one another. I'm certain there was plenty of competition in that marriage.

BH: Radar Online is reporting that Adrienne, Brandi, Kyle, Lisa and Taylor are all back for season 3. Bravo apparently wants Camille back but she wants to bail. Kim has quit. And Lisa's spinoff pilot has not been picked up. I want Lisa to bail now, what has she got to lose?

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Nene said Sheree and Phaedra pushed production to bring in Marlo bc they thought she would be a Nene rival since they were both involved with that football player. But when Marlo and Nene became cool all of a sudden the "smalls" don't like her. I'm sure this will be clarified on the reunion. But I definitely believe Nene, the smalls like to act innocent but are extra sneaky behind the scenes. I bet they don't even associate outside of the show which is why its so easy for Sheree to throw Kandi under the bus. Say what you will about Nene but her and Cynthia is the only authentic friendship on the show.

Edited by Eric83
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