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Paul Raven

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Someone posted in these pages years back that she and Jay never married. She became pregnant with their 1st child I believe when she was Texas' headwriter, and supposedly p&g didn't want it known that their headwriter was pregnant out of wedlock so they had her attach his name to her's so everyone would think they were married. 

And yes that radio interview still floors me. I remember in SOD she previewed the remote I think in the Florida Keys as it would be Reva's exit story. Reva was definitely her favorite character, how could she forget she had Reva drive her car off that bridge? 

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This channel is having interviews with various soap alum, including a few GL people. (his audio isn't great). Liz Keifer is coming up on Monday. 

Justin Deas looks and sounds better than I'd expected at 74 (if this is new). He was looking in pretty rough shape by the end of GL. I think he did say he had been putting off back surgery or something while the show was still going. 

I don't see the first credit he mentions listed in his IMDB.

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Earlier this year, in the twitterverse, Patrick Mulcahey told me about some writing he did at AW before they started writing TEXAS, and that it shows up exactly nowhere in any credits online! Further he spoke about working with either IMDb or Wikipedia to try to get his credits right on their pages. On one he finally just asked them to take the page down. On the other he just gave up trying to deal with them. The takeaway from this is that these easy online sources we have are fatally flawed! We are so lucky that we have all of the Internet at our disposal. No more learning the card catalog, the Dewey Decimal system, the periodicals index, etc. But we have to keep it in our minds that there are errors throughout.

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I was just listening to a YT interview with Justin Deas, who seems to be feeling good, and did you know that he rarely auditioned for roles?!! Betty Rae called him & cast him & she had seen him in something. And, at one show he once did a 90 page monologue?!! It was a stunt! Before his soap career, which he accidentally fell into basically, he mostly did theatre, especially lots & lots of Shakespeare. He was at Juilliard. His family moved a lot when he was growing up. He went to 11 different public schools. I think I went to 12. Made a joke that Deas was Margaret's "alternate" name & told how she hated him when she first met him when they put them together at ATWT. He seemed to think that she thought he was pretty much an idiot. Said he wasn't good at anything & his mother was worried about him & began taking him to plays. He became fascinated at the idea that you could "be somebody else, not yourself." At one point his life goal was to appear onstage at the Guthrie. He managed that a long time ago! He was in one show & the Lead told him he was doomed to always be just a Supporting Actor, so he quit. ATWT was just happenstance & completely because of Betty Rea. She told him he was an amazing actor & she spoiled him terribly. You could tell he loved that. Margaret, though, in the same time period, said, Great? No, you're average. That cracks me up! He talked complimentary about Larry Bryggman, Scott Bryce, JFP who he thought brought him on SB and was behind the 90 page thing which started out to have an episode where he as Keith did all of the lines for the whole show. They wouldn't let them do it, though. Fiona Hutchison, Marj Dusay, Ron Raines. Apparently near the end of Marj's life her 4 leading men from GL took turns going to see her. I love that! She was pretty sick for a pretty long time. He said each of his GL leading ladies was fabulous! Marj got onto him because he wouldn't watch the show because he didn't want to see himself. She asked him how he was ever going to improve if he didn't watch himself. That made sense to him & she scored a point! He said he wasn't surprised that GL came to an end because he knew how expensive it was to produce a soap every day compared to, for example, reality programming. He said he always felt like they made a movie every day. (Tony Geary said that about GH!)

I did not know that Betty Rea did Casting for ATWT. I thought she ws GL. Was she maybe the Casting Director for P&G? At GL who did Buzz romance? Olivia, yes. Lillian for EndGame. ?? Anne Heche regularly had 70 pages per day but that was 2 characters! Imagine 90!

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I'm watching the 1982 Daytime Emmys & Doug Marland winning for Writing thanked Agnes Nixon, classy, Bob Short & Ed Trach of P&G, so great they were for so long, and then, with some other CBS folks he thanked Brian Frons and I almost fell on the floor! Boy, the time's they been a'changing! Patrick Mulcahey is standing behind Marland. A writer named Nancy something I missed also behind him.

Edit: When the EP was up for winning Show he said we won 2 yrs ago & they told us we had no time & now they say we have no time so Doug Marland said it all, when we get up here we are driven to it & we are a family & we are #1. The GL table is going wild!

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Lord, this guy is almost as bad as the Alan..."You and Scott had great scenes together.." and then Deas says, "Really, I didn't think we did that much.." and the interviewer.."Well, I guess you had to have..."

Anyway Deas is an oddball as he seems to admit but more articulate and not annoying...( I know, I know, he's actaully not Buzz...)He looks great for being in his 70s and who could not like that he is still madly in love with Colin, quite the difference from misogynistic Buzzard.  Thought it was interesting that Paul Mayer told Deas he would never be a leading man and Deas called him an [!@#$%^&*]...also he was on ATWT much longer then 1 and a half years.  Thought it was funny that Phelps wanted the horrible "Buzz on the diner rooftop during the fire" be a total one man show and the net said, "Uh no.." What was the thing she had for this guy?  I can't believe she never tried to lure him away from GL. Also insteresting that the talks about how Buzz became just a "dad" for the last 15 years, which is when I found him most tolerable.

Good interview because a least the host lets him talk.  Though really Sonia Satra???


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