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Guiding Light discussion thread

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You hit the nail on the head. He will interrupt mid sentence to say NOTHING. Its frustrating because many times it’s when the actor is going to say something interesting. It’s like he doesn’t even listen to what they’re saying because he never picks up on anything or has interesting follow ups. 

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I wish the guy who did the interview with Scott Bryce (son of TGL's Ed Bryce) a few months ago would take on more soap actors, he was really good, though his live stream was a bit over-long.

My guess is that he knows Bryce personally and wanted to have him on the show.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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He did it to her a lot which is why I had to post about it because it was driving me up the wall. She was incredibly gracious indeed and had enough poise to resume her story a couple of times but still.

Yes! And the worst is actually when he interrupts to... talk about a completely different point than the one than the actor is making. It happened at least once in the Moniz interview where he misunderstood what she was saying and went on a tangent as if he was agreeing with her. 


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I have a question for the people who are familiar with this time period. I see on YouTube a user named has uploaded many full years including 1989-1992 and various years after that. I have started in 1989 and have watched about 10 episodes so far. I was wondering if this is considered a good year for the show?

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Thank you for that info! I’m going to keep going then. I’m at Harley/Alan-Michael’s wedding now and thus far it hasn’t really been drawing me in. I think it could be that the episodes start at the climax of this story with Michelle Forbes, so I’m a bit lost. I’m going to keep going and see how I feel. 

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No problem. Yeah I can understand how some of that would not draw you in, much of the start of 89 in uneven in quality. Somehow by the late summer to fall of 89 there's a bit of a shift in tone with the show (when you start seeing Robert Calhoun's name in the credits) and the show is suddenly firing on all cylinders after that. 

Joe Wilmore was such a terrible fit for the show as EP. 

Edited by MichaelGL
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