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Paul Raven

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If I'm not mistaken, I believe ANYONE can report copyrighted videos on Youtube, not just the owner of the copyright.  And I think most of these reports are just normal people who get angry or are just vindictive in general.  There are also copyright-nazis out there, who are just normal people who take it upon themselves to police music and other types of copyrights.  So it's not necessarily P&G or other copyright owners causing these shut-downs and removal of episodes.    

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I also find it difficult to believe that P&G suddenly care about these shows.

I'm really starting to get suspicious. Part of me is starting to wonder if this isn't some type of Machiavellian strategy to him up interest in buying videos on the interwebs among

soap afficionados and collectors.

One thing about being a soap fan has been clear for many years--your loyalty as a fan will never be rewarded.


Also, as much as I have been enjoying some of these reunion live streams, I have to wonder if the mention of songs and highlighting clips that contain pop songs (e.g. showing a scene btw "Lujack" and "Beth" set to the song "Almost Paradise") during these live streams might be setting off some type of trigger. Just wild speculation on my part.

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I hadn't thought of that. It is unfortunate how much malice and spite tends to still go among soap fans even after these shows have been gone for over a decade. I know a few wonderful soap channels that disappeared for this reason. I'm not sure which option I prefer. I just hope the material may show up again someday.

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Hi everyone! I am happy to report that I got a new OneDrive account set up and migration of the Vault is now complete! I've just sent out link invitations to people who have previously requested direct access. The links in my signature have now been updated. You may now upload again, as usual - hopefully I won't have to do this process again in a while haha. Please spread the word to those who might now know this yet.




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Thanks for posting that video @DRW50
 I certainly have never seen that video, which seems like a featurette for the VHS age.

Whoa, on the spelling of Vincent's last name in the credits.

Is anyone on the production crew still around? It would be fascinating to hear from the cameraman on the technical aspects of shooting those scenes (e.g. aerial shots and long shots along the shoreline).

Judi was styled as classic 80s soap heroine in that first scene.


I'd love to see something like this for the remote in Europe that ATWT did for the Frannie/Sabrina storyline but that would likely have been dependent on some public access program documenting this and I don't think there was such a thing in Europe in the 80s.

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Local cable access in the NY area in the 80s — the font typical the spelling oh my. I thought the lead director Bruce Barry was still alive as I don’t recall any discussion of him not being and he has been in photos on social media when parts of the male cast got together. 

I never saw this before either so thank you for posting.

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Having grown up in the NYC Metro/Tri-state area, I can attest to the aspect of NY having some fairly sophisticated public access and public television programming, even in the 80s. I feel quite fortunate to being raised around that time where there was a bit more room for experimentation. The programming now has become so tame and risk-averse.

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Well, I would've been in grammar school when the Lujack/Beth feature the aired but by the late 80s/early 90s was in my adolescent years.

So,if you were coming of age when it was still referred to "adolescence" and not "tweens", then it's likely that we're in the same age group..


Some of the retraction away from artistic risk taking, I would guess would be a reaction to pressure from the "Moral Majority" groups that were very active at that time. PBS back then had a lot of avant-garde programming, while in today's PBS, Downton Abbey is probably the closest thing they had to risk-taking, barrier breaking programming.

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Lucy and Alan-Michael's wedding at Universal Orlando was just released on youtube.  Note: if you're marrying the most eligible bachelor in town, get an elegant private space or tropical destination, not a public amusement park with strangers stepping on your gown and long lost relatives who can just drop in at a moment's notice.  I wonder if there was a publicity tie-in with the opening of Universal because it seemed out of character for the entire Spaulding clan (and Reva) to suddenly go to Florida on a whim?

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