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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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Whereas Raines' Alan came off as too whimsical in later years(see Alan making perfect baskets in front of James!) I always found that Pilon's Alan came off as being too mean and vile. He simply didn't have the charm, and I found Pilon's Alan and Nadine too unrealistic although I think I would have bought if it was Bernau still in the role.

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I never thought Pilon's Alan was god-awful, but I agree with with soapfan770 - Pilon's Alan was all bad, all the time. As I said earlier, I tend to think that was a problem in the writing at that time and how TPTB wanted Alan portrayed, and not necessarily the way Pilon played him (but I could be wrong, either way).

Bernau's Alan was charismatic, and I didn't find Pilon's version having that same charisma. Although I never thought Pilon played Alan as a mustache-twirling villain that RR did during the later years, there was definitely something missing, as evidenced in that YT clip above that Soapsuds posted. Compare that clip above to some clips between Alan and Roger in 1979. I think they're still on YT somewhere.

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What annoyed me with Alan in later years was the bizarre inconsistent writing. I remember one holiday episode where he felt sorry for a servant who was gay or something. It always makes me a little sad to think that was the only gay man on GL in it's entire lifespan...

(I guess Lucy's HIV counselor too, but I'm not sure he ever talked about his sexuality)

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The writing is really what did Alan in. Raines had some great moments, but pretty much after Alan's heart attack story there 1999/2000 the writing for Alan was never suitable and thus became more of a caricature overtime(especially after Phillip's death and then becoming main antagonist for the Jonathan and Tammy WTH?)

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Alan went to jail for the attempted murders of Roger and Phillip as well as Blake I believe.

Besides Josh and Harley, we had Phillip being framed for the murder of Neil Everest(Alan pulling the strings) going on the run, Alan-Michael and Blake dealing with Blake's deceptive wicked ex Gary, and the beginnings of the Roger/Mindy affair.

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I think those may have been from the DVD sets. I'm not sure.

Anyway, the person who put up GL videos and got taken off Youtube (for other videos) is back with a new channel. They're uploading some new content - full March 1979 episodes. These have been on Youtube before in clip form, but not the full episodes (full episodes is how it should be always if possible IMO).


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REALLY excited for this (although the timing is rotten, considering I've already started with November 1979 LOL But beggars can't be choosers).

I agree with full episodes. I've occasionally posted clips for various reasons but it sort of drives me crazy when I see these MASSIVE collections of edits were stuff has been clearly cut out that isn't available anywhere else and, having done the whole YouTube thing, doing those edits takes MUCH more time and MUCH MUCH MUCH more effort than just putting on the whole thing. Especially if we're talking about rare material, it's really sad. Then again, clips are better than nothing!

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