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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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Best thing about Ross Marler: he did NOT need to parade around in a pair of Speedos episode after episode in order to come across as "sexy." He was sexy, because he was handsome, and intelligent, and charming, and dignified.

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So thanks to YouTube (and right now, bandstandmike) I've been watching different bits here and there. Makes me miss GL a ton. It's always been my second favorite, after DAYS. Anyway ... watched the 5th Street fire (when Vanessa and Matt saw each other weren't dead in the fire/explosion and made out for like six thousand hours in front of everyone). Lots of Justin Deas literally yelling from a rooftop. Seriously? Ugh. lol. Melina Kanakaredes was so endearing as Eleni. The recast's accent was so overdone.

I also watched December 1995, centering around Reva and Hart both back in Springfield. Wendy Moniz, no offense Gina Tognoni, is reminding me why she's the only adult Dinah for me. Marshall Hilliard wasn't that bad as Hart, he was dumped for Frank Grillo right? Yuck. Why?

There was still so much there with the show and the cast and it's now even more sad that in 10 years the show would be near the pits until the final year (well, the last few weeks when many people returned).

I don't think 1995 comes off that strong to me. I know I've watched mostly McTavish stuff I believe, and it's clear they had little interest in characters such as Gilly by this point. It is great seeing Nola, too bad she's pretty wasted.

Reva's return seems like it was ultimately handled badly, even though the fallout has been great to watch, it comes off a bit ugly and Reva seems so overly villified by everyone like she chose to take a 5 year vacation away from everyone. I get she was around/in town and didn't say anything but still ... And Cynthia Watros has been amazing. She's so good.

Oh and I have to LOL at the apparent Tangie proppping (I believe I'm jumping timeframes back to the fire). I love me some Marcy Walker and she clearly wasn't the problem. The writing was basically "Tangie was soooo wonderful." or at least that's how it comes across at times. I loved how they had Vanessa and Holly both rip her but of course they come off looking like complete bitches. I haven't really minded Holly vs. Tangie though. I feel like they tried too hard to make her work when they honestly didn't have to.

I also feel like when really thinking about it, 1997-1998 was the point where GL ultimately never recovered, IMO (many characters exit, etc). And then the San Cristobel garbage helped kill it even quicker, IMO. I never minded the Santos as much as they seemed to be hated, but I could take or leave Danny. Carmen was fun.

Anyway, I'm rambling. Just wanted to post some thoughts to maybe spark some discussion. And it's been nice to watch a GL with a budget. I almost forgot what it looked like when they had actual sets.

Edited by KMan101
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One of the things that jumps out at me with GL is how nearly every year, especially 1979 to the late 90s, feels very different. Just looking at 1979 and then at 1980, and it's like a different show entirely. In some ways its amazing the show lasted as long as it did without any cohesion.

I can't say I have any fondness for early Wendy Moniz, then or now. I preferred her as the complete bitch Dinah, not the vulnerable vixen. I did think her work in that screen test for Marshall Hilliard was softer and better than most of what she did on GL in 95-96, when she was a big reason why I stopped watching the show.

Edited by DRW50
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In a way, I think GL being so different year to year was one of its strengths but then its weakness at the same time.

It seems like the 1979 and 1980 were both from December, correct? If so, the reason could be that December 1979 was when the Dobson's were leaving and Marland had just taken over.. while December 1980 was the result of Marland gradually changing the show to where his stamp was firmly on the show.

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Yes, they were both from December. I think what jumps out at me the most is how the 79 one tries to keep everyone together, whereas the 80 one is more comfortable using segmented groups. The attempt at a young, hip vibe in the 1980 episode, and the heavy focus on Morgan, is another noticeable difference.

I know she was apparently difficult but I love what Kristen Vigard brings to the role. She makes me feel sorry for Morgan, even in some horrible moments (like berating a pregnant woman), in a way I never could for Marland's other characters in this vein (Laura, Lily).

I do think that some years bled together, like Pam Long's Christmases in her second run, but for the most part the show just seems so different each year.

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My own ramblings.

In rewatching it I don't think that Hilliard is that bad...(by the way, did he quit acting and move into finance or something..there was some guy on House Hunters of all shows and his name was Marshall and he looked exactly like Hilliard..its just weird that if it was him they did not bring in his "soap star," status.) I think he was more Hart then McGrillo Gorilla was...(he always looked like he should have done gay porn which I guess was what his appeal was.) Not that I thought Grillo was that bad, he tried..he would have made a great Santos..and would be truly threatening as opposed to Danny and the other underwear model cousin they had play them. And yes, I thought the Santos, could have worked, if they hadnt played them so cartoony. It wasnt the mob but the fairy princes of San Crud that brought the show to a screeching halt.

Reva's return was so badly handled. But with Ghost Reva it was really hard to save that crap. McTavish acted like she didnt want most of Pam Long or the Curlee years to happen...everyone went back in time, Reva was an outcast, Roger was totally dark, Holly hated him, hell, Amanda didnt age at all, etc I think if she had a good producer and some back up writers, she just totally missed out on the family connections (Michelle acting as if Nola wasnt her aunt, Michelle again calling Vanessa, "Mrs. Reardon," ) As I said before, Brent/Marion is one of my fave storylines, it was all sorts of dark, twisted, scary, and funny at the same time.

Justin Deas on the rooftop yelling..just no..I cant image anyone in the studio sitting through the filming of it and thinking it was good. Tangie Hill was the pits but I really never liked the actress (except as Liza) and she had no chemistry with Josh. And I LOVED Moniz as bad girl Dinah...but I remember people hating her calling her "Dead Eyes," Moniz. Its weird I loved her chemistry with the worthless Sean, the Island Stud.she was the only one who made him work.

I think one of the big reasons, besides the writing,etc, is that GL did not have a strong core during its last years. The Coopers werent it and Buzz was not the patriach. I can't beleive they didnt make better use of Ross as Father Confessor of the Town (funny story, in college my poly sci teacher looked just like Ross and me and another girl would always have to sit in front and drink in the Ross Marlerishness....she told me in private that she grew up watching this show, GL and and there is this guy Ross who our prof looks just like...) If wish they would have brought back Mike as Bauer Patriach when the Santos hit, Mr. Law up against Carmen and maybe paired him with Alex again. Then it would be he and Alex vs. Carmen and Alan.

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It certainly illustrates the differences between the Dobson era and Marland era. However, I do note how Marland did have a good chunk of the cast at the Bauer home at the very end of the 1980 Christmas episode. It's also noteworthy that this would be the last Christmas episode for Stefan Schnabel (Stephen Jackson) and Mart Hulswit (adult Ed Bauer #2), both of whom had very long tenures on GL. The other thing that sticks out is how miscast Carrie Mowery was as Jackie Marler compared to Cindy Pickett.

Does anyone know if Lezlie Dalton (Elizabeth Spaulding) wanted to leave the show, or if Marland simply wrote her out for storyline purposes? It seems to me there was still plenty of mileage in the Philip storyline.

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That would make sense. I guess I could have bought Carrie Mowery as a Elizabeth recast versus Jackie (I think I mentioned that earlier in this thread).

After being in front burner storylines with the Dobsons, Marland had both Ed and Mike shifted to supporting players during much of his tenure there. It might have been around this time that P & G started putting the pressure on Marland to get rid of the Bauers altogether and focus on a much younger demographic.

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