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For some unknown reason TPTB kept Jamie, Sandy, and Blaine permanently off the AW canvas in the last years of the show when the show could have used characters with pervious history on the show.  Those three characters could have been heavily featured in Rachel's romance with Carl, etc.


In 1995, the show's refusal to put Nancy Frangione's Cecile on contract spoke volumes about their care for the history of the series.   Cecile was a pivotal villain on the show and should have remained on AW until it was cancelled in 1999.  I would have much preferred to see a Cass/Cecile wedding than a Cass/Lila wedding in the last episode.  At least a Cass/Cecile wedding would have used the show's history and backstory.

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When Michael Malone came on as headwriter he was asked about bringing Iris back and essentially said that younger characters were to be featured. I have a feeling that was probably an NBC or P&G mandate. 

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54 years ago- on May 4, 1964- the continuing story of Another World premiered on NBC at 3:00 PM EST.


"We do not live in this world alone,
but in a thousand other worlds.
The events of our lives represent only the surface,
and in our minds and feelings,
we live in many other hidden worlds"


Happy Anniversary Another World! 🥂🎂🍾🎈🎉


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I LOVED Sam and Amanda in the very beginning. They were my fave daytime couple until the writers ruined it by having Amanda be pregnant so early on. It had been such a great Romeo & Juliet type story being Rachel's daughter and Mitch's brother with Mac looking on. They should have played them up more before saddling them with a baby...to then only have Olivia thrown in with a baby of her own. 


Sandi Ferguson was Amanda to me although I did like Laura Moss. I remember being disappointed when Laura had been let go because I thought she was just getting into it. 


Matt Crane was definitely Matthew and I never liked Brian Krause or Jeff Phillips in the role. Jeff and Lisa Peluso I thought worked well together but he just wasn't Matthew. 


I preferred Larry Lau as Jamie over Russell Todd. (I don't really remember the others before that.) Maybe because I was a big fan of Jamie/VIcky (Anne Heche) then. I wish they had brought him back after Russell Todd.


Cecile!!!!! My fave character of all-time on AW. She should have at the very least been brought on the last couple of episodes to interrupt Cass and Lila's wedding instead of the stupid Gorilla story. I think it would have been much more drama to have Cecile show up just as the wedding starts and profess her love to Cass one more time, only to be let down. While others in the audience (Rachel, Felicia, etc could make snide comments about her and show flashbacks.)


My biggest gripe about the finale was how little they showed flashback history. Yes, I know, it was thrown together last minute and they had all that they could do just to end it but still......


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I'll cut AW a little slack- the show had a little over a month from the time it was cancelled to the filming of its last episode.  Carolyn the gorilla was a nod to the show's history- Cass, Cecile, and Felicia met Wallingford searching for David Thatcher's killer- Felicia and Wallingford were accidentally locked in Carolyn's cage.  I would have featured this earlier in the last week rather than in the last episode.  The video for Cass and Lila's wedding where each cast member spoke (to the fans), Grant being alive n Tanquir, Rachel's sweep of the Cory living room surrounded by pictures of her loved ones, and ending with Mac's last toast were all nice touches.  However, more flashbacks would have been preferred! 


AWs and Guiding Light's endings were head and shoulders above As the World Turns ending- a show that had 9 months from cancellation to prepare filming its  last episode.  No flashbacks, veterans like Lisa treated  like a day player, all to end with a cheap plastic globe spinning on Dr. Bob's desk.  No nods to the show's history whatsoever.  Had AW and GL had 9 months from cancellation to prepare filming its  last episode- I believe we would have had more flashbacks and nods to past history.

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Lau was the reason I started watching AW.  I had watched AMC since around 5 or 6 years old (Grandma would pick me up from school and I'd be at her house until the late afternoon) and had a major crush on Greg/Lau.  So when I discovered he was on AW, I started watching that, too. He'll always be my favorite Jamie because he was my first. I never really warmed to Todd although I got used to him over time. Lau may have put on some weight when he was Jamie but he was still sexy as hell!  I was a super big Lisa/Jamie fan and didn't like how they storyline played out as a kid. As an adult, I can see that with Jamie falling for all of Vicky's machinations, Lisa was better off getting the hell out of Bay City!!

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I also recall as a kid liking Lisa/Jamie... and recalling that she cut her losses and moved away to start a new life (the timing of it was weird because she left right when her aunt Felicia was celebrating her 40th birthday and was going to be accused of murder).


As an adult rewatching that era, they were kind of boring together and was thankful for Vicky coming between them.  The show didn't seem to know what to do with Lisa in those last months so she went on random dates, even was the object of a crush by Matt (Jamie's half-brother).  I never knew if the actress quit the show, or if the show decided to write her off.

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Yes - Lisa at the end...it was clear they either didn't know what to do with her or her contract was up and either she was leaving or they knew they wanted to get rid of her. 


I agree it was super strange timing for her to leave just as Felicia was celebrating the big 4-0.  And then, just to have some sort of storyline with which to break away from the 40th birthday/Jason murder, they has some weird Lisa-might-randomly-hook-up-with-Matt-before-leaving-town thing. Re-watching it as an adult I was just all ????????

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Larry Lau was also the reason i started watching AW. I found him hot. I didn't mind that he was a bit chunky.  Jamie & Lisa were boring. But i did love when Vicki went after Jamie.  LL and AH had chemistry. Having seen the 2 previous Jamie's youtube. I like them better. LL and RT Jamie's were uptight, bland and self righteous.


Lisa leaving Bay City on the eve of her auntie Felicia's big 40th B-Day bash was strange. I just saw those clips recently. Lisa is offered a job in England. She has to start right away. Lisa should've been around during Felicia's murder trial. Besides Matt falling for Lisa. Adam also developed feelings for Lisa. But it was quickly dropped. This was a few months before Matt's crush.

Edited by victoria foxton
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