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Glee: Discusion Thread


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And, despite the ridiculous and badly done "school shooting" episode last week, and how bad the show is overall--I do have to say as someone who still tends to watch out of some sort of masochism that this episode was perhaps the nadir--simply awful, fromt he bizarre college story, on. I twas like nobody was even half trying, let alone trying.

I thought the show--ratings wise had one more year in it, but a bit surprised it was picked up for two.

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Yet another episode where Santana steals the show. Naya Rivera is the unsung hero of Glee, routinely outsinging people with bigger voices. You don't need glory notes to sing songs (which is why you are dull Unique and Mercedes) and you do need to do more than just sing every note technically correct (that would be Rachel and Kurt). I don't think she has ever given a bad song on the show. And I was surprised at what a performer Jane Lynch is musically. She really sold that song. Sarah Jessica Parker was also good.

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I thought Santana's story was boring and the NY felt like a waste IMO.

Ryder is dumb to not know who catfished him from the phone ringing in the bookbag. Why didn't he question the owner of it? And don't tell me he doesn't know bc if the person is in Glee club, you'd think he'd know who that belonged to especially since he likely sees that person every day

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They would never give Joe anything like that, he is Jesus and based on the actor.

I found it painful and typical and a bit obvious Kurtcadies was the catfish. Lame.

One Rachel/NYC scene? Early on with no followup? Bullshit.

The wedding? Nobody cared as of two seasons ago.

One of the weakest episodes in a long time.

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I am not shocked at who Ryder's catfish was. I could tell from the scene where Marley confessed they put the camera on Unique a few times and I knew that it was him.

This was a really bad episode though. Nobody graduating this year?

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