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Oh, I agree that Trump has his own separate agenda that involves his petty feud with Bezos but the Republicans have complained for many years about the supposed inefficiency of the USPS, similar to the way they railed in favor of small government for years.  They are clearly seizing the moment and having someone like Trump who is far more hyped about tearing down the USPS than previous Republican administrations.  In fact, I'm not sure he's even hiding behind privatizing or "improvement" of the system so much as he is in dismantling it or having run like a Fortune 500 corporation where he could conceivably make profits off of it as an investor.

But the postal service has been on the GOP reshape list since at least the Bush years.


As an aside, it's ironic how for so many years the GOP wanted small government, managed to severely cut personnel in the IRS and various federal jobs, touted it as "cutting the waste", so much so that the methods filtered down to many state and municipal governments that also hollowed out their public sector jobs (e.g. Dept. of Labor) under mainly Republican governors and now, in a crisis, it's all come back to bite.  The unemployment benefits systems are screwed and in most cases,  there aren't enough skilled employees on hand to fix those systems, resulting in interminable waits to get their unemployment. Same with the IRS and the stimulus payments.


Don't you just love small government?  It's nimble, until you really need it.

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It looks like Tara Reade will be interviewed by the truly disgusting Megyn Kelly for Youtube, after backing out of interviews with Don Lemon and Chris Wallace. This sham continues, and - what a shock - it's being enabled by New York Times reporters. 



Between this nonsense and Barr dropping all charges against Michael Flynn (who already pled guilty) and the post office stuff, I just don't want to think about where we're heading. 



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Yeah, saw that. But what I am seeing is that, by and large, people still think Reade is FOS. And honestly? Even IF Biden did this (and I don't buy it), I don't GAF. I'll vote for him, anyway. Trump is THAT BAD. Thousands of deaths tends to color things...


It does beg the question, however, of when Reade will start another GoFundMe scam to pay the lawyer (if she doesn't stiff him outright as she did her law school). But then, if this lawyer is a Trump toady, he should be used to never getting paid. (If he is this time, my guess is the Bernie Bros have a hand there. Especially since Reade was all in for him and now is calling on Biden to withdraw. No ulterior motive. No, sirree!)

Edited by Wendy
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I was already very wary about Reade, for many reasons, but her pushing stories about the Warren and Harris campaigns (two of the three candidates Bernie people hate the most - the only one left out is Pete Buttigieg) makes me even more wary. 



And now we have this:



A lot of the damage is already done - international headlines of her telling new far left darling Megyn Kelly that Biden needs to drop out - but I hope most people will stop and question what is going on. 

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Seems Trump is flouting Coronavirus protocols even as staffers in the White House have become infected. I say, for once, he is right. Let him do nothing and let the virus have the final say.



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