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And you know what side the 'convoy' or 'truckers' are on.  Coming back to DC again and this time they say they're going to have "teeth" whatever that means.  99% anyway.  They are rallying against something - we're just not sure quite what.  Last time it was mask mandates which had already been lifted.  Except we are pretty sure actually what they want.  Now they say Government over-reach.  They're against Government over-reach. These are the same people who don't want the Government telling them to get a vaccination.  Or to wear a mask, because it's just too much to handle.  And they should have as many guns and high powered guns as they want.  Gubment get outta my life.

But yes, please, Government - PLEASE rule our wombs and tell us we have to have children.  That's totally OK.

It's sick.

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Because they don't trust women to make good decisions for themselves. That is the literal reason. They assume people will change their minds when they get older. God forbid they treat young women as adults who can deal with the consequences of their own decisions.

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I'm with @marceline: at some point, people need to realize that Bernie and "the Squad" are literal poison to worthwhile liberal and progressive causes.  I just don't know when that point will come.

And I realize that unions have a very complicated history and reputation in this country, but my God!  When did seeking to protect workers' rights become NOT the thing to do anymore?  Take it from someone who works for an organization whose treatment of its' non-management employees is so abominable that the AFL-CIO actually BEGGED us on one occasion to find someone within our ranks to take up the cause: We. Need. Unions.

Regardless of who caused the leak or how, this much is clear: the only recourse we have at this point is to do whatever we can this election cycle and the next to install pro-choice politicians into office who will codify Roe v. Wade and similar legislature that protects women's reproductive rights into law.


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Wow, that's ridiculous. 

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  Shouldn't that be each individual's choice? Does it apply only to women or to men as well?

I had to check what the rules are here, and it seems to be perfectly ok, as long as you're 25 or older. (Don't know why there's an age limit, but there is). And you have to see a doctor before so you can be thoroughly informed about what it will mean.


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Progressives, of AOC and Bernie “that’s not the reason” why the vote failed. Well, it’s likely at least part of the reason.

The JFK8 union drive was so successful because it was compromised of current and former Amazon employees who had a personal connection and stake, not politicians looking for more camera time. 
Also, the majority of the workers at this S.I. are part time workers who might not see working at Amazon in the long term to be thinking about benefits, breaks and raises. At JFK8, those were full time employees who had expectations.

‘Having said all this, it was messy to have Bernie and AOC sidle into Staten Island (none of whom are their constituents nor have they shown any inclination that they want them there) the day before voting takes place.  Just unfortunate.

‘In future, I hope the Amazon union has realized that they didn’t need Always On Camera nor Bernie. They were successful without them.


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In terms of the quest to overturn Roe v Wade, anti-abortion advocates will probably look to use the same mechanism that they used to prop up slavery for centuries— state’s rights. I am surrounded by states that have decided over recent years to strengthen and enshrine abortion rights into state laws, but for a large number of states I know this is not the case.

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