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This is going to keep happening, and likely keep causing either more heartburn and dead legislation, or just no efforts to even pass a lot of legislation. I keep seeing people try to put this on Kamala Harris and say that she and Biden should just overrule the parliamentarian and you would only need 40 votes to pass legislation in that case, but that would be a huge landmine and would probably lead to our two honorary Republicans, Kristen Sinema and Joe Manchin, switching parties. 


It's becoming a never-ending cycle on topics that Biden knows won't work (like trying to put the $15 in the relief package), but end up happening anyway because they want to try to appease the left, only to just disappoint many of them even more. And Manchin, our self-appointed voice of conscience (unless it involves his daughter...), along with Sinema, who is more suited to Hot Topic than to Congress, continuing to thwart common sense legislation for the sake of posturing.


I know this guy was another Bernie dead-ender, but I tend to agree with him here:



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I think we're going to find Manchin and Sinema being dared to buck party votes soon enough. And I think they'll fold in time. I do not think they will switch, period. I do think they need to be pressured sooner, and will soon. I don't think we're done with the minimum wage, but I'm not surprised it's not happening this second.


A lot of the far left online a) will never be satisfied with anyone not Bernie Sanders in office and b) do not have much bearing on the realities in the party outside Twitter, period. Last year proved that all the way through. Anything expecting this to all get handled in month 1 was in fantasyland.

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I think it depends on where political capital decides to be used. Politics is all about give and take. So what will Biden offer Manchin and Sinema to dump the filibuster because that's what needs to happen. following COVID there are 2 bills that need to pass. The NEW VRA is essential but min wage should come first, but he's set on infrastructure. I believe infrastructure is going to use reconciliation. So what is the downside to putting the min wage up to 60 votes and it getting defeated. Then they dump the filibuster and pass it. It's popular with the public and you get some clowns like Rubio on record against it who claims the GOP is now the party of the "working class". 


I don't believe the min wage increase is a progressive policy. It's been passed in red states as well as blue states(Arkansas, Florida and Missouri come to mind for red states).  Of course if the DNC were smart they'd coordinate getting a referendum on every state ballot in 2022 where it has not been raised.


This is a good chart showing where it stands nationwide and how the diff states address it. Arizona where Sinema is from already has a larger min wage than most states and it's tied to the inflation index. 

Twenty states raised their minimum wages on New Year’s Day: Federal action is still needed | Economic Policy Institute (epi.org)


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Are these people kidding. Why am I already disenchanted with democrats. They won't raise taxes when Biden made a campaign promise to roll back the Trump tax cuts. Who is going to complain about raising taxes on the people who have made out like gangbusters during the pandemic.  


Democrats hesitant to raise taxes amid pandemic | TheHill

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I get that but there are comments from Tester and Neal also because they are concerned with messaging? How about out message the GOP for once.


I guess I am just deflated a bit about the min wage. I honestly didn't think the ruling would go in favor of it, but I expected some sort of backup plan.

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I'm sad about the minimum wage too. People in those positions deserve to make a living wage. It's unfair that it has been the same for 11 years now. I hope some sort of progress can be made on this issue, even if the number ends up being $12.


It hasn't even been two months, so I don't have an opinion on how things are going yet. I do think that the Dems should do absolutely everything they can do as fast as they can do it without compromise.  Let in a large number of refugees, redistribute wealth and increase the social safety net. Do it all like we only have two years to get it done because that may very well be the case.

Edited by Juliajms
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