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This is about DHS-  Dept of Homeland Security

which was formed in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001

-- to protect the US from terror attacks.
(and they try to accuse immigrants of crimes because of that)


Regarding why DHS didn't warn anyone about the Jan 6, 2021 attack:

quoting snippets of the article linked in the tweet:

“Nobody wanted to write a formal intelligence report about this, in part out of fear that such a report would be very poorly received by the MAGA folks within DHS,” one former DHS official who served in the Trump administration told TPM, on condition of anonymity to speak freely.


One whistleblower, ...... said that DHS officials had ordered him to stay away from the threat of white nationalism.


Former officials at DHS echoed the whistleblower’s comments, saying that a climate of fear had been instilled in the office which made intelligence officers want to “keep their heads down” for fear of their jobs.






Edited by janea4old
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Yes.  Honestly I would just have a ceremony in the White House and not even be sure that's safe.  Then the supremacists idiots will be yacking about them not showing their faces but I wouldn't care.  I'd do my job and not care.  The Rightwing is crazy and have been for 4 years because of Trump's tweets.  I don't even know what people's conscience's are when they even THINK about not convicting.  It's kind of funny to me because a few years ago they said the Democrats were imploding.  Well.  Now who is?  I don't think the Republican party has the backbone to do the right thing.  If this had happened under Obama.....................................none of this discussion of it being "too fast" would be heard.  They'd be like a bunch of Vampires all over us to get him out before Inauguration.  And they say he deserves to finish out his term.  It's all garbage.  Yes, the mob was wrong, but just let him finish it out.  It's the same thing for 4 years - just look away and don't hold him accountable.  And this utter garbage about a Nation that needs to heal.  Well guess what, healing starts with people being accountable and I wouldn't be looking away, but that's just me.  

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More on DHS - Department of Homeland Security.


Before the early 2000s, there was no DHS.
There was only FEMA -Federal Emergency Management Agency.

FEMA is known for helping with natural disasters and manmade disasters. Things like hurricanes or a bridge collapse, etc.

DHS was formed after the Sept. 11. 2001 terror attacks.
FEMA became a subsidiary of DHS.


In recent years, Chad Wolf was a policy official at DHS, who was one of the ones responsible for the family separation policy, among other bad stuff. 
His official title was “Assistant Secretary of DHS for Strategy, Plans, Analysis & Risk”.


In April 2019, the actual Director of DHS Kirstjen Nielsen stepped down.
Kevin McAleenan was named temporary Acting Director of DHS.


McAleenan was never ratified by the Senate, so never was officially the director.

Later in 2019, stepped down.
Chad Wolf became the "Acting Director" of DHS - unofficially.


In normal times, the President should have immediately nominated a replacement who could have been Wolf or anyone else- and then the Senate would have to do a formal confirmation process of the nominee. There would be no new actual Director until the Senate confirms him/her.


Trump didn't nominate anyone so there was nobody for the Senate to confirm.


Chad Wolf continued functioning in the role of UNOFFICIALLY running DSH for more than a year, even though that wasn't legal.


While in this unofficial role, Chad Wolf issued some racist directives/edicts/rules while "in office".


There were legal challenges in the courts saying none of his edicts/directives were lawful - because he was never lawfully in the job - because he was never confirmed.

The courts ruled in favor of the plaintiffs,
which meant that all his racist directives/edicts were voided.

In August 2020, Trump finally nominated Wolf, but the Senate never got around to confirming him. So he remained illegally functioning in the role.


A few days ago (Jan. 11, 2021), Chad Wolf announced that he was stepping down as Director of DHS, because the courts had declared he was not a valid director. Nobody knew what that meant -- but people wondered if it had to do with the transition to Biden -- or because he was another rat leaving the ship of rats.


Following what remained of the line of succession, FEMA Administrator Pete Gaynor has become the new Acting Director of DHS.


Yesterday (Jan. 13, 2021),

  • Chad Wolf reminded everyone that he hadn’t left DHS. He had merely stopped functioning as Director, and he has returned to his original job at DHS as “Assistant Secretary of DHS for Strategy, Polices, Plans” which is a position of some authority and does not require Senate confirmation.
  • Furthermore, he says that the newt Acting Director of DHS (FEMA's Gaynor) has issued a directive giving Wolf additional powers which include ratifying Wolf's prior polices/edicts, and ratifying stuff started by prior DHS secretaries, including stuff from the prior unofficial acting secretary McAleenan, and other officials.
  • Then Wolf says that he has analyzed all those policies, (including all of his previous racist edicts that the courts voided because he wasn’t in charge) and he declares them to be reasonable policies he hereby declares them ratified, and is putting them into action.






So basically as @emptywheel tweeted, he's focused on harming as many immigrants as he can in his final week.
Instead of doing his job which would be analyzing ACTUAL terrorists who are white Americans.

Edited by janea4old
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