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This fits with a lot of what you hear about Florida's Democratic Party (for years now) - and is one of the reasons I've felt the national party may be better off just writing the state off, if possible.



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For me, this one hits particularly close to home.  As y'all know, Mama Khan has become a QAnon believer.  Yesterday, she remarked, "All I really cared about...was that Trump would remove the pedophiles."  (She also brought up the "watermark theory" that's been floating around, the one even Glenn Beck had to dismiss because it's just so ludicrous on its' face).  We'd already had our post-election blowout, and I wasn't in the mood for another, so I just let her talk.  But, c'mon.  As if Trump would ever CARE about extinguishing pedos from government.  The s.o.b. couldn't even "drain the swamp," and he had no intention to, either.

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Yes. A lot of people, buttressed by some terrible polling, didn't get how prominent split-ticket voting or checks and balances type voting would be. Biden and Collins had a huge crossover vote. I've seen some, like Jeet Heer, trying to blame Biden because he supports bipartisanship, but that's a lot of nonsense - it's more that the country is far more right wing and easily persuaded by Republican and media-friendly Republican takes than by the left.


Georgia is going to be hard, especially because a lot of the suburban vote that went for Biden won't be going downballot. I don't know if Ossoff has any real shot. I am hoping Warnock might manage to get through based on how truly repulsive Kelly Loeffler is, but it's going to be hard. 

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@Soapsuds Hey Ron, remember all those months back when you Mean Girled me with a "quit trying to make Kamala happen" remark? 


Guess what? It HAPPENED! LOL 


J/K buddy. I'm overjoyed. This has been such a wonderful celebratory weekend. 


That thing currently occupying the White House will soon be just another old white ranting 'n raving lunatic on Twitter. #GurlBye  and wifey will divorce him by springtime for sure. 

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