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Another media darling gets a puff piece.




Why do they hate Hillary?




Another example of how only a handful of people are even actually running anything.



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The day will come but it's going to take much longer than people expect. I believe the "deep state" is going to leave no stone unturned and I'm fine with that. But I do agree that Comey's testimony is going to be geared at making the case for obstruction.


In other news, this alt-left dudebro got in Maxine Waters face then tried to claim she "shoved" him. Twitter promptly handed him his ass.



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If you ask me, Mother Waters showed him too much restraint.  If I had been her, I would have taken off my wig and beaten him with it.

Edited by Khan
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He's reporting for The Young Turks. They're only mission on earth seems to be attacking Democrats for not being ideological pure enough for them while they simultaneously take money from the Republicans. If it give them the chance to attack a woman, POC or someone over the age of 40 even better so you can see where Maxine would be worth triple points.

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I can't stand TYT anymore. and I saw the video...she told him off right and pushed his hand out of the way. gutless punk. Jenk and Co. thinks "either kiss Bernie's backside or you're a traitor to liberalism." listening to them would have made the Dems lose worse. can't stand ultra liberals like them and Maher. 

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