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Dark Shadows

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Sad. I know he'd been sick for a while...John was one of my favorite Dark Shadows actors. Charismatic, gorgeous, and insanely talented. He really tore into his material. Yes he could be ridiculously over the top but he also managed to give layers and sold everything he was given. And I just loved watching him with Nancy Barrett.


I wish clips of Will and Carolyn Loomis were available. I just ate up that storyline. 

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Dark Shadows had some of the most beautiful music composed for a show. Some of the songs, like Josette's Theme, have never left my head. Initially so simple, sweet, then full on pathos - much like Josette herself. Cobert was a genius. I loved his Blue Whale songs the most.




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RIP to Robert Cobert. DS truly did have a great stable of cues to use, probably one of the most recognizable features of the show. He did a great job of creating themes for characters/settings along with just general background themes. My favorite is probably Angelique's theme.

"A Darkness at Collinwood" - iconic.


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Peter Minor, who produced the show for much of its run, has passed away.   (Worthington Hall in the 1897 storyline was named for his father, the great producer Worthington Minor.)


The younger Mr. Minor later directed One Life to Live.

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Oh, that is tragic news to hear.  Peter Miner remains one of my all-time favorite directors from this genre. 

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Did we know that the WB Dark Shadows pilot is finally floating around online?




I haven't had time to watch it yet so I'm not sure if this is it, but it does seem like it. I've been wanting to see this since it was originally rejected and considering it's been shown at fan events I've always been shocked it never seemed to leak online.

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