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Here's the thing about some actors running "roughshod" over chats. Yes, those actors could be more considerate and aware, but... let's really put the "blame" where it belongs: Alan Locher. It's WONDERFUL that he began producing and moderating these chats, however, he has made some odd guests combinations. That being said, actors such as Elizabeth Hubbard or Kim Zimmer do not belong in a group chat. It's clear they have plenty to share, so why would you constrain them to sharing the stage for an hour with 3-4 other actors with whom they may or may not have even worked? Personally, I feel that Jada Rowland should have been given her own hour to discuss not only "The Doctors," but also her long stint on "The Secret Storm"...which, of course, would relate back to TD because of her pairing on that show with David O'Brien. Alan Locher should have realized this--especially after having hosted, what--9 months of these chats?


Is it any surprise that Elizabeth Hubbard has plenty to say? Or Kim Zimmer?


Nobody has mentioned the fact that when you have, say, 5 people participating in a chat and ONE of them has a bad internet connection, the whole chat quickly devolves into a mess. I've turned off a few of these chats because they just devolve into stop-start-stop conversations.


I put less "blame" on the actors than I do on Alan Locher. Not only does he need to choose better combinations or solo appearances, but he should also (after all this time) be better planning to ensure these actors have strong, reliable internet and camera connections. That's not intended to be a dig at some of these actors who may be financially challenged in 2020/21, but just that if it's determined that they don't have a strong enough connection and equipment, where can they relocate to do so? Is it worth Locher spending $50 to buy them a web cam? Perhaps the actor with a weak connection is better suited to a 2-actor chat? The production side of this is being given more of a pass than I feel it should.


My two cents...

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Edited by DanMan869
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No, you guys do have good points. Liz Hubbard and Kim Zimmer would probably be better in solo chats or "couple" chats (i.e. with co-stars like Martha Byrne, Larry Bryggman, Robert Newman and/or Jordan Clarke). I agree also that Jada should have her own hour due to her soap work, as well as her appearances on Sesame Street and her choice to leave show business to concentrate full time on her artwork. 


On a lighter note, I didn't know that Nicholas Walker played Austin Powers.

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People, proofreading is your friend.

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My feeling is if an actor doesn't have a great connection, I'd rather have audio only instead of poor video. Alan does eventually make the YouTube chats into podcasts so I'd prefer that then people freezing and not being able to interact properly. 


Both Liz Hubbard and Kim Zimmer have done other chats with Alan (with less participants), but due to who they are even a 50 minute video alone or with one other performer, you would be unlikely to get all the stories out. It is one of those problems you want to have doing an interview more to discuss than not enough. The viewers who flocked to Alan's channel first were the GL and ATWT fans (due to who his first chats were with), and Alan knows those two actresses, so perhaps it is easier to deal with than having all  performers you may have heard of, but never watched or worked with previously in some fashion. (I still wish someone could get upload provide the interview Jada did years ago with WOST - wasn't a member had a slow connection so it wasn't worth the money as I couldn't watch any videos.) 


The only thing that could "fix" the over-talking is something I doubt Alan would want to do, which is to mute people if they weren't the one the question was addressed to, as then we'd be apt to see someone moving their mouths and have to find someone who could read lips to figure out what we couldn't hear. Since Alan isn't an interviewer by trade, and hasn't watched TD it isn't as if he naturally knows what kinds of questions to ask or about who worked together. 


I think having multiple people for chats about TD though is understandable, because of how long it has been off the air and how long some people have been out of the business. It is a bit of a different when it is for ATWT or GL where most of the cast is still alive, so people can interact with their actual on screen partner, character's family and "reunite", with TD that is really not possible for the majority of the performers. 


I'm hoping that everyone gets a chance to speak on Friday and there are no serious tech issues. 

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Any interviewer should do basic research so you have questions to ask. You could also post places like here and Daytime Royalty (or social media) asking for questions. It’s always annoying when he interviews people he isn’t familiar with bc he goes through the motions and doesn’t do follow up because he doesn’t care. 

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Interviewing is an art form and as you all have pointed out - you have to do your homework and be interested in what your guest has to say (or at least fake it). This is why Johnny Carson and David Letterman were so good on their shows - they had mastered this art. And why Jay Leno never measured up to them; he was less interested in drawing out his guests, and more interested in delivering the next punchline.

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Alan did ask for questions on Facebook and on Twitter —Jennifer from RTV asked.   Something like having actors CV would help especially for those with theater backgrounds as IMDb is not appropriate for regional work. Alan seemed to have done that for one of the AMC related chats. 


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I would love to see a decent chat with all the old school Dallas actors including Victoria Principal & Mary Crosby in the mix.


An old school Days chat with Susan Flannery, Bill Hayes, Susan Hayes, Maree Cheatham, Heather North etc....


An old school Y&R chat with Jamie Lyn Bauer, Janice Lynde, Trish Stewart, Pamela Peters, William Gray Espy, James Houghton, Brenda Dickson, Robert Colbert, John McCook, Tom Ligon

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