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EastEnders: Discussion Thread

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I don't know why but this promo irks my soul for some reason--that reason being that it has always annoyed me that this show at one point forward just associated Sharon with the Mitchells as if she didn't predate them and was an EE original. It just reminds me so much how the Mitchells have eaten this show alive. The day this show kills Phil off and rids us of his spawn will be the day this show might possibly bounce back. 


In regard Peter and Suki, this show is once again tossing Peter in plot-driven heap of garbage that won't amount to anything at the end of the day. It kill me how this show has decimated the Beale children, who should be in great stories and leading show alongside their cousin, Martin.  

Edited by NothinButAttitude
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I could maybe understand why Jon Sen is still there, if there was a "Chuck Pratt" like effect going where despite the show being awful the ratings are really good, but the ratings are just as bad as the writing is. I just don't get it. Why would you let him continue to destroy the show when your spending millions on a new set? 

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