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Grey's Anatomy: Discussion Thread

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Hmm, I wonder if they are writing IW out, it seems very suspect that they have him proposing plus he's still injured and now the chief is staying so he's no longer up for the chiefs job. They have created so many ways to get rid of him its hilarious. I hope no one gets married, I don't think either couple really has been together long enough to even consider marriage. An I thought meridith mom had alzheimer's, and it looks as if next week she's all better, whats going on here?

Edited by Kanewomen2005
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I think Burke proposed to call Christina's bluff. She was going on and on about she was in it to win, yada yada yada, and then bam Burke proposes. I think he is testing her.

Meredith and Derek are so boring now.

The scene at the end showing all four of the attendings sitting in the floor together was kinda of funny since you normally see the Interns doing that.

Speaking of timelines, if this is the third season, and each season covers roughly three months, then it has been 8-9 months roughly since the first day the interns started at Seattle Grace. Well thats my theory anyways. :)

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Does anyone know what the amish girl had going on "down there" that they all had to look at?

I understand that she had cancer an all, but what I didn't get is what they all saw when they looked down there to lead them to believe she could have had cancer......

Sorry if this grosses anyone out.......

Edited by Rhiannon
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I really didn't like Callie much last season, but in the last few episodes she has become one of my favorite characters on the show...she was hillarious in tonights episode...I also have to say the ending was pretty shocking..I think tonights was the best episode of the past few weeks..

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Addison/Alex -HOTNESS. Hook these two up already!

Callie O'Malley :lol: :lol: :lol:

I LOVED George standing up for his woman today. Izzie was an annoying b!tch! And the Addison/Callie friendship simply ROCKS.

Christina Burke -I'm thinking Burke is going to die.

Ellen Pompeo, you proved me [sigh] WRONG tonight. She was the one to watch tonight. Her performances were flawless. From her costume, to the makeup, to the acting, Ellen was great. She needs more of this material. Can I just say how much I adore Kate Burton? :wub: Excellent performances from her, and she WILL receive a "guest spot" Emmy nomination.

The writing was excellent as well. Although the outbreak was a bit "ER." I frickin' LOVE our cast!

THREE EPISODES? They better be goooooooooood.

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Merediths mom was a total [!@#$%^&*], we need to see more of her. :lol: I was sad when she went back into her alzheimers, it reminded me of the notebook. :( Ellen did rock tonight, now she is worthy of an emmy nom, I was surprised that she got nominated for GG, I was like for what????lol I wish they would do more with mark, he just stands around looking hot with nothing to do.lol An when Mark does do something its usually having sex. I would be shocked if dr. Burke is back next seasons, ABC has a history of getting rid of people that get out of line or ridiculous aka michael nader, david caruso, star jones, etc.

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Last night's show was really good.

ITA DruRocks that Ellen was great last night. Addison and Alex oozes so much sex, it's just crazy. I loved the loos she were giving him when they wewre in the clinic and she had to leave. Mark just didn't know how serious she was when she said she wasn't thinking about him.

Callie O'Malley, that was hilarious. :lol:

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Last night's episode rocked! Definitely the best episode so far this season.

Ellen Pompeo, for the first time EVER, proved to me that she has it in her to do good work. Literally, until last night's episode, I thought she was a horrible actress.

Alex/Addison is HOT HOT HOT. I'm loving them!

I loved when George finally stood up for Callie. It's about time, too. I'm so sick of the way Izzie/Cristina/Meredith act like total b!tches to her. It's like they're in effing high school.

Can't wait for the next three episodes!

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