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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

Entries in this blog

Episode#418: Note

Episode#418: Note -Its a brand new day in the town of Salem! -Will, Sami, and little Arianna are all at the Brady Pub...Sami says its so great to see her wonderful little granddaughter...to get to know her! Will smiles, and tells her that its even better to be reunited with her after being apart for so long...he's just been having a blast raising her...Sami says she's one of the few bright spots in the midst of all this sadness...Will tells her its funny, he resented her for so many ye



Episode#417: A Decision

Episode#417: A Decision -Kate sits at the bar at Chez Rouge...she takes the last sip of her drink...she flashes back to when Tony cut her off from his life at the courthouse...and Kristen telling her he and Anna left town...a tear runs down her cheek as she says she misses him....Maggie is walking by and sees her...and asks if she's alright! -Celeste asks what she means...Valentine informs Celeste that she's going to take Vivian down...she has a plan...so she shouldn't fear about all t



Episode#416: Eugenia and Lucas Talk

Episode#416: Eugenia and Lucas Talk -Kate and Celeste sit at a table at Chez Rouge...Celeste thanks Kate for being here for her during all this...she says they never knew each other really well or were great friends...but she appreciates it...Kate says of course, Victor was her ex-husband! Celeste tells her its just so hard....Victor is randomly murdered and she doesn't know who killed him...and Vivian's taking over everything! Kate sighs and tells her she understands...just as Valentine ap



Vet OUT!

ANOTHER CUT HAS STRIKED LIS...JOHN ANISTON FIRED! As fans have probably already noticed over the past couple of weeks, John Aniston(Victor) has exited "Life in Salem". He exited after his character was killed by his former henchwoman Suga, and after a heartbreaking reunion in the hospital with his love Celeste...but he didn't die before he married Vivian Alamain one last time! Aniston isn't the first cut from LIS...in the past three months, many vets AND newcomers have been axed in the form



Episode#415: Mystery Woman

Episode#415: Mystery Woman -Lucas pulls back from kissing Jan and tells her that she still has to understand that...he can't do what they did that night because of Eugenia...and he's still trying to figure all this out. Jan sighs and says of course... -Mike tells Alexis thats NOT true...he got over Robin years ago...they're through! He says its just...three times, two times that Robin nearly died? That is a bit suspicious...Alexis says Robin's a scheming liar, she set her up each time



Episode#414: The Room

Episode#414: The Room -Lucas is at the park with Josh, Bentley, and Arianna...he holds Josh as Bentley and even Arianna play...he sighs at his son as he tells him things just keep getting crazier and crazier in town...and crazier and crazier between him and mommy. Suddenly, Jan approaches Lucas...she sits down beside him...and tells him she wants to apologize! -Mike says that he loves his mother...he loves her dearly, but he's watched this whole thing, and he doesn't know what anyone c



Episode#413: Records

Episode#413: Records -Hope and Julie enter Bo and Hope's house...moving boxes in hand! Hope tells Julie that everything still is kinda....awkward, but she's so happy...it feels good just to say she and Bo are back together...her FAMILY is back together! Julie grins and says she knew everything would heal in time...and here Hope thought the spark between them was gone! Hope shakes her head and says she really thought it was gone for good...but now its back, and its great! -Abe and Faye



Episode#412: Catfight

Episode#412: Catfight -Dorian is seen at the Spears Mansion...she rings the doorbell...and Will and Destiny come to the door! Destiny tells Dorian this is such a pleasant surprise...and asks if she's alright! Dorian nods, and tells her that she's just here to tell her...goodbye! She informs Will and Destiny that she's leaving Salem! -Kristen nods, and says that with all this CHAOS...and now with him and Hope back together...she hopes she's not disrupting anything by having him help her



Episode#411: Celeste Attacks Vivian

Episode#411: Celeste Attacks Vivian -Its another new day in the town of Salem! -At the police station, Kristen enters and sees Bo...she tells him once again...she's so sorry about his father! Bo thanks her, and she asks how he is...he says its kinda weird...he and Victor were never REALLY close, but its still...just sad...however...he's back together with his wife at long last! -Valentine is seen entering a hidden place...she greets someone...and its revealed to be...ANDRE!!!! Val



Episode#410: Euologies

Episode#410: Euologies -Its a brand new day in Salem...days after Victor's death! -Dorian stands inside St.Luke's...she looks down at Victor's coffin...she says its interesting...only two months ago, she wanted revenge on him for all that happened with Viki...but then, in his last moments of life, she was having sex with him...she says she's so glad that at least...they managed to bury what happened before he died...she sniffs...she suddenly turns around to Celeste! Celeste slowly gree



Episode#409: Victor Dies

Episode#409: Victor Dies -Alexis promises Laura that she's going to get her out of this, as Robin is wheeled out by Jeremy, with Mike beside him, and groans at Alexis...however, everyone is distracted when they hear Victor's monitor go off as he flatlines! -Everyone in the waiting room stands at the window....they watch Celeste and Victor.... -Victor and Celeste kiss passionately....a deep kiss full of love...Victor finally dies as the monitor stops buzzing...Celeste slowly pulls



Episode#408: The Love of Victor and Celeste

Episode#408: The Love of Victor and Celeste -Everyone stands out in the waiting room now...Bo goes over to Hope, and he just hugs her...Kristen sees this...and she sighs, but remembers that she has bigger things to focus on...he sees Lexie, and asks her how much time she thinks Victor has...Lexie sadly shakes her head and says she doesn't know....Valentine arrives, and walks over to Vivian...Vivian asks what she wants...Valentine wonders to herself if Vivian even remembers her confession, a



Episode#407: A Spiritual Visit

Episode#407: A Spiritual Visit -Jill nods and says she understands, and heard about all the chaos with that Victor Kiriakis...Bo says he was going to ask Dr.Stansville some things, but he's sorry for disturbing them...he leaves, and Jill nearly collapses as she says that was close! -Celeste tells her former son in law that even if she did...she can't, because he slept with Dorian...now he's married Vivian! Abe says that perhaps he did...but Celeste is the one in his heart! He urges Cel



Episode#406: Marriage

Episode#406: Marriage -Jan turns to Nicole and tells her to go away...Nicole chuckles and says thankfully, its been awhile...Jan says to Nicole to go back to happy land with her boyfriend...nothing about HER son is coming out anytime soon! Nicole tells Jan to just keep on thinking that, before Travis tells her to come on, something's happening with Victor! -Jill slowly says "Hi...Bo", and Bo looks at her and says its been quite awhile...Jill nods and says it has...Bo looks at her and s



Episode#405: Man and Wife

Episode#405: Man and Wife -Julie tells Chris to leave Laura ALONE...she is an innocent civillian! Chris says that Laura has a history of problems like this and Robin's apparently already accused her of trying to kill her TWICE!!! He then says that Laura still has some time left of freedom...but its fast running out! -Jeremy walks into Robin's room...he caresses her face, saying he's so glad he didn't lose her...he says he knows she's strong, she's a fighter...but he just...he hopes tha



Episode#404: News

Episode#404: News -Mimi says that while she loves the sound of getting out of this hellhole and going back to Salem...she doesn't know if its possible...she says that Cassie was clever when she framed Mimi! Alexis tells Mimi that anything is possible....but even from a jail cell, she'll need Mimi's help...and finally asks if she'll give it to her! -Sami, Brandon, Carrie, Nicholas, and Belle all rush into the hospital...Belle walks over to Justin and says they all heard about what happe



Episode#403: Operation

Episode#403: Operation -Alexis says to Mimi that if she takes down Cassie...she's sure that she'll get Jeremy back...she explains that Jeremy and Cassie have been dating...and Jeremy hates her. Mimi says thats awful...she knows what its like to lose the man you love. Alexis says "Oh really?" and Mimi says that she was in love with Rex Brady before she went to prison! -Jan asks Eugenia what she means...her baby may be alive...its dead and buried! Eugenia explains Celeste's vision months



Episode#402: At the Hospital

Episode#402: At the Hospital -Lucas promises Jan that he loves her...but he loves Eugenia too...he's still trying to figure this all out! Jan is about to argue with him more, but both turn when they hear on the TV that Victor Kiriakis has been stabbed and is being rushed to the hospital in critical condition! -Nicole and Travis are at the Salem Inn....the two kiss passionately, and Nicole says that this past month has been the best of her life...no Greta, no craziness...just being with



Episode#401: 911

Episode#401: 911 -Jan holds a gun to Lucas's head...saying its time for all of this to END!!!! Lucas finally gets the strength to jump up...he grabs the gun from Jan, and they enter a struggle! Lucas asks what the hell she's DOING...and Jan yells that she's so tired of this! She's tired of him and Eugenia...he's lucky neither of them are dead!!!! She screams that she's done SO much for HIM...she went to such lengths to keep Josh!!!!! -Bo and Hope hold each other....Hope saying how grea



Episode#400: The Four-Hundreth Episode

Episode#400: The Four-Hundreth Episode -Brandon tells Sami she's delusional...and Sami retorts that the last time everyone thought she was she turned out to be RIGHT about something! Brandon says that he and Carrie are just good friends, and roomates...Sami tells Brandon she knows him...and she says to just give it up and go after Carrie! -Destiny and Will kiss passionately...but Will suddenly pulls back, saying he's sorry....he shouldn't have done that...he's very sorry. Destiny slowl



Episode#399: Proof?

Episode#399: Proof? -Sami sees Brandon as he is trying to get his clothes on...and she says this is sure interesting...she looks at Carrie and asks if she's already bedded Brandon....Carrie laughs and shakes her head, telling her sister no Brandon just got out of the shower and she accidentally saw him like this! Sami says sure...and tells her to trust her, he IS good in bed! -Will and Destiny are upstairs at the Spears Mansion....they play with Arianna and Bentley, and Will introduces



Episode#398: Kristen Connects the Dots

Episode#398: Kristen Connects the Dots -Its hours later in Salem as nightfall approaches! -Carrie is at her apartment with Brandon...she's cooking dinner while Brandon is getting out of the shower...she goes to get something when she sees him shirtless!!! -Victor sits in the living room at the Kiriakis Mansion...Henderson comes in and tells him that he has a visitor...and Victor asks who, and right afterwards DORIAN walks in! Victor stands and asks what she's doing here...Dorian t



Episode#397: Hope Questions Vivian

Episode#397: Hope Questions Vivian -Lucas and Jan lay on the couch, passionately making love as one by one, they lose more pieces of clothing....Lucas continues to protest that they shouldn't do this because of Eugenia, but Jan tells him that this is THEIR time...it has nothing to do with her! Jan and Lucas kiss and continue...as EUGENIA walks up to the doorway and sees it through the doorway! -Lexie tells Faye that this is RIDICULOUS...and quite frankly, none of her damn business! She



Episode#396: Vivian Discovers Kristen's Investigation

Episode#396: Vivian Discovers Kristen's Investigation -Jan tells Lucas that he's paranoid....there's nothing wrong, nothing off, nothing going on...she tells him to calm down and just come to his senses...remember his love for her! Jan puts Josh down and runs towards Lucas...and pulls him into a kiss! She says its time that they remember what they have...remember everything about what made them fall in love...Lucas doesn't say anything as the two begin to rip each others clothes off...



Important Announcements!

CASTING NEWS, ANNIVERSERY NEWS, AND MORE ANNOUNCED ON LIFE IN SALEM! Lots of announcements regarding LIS have finally arrived! First off, shockingly, Thaao Penghlis and LeAnn Hunley have been fired in their roles of Tony DiMera and Anna DiMera, respectively...the supercouple flew out of Salem after reuniting last week! The two have been on LIS, in contract roles, since 2006. "I know this is very startling...especially considering how much airtime Tony and Anna have always gotten on LIS



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