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A Days fanfic that has love, mystery, and adventure.

Entries in this blog

Previews and official statement from new Showrunner ML Cooks

Words from new Show runner ML Cooks I usually don't do these kind of things and rarely give previews. I try to remain "press free" and "interview free" There has been a lot of chaos and confusion behind the scenes lately on LIS. First it was announced that LIS was back with new episodes after being on a yearlong hiatus. After episode began to air, the show fell into another unexpected hiatus. During that time, show creator Tara Smith was unable to contribute creatively to the



Episode 459 pt 2

Life in Salem Episode#459: A Dad of Destiny Written by: Tara Smith Java Cafe It is mid-morning in Salem, shortly after Carrie, Eric, and Brandon said their goodbyes and left town. Rex is having a cup of coffee, surprised by this turn of events. Rex So my brother and sister are gone just like that. Wow. Another one of my brothers is in jail; things have been crazy lately. Alexis, suddenly walking up and taking a seat And they're about to get even crazier. It's about time I



episode 459 pt.1

Brady Pub Carrie, Brandon, Eric, Sami, John, Rex, Cassie, Belle, Will, Faye, Abe, and Nicole are all down at the Brady Pub. Carrie and Brandon have called them all there to make an announcement. Faye So, you've got us all here. What's this all about? Is something wrong? Brandon No, Mom, not at all. We have...good news. Sami Carrie, please don't tell me you're pregnant already! Carrie, shocked Sami! That's not it! Nicole Jealous, Sami? It's too bad that it's not you sink



Episode#458: The Power of Vivian

Chez Rouge Vivian stands in front of everyone at Laura's celebration party at Chez Rouge, having just barged in and crashed the entire thing. Everyone inside is shocked and appalled; the room is lined with Vivian's enemies. Laura, Kate, Celeste, Andre, Valentine, Nicholas, Mike, Maggie, Bo, Kristen. Mike What are you doing here, Vivian? You have no right to be here. Vivian, chuckling I rule Salem. I can go any where I please. I just want to take part in this joyous celebration of yo



Changing of the Guard!

Changing of the Guard Early this year, LIS show runner, Tara Smith, told readers that “Life in Salem “was coming back to the airwaves after being on hiatus for over a year. Her writing partner ML Cooks rejoined her on the writing team. Since returning, Tara has been unable to devote the time that is needed to run LIS. ML has created a very good long-term story document for LIS and he will continue LIS. These stories are simply to good to be wasted. ML Cooks will serve as showruune



LIS #457

Salem University Hospital John sits inside of his hospital room, continuing to recover and get better. All of his children are with him as a new day rises in Salem. John is now more coherent and able. John I don't understand. Why can't I see Marlena? Carrie I...like I said...you'll know everything soon. All of John's children look at each other. Eric motions for some of them to step outside with him; Rex, Carrie, and Belle get up while Sami and Cassie decide to stay inside. Eric



#456: All Bitches Fall Down

Salem Courthouse At the courthouse, almost all of the Hortons, Alexis, and Robin sit and watch as Laura goes on trial for trying to kill Robin. Judge Fitzpatrick looks at Laura. Judge Fitzpatrick Dr. Horton, you have been accused of three counts of attempted murder by Dr. Robin Jacobs. How do you plead? April My client pleads not guilty, your honor. Judge Fitzpatrick Prosecution, call your first witness. Paul McDaneld, an ADA that is trying Laura's



Episode#455: Duking of the Divas

Java Cafe It's a brand new day in Salem; the sun is shining and the birds are chirping. Inside the Java Cafe, Eugenia sits at a table with her son, Josh. Lexie enters and walks over to her table. Eugenia Lexie, thanks for coming. You're probably the closest person I have to a friend in this town. Lexie, smiling Sure. If you need anything, just tell me; I'm so sorry about Lucas. Eugenia I know you've got to go in to work, so I'll make this quick; Lucas and I broke up. He knows th



Episode#454: Welcome Back, John

Salem University Hospital Hope walks in to the hospital, still fuming and angry over everything that is going on in her marriage. Bo quickly follows her in, desperate to calm his wife. Bo Fancy Face, please, you've gotta listen. Hope Listen to what, Bo?! Some excuse for your actions?! I know that when I went to prison, our marriage was falling apart, but we were still married. You slept with Jill, you slept with Megan...you even slept with Kristen! Bo, startled by Hope's last accu



Episode#453: A Flaming Payback

Kiriakis Mansion Philip is now gone as the Kiriakis Mansion's fire is starting to spread; not too many inside the mansion have realized it yet. Vivian sits inside the living room, continuing to think about how she reigns over Salem and must make sure it stays that way, when the smoke alarms go off. Vivian What in the hell.... Ivan rushes in. Ivan Madam! We have to get out of here; I don't know how it happened, but a huge fire has broken out on the other end of the mansion! The smo



Episode#452: War on Vivian

Salem Jail Mike, Maggie, and Julie all walk into the local jail, intent on meeting with Laura and telling her about the news regarding the hospital. Julie I am still mad about this. I refuse to sit back and let a gold digging woman who has tricked people, buried a woman alive, schemed her way into carrying Victor and Kate's baby, has tried to kill people countless times, and Lord knows what else take our hospital away from us! Mike I know, Aunt Julie, and she's not going to get away



Episode#451: Ding Dong the Rabied Bitch is Dead!

Salem University Hospital Inside the boardroom, Mike and Lexie sit as they wait for this sudden board meeting to begin. Lexie Mike, do you have any idea what this is about? Mike Honestly, Lexie, I don't know...I just know that it has something to do with Vivian Alamain. I don't know what she wants, but it seems we have no choice but to hear her out. Lexie Watch out for her, Mike. Vivian's a scheming bitch. Pardon my language, but its true...she weasled her way into the DiMera fa



The Return of "Life in Salem"

After a year of silence inside LIS studios, news has finally broken that 'Life in Salem' will be making it's return to mySON TV at long last; Co-EP/Co-HW ML Cooks broke the news last week. Now, it's time to get an indepth look at what is going on at LIS. Where has it been? What's been going on, what will go on? When is it coming back? Any changes? A lot of questions must be on reader's minds; they probably thought it for dead, like many other past SON blogs. Well, 'Life' doesn't die that quickly



#450: Love in the Afternoon (LiS)

The Dimera House Kristen opens the front door after hearing a knock. She is surprised and delighted to see Bo. Kristen “Bo, Come in.” Bo “Don’t mean to barge in like this. Are we alone?” Kristen “No one is here but the maids. I’ve missed you.” She gives him a hug. He holds her back. Bo, pulling away from her “Listen, we have to talk” Kristen “You’ve come to a decision about Hope and I? You chose Hope didn’t you?” Bo



Life in Salem...BACK!

After a very long hitaus, the longest running Days blog will finally return in early April. When we last left LIS we were in the middle of a major transition. When It comes back with episode 450 the transition will continue as we were going through a writing change, as ML Cooks joined the headwriting team again. Tara and I have have been hard at work the last few months mapping out storylines. And let me tell you, no other Days blog can compare, come close, or even light a candle to what w



(LIS) #449: Back on Deck

Downtown Salem, City Jail Kate is escorted to her son’s jail cell. She sees Justin with Philip already waiting for her. Philip “How did I become so lucky? I haven’t seen any of my family in years and yet here we are today. A family reunion.” Kate “It’s nice to see again my son. I wouldn’t be so coy. You have no idea what I had to do to spring this into play.” Justin “Well I am sure it was appreciated.” He says flashing her a



(LIS)448: Is Vivian getting High?

Hotel, Lucas and Eugenia’s Suite Jan, with her son Bentley in her arms are stunned to see an eerie looking Greta, with a gun pointed at them. Jan “Greta come on, Halloween was weeks ago.” She tries to brush past Greta. Greta puts the tip of the gun against Bentley. Greta, growling before she speaks, “No one is going anywhere Janet. Now get back in this apartment and no one is going to get hurt.” Jan “Greta please, I was just




SHOCKING NEWS! THE SHAKEUPS CONTINUE AT LIS! MORRIS, LINDELL, BLOOMNER, BROWN OUT! DATTILO DROPPED TO RECURRING! More stunning news rolls out from LIS Studios as ML Cooks continues to settle in and get his stories rolling. It has just been confirmed that frontburner players on LIS have been fired! Heather Lindell(Jan Spears) and Daphne Bloomner(Eugenia Willens) have both been cut from the LIS cast! Lindell and Bloomner were both very frontburner this year in the Secret Room/Baby



447: People are going 2 DIE!!

Bo and Hope’s House Bo looks at Megan in shock as she holds a baby in her arms. Hope walks from around Bo to look at the now crying baby. Hope “What did you just say?” Megan “Oh, Hello Hope. Didn’t even see you there. This is Bo’s son. Bo Dimera the 2nd.” Bo “What the hell are you talking about? You’re sick. If you don’t get the hell out of here, I’m going to arrest you myself.” Megan “Oh, Bo, would you



#446: Bo Dimera the II

Downtown Salem Kate is sitting in her executive chair at her desk. She leans back and thinks of her conversation with Justin Kirakis earlier. (In Kate’s office yesterday) Justin “Indeed. This is why I need you on my team. We must stop Vivian. This merger cannot take place. Victor would roll over in his grave if we allow this. He would be heartbroken to learn his legacy has been destroyed. I urge you Kate, to do it for your son. We have to bail Phili



Horton hears a WHORE!! #445

The Horton House Abe is trying to walk with a walker alongside his physical therapist. Abe is really concentrating and almost out of breath. PT “You’ve almost got it.” Then Maggie walks in the front door. “Oh my... Abe, you you’re doing so much better.” Abe, out of breath and strength, sits back down in his wheelchair. “Thank you.” PT “You keep this up and you will be walking on



#444, Dame of Salem!

Downtown Salem, Titian Valentine barges right into Vivian’s executive office. Vivian, on the phone “This ball will be the biggest thing to ever hit Salem. I want all the media outlets there Ivan! Now make it happen damn it.” She slams down the phone, looking up at her sister. Vivian “What is it? I am a very busy woman. It’s not an easy task running Salem.” Valentine “I guess you are so busy, you fai



#443 Vivian owns Salem!

Padre Island</SPAN> Kristen sitting alongside the ocean front at a table at a bar opens the envelope to see who killed her brother. Kristen is stunned to see the pictures. Bo “Well who is it? Who did it?” Kristen hands the pictures to Bo. He looks at them, “They are blank. It’s a rouse. See, I told you to let me handle this. But you knew it all. Now you’ve wasted 5 million dollars.” Kristen “Money is



Johnson Returns!

AFTER A SEVEN YEAR ABSENCE FROM SALEM, JAY KENNETH JOHNSON RETURNS AS PHILIP KIRIAKIS! Philip Kiriakis is heading back to LIS...but this time, played by his most known and most loved portrayer, Jay Kenneth Johnson! Philip has been on LIS before, played by Kyle Brandt(2006-2007, 2008), but he was sent off after kidnapping and stalking Belle in 2007, going into a rage after the revelation that Claire was not his daughter, and only returning for one guest episode in 2008, when his father Victo



Episode#442: State of Drunkeness

Flight 720 lands at Salem Airport as night falls. The plane opens its door and Nicole is the first passenger to get off the plane. Nicole is clearly distraught and crying, with dried up black eye mascara on her face. As she walks into the airport, she wipes tears as she thinks of Travis’s death. “I can’t believe some one killed my Travis. We were going to be so happy. Who would do this? Who would kill Travis?” She is now inside the airport and sees her mother Faye w



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