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Y&R: February 2024 Discussion Thread

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People do realize that Steve Kent (is he still there?) or whoever is in that position is not interested in finding new talent, right? Please tell me that you understand this. Talent is easy to find. The writers in the ranks of (pre)professional stage and screen writing programs and alumni networks are out there and in the pipeline-if one is interested. 

Sony is really only interested in keeping the machine going by only doing enough to keep things going at minimum cost. There is nothing that they have done in the last decade to indicate that this is not the aim.
Even Mal Young who was initially touted as being such a revolutionary choice was chosen more for his managerial skills, coupled with his presentation of something “new” to American daytime soaps, which was really akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.

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Danielle Unger is the person in charge of Y&R (at CBS)

July 2023 interview with Peter Bergman via Michael Maloney,
about Jack and DIane

In November 2021, Bergman was recuperating from an eye injury but any discomfort he was feeling was soon alleviated after receiving a phone call from head writer/co-executive producer Josh Griffith and Danielle Unger, Director Current, CBS. “They wanted to talk to me about this person they wanted to bring back,” Bergman says, referring to the decision to resurrect the role of Diane who would once again be played by Walters.


December 2023 interview with Brad Sanders ("Clarence updates")

According to comedian/actor/writer Brad Sanders, it was his idea to bring his alter ego, Clarence — his street-talking persona, who offered a daily rundown of Y&R starting in 1986 — back to the soap, which celebrated its milestone 50th anniversary earlier this year. He explains, “One of the radio stations said, ‘Look, man, you need to be a part of the 50th anniversary. You should be there!’ And I said, ‘Yeah, let me call!’ So I  called [Vice President, Daytime Programs, CBS] Margot Wain and she called [Director at CBS] Danielle Unger and they were like, ‘Yeah, it sounds great!’ And they set it all up.”



Linked-in profile of Danielle Unger:

Quoting her Linked-in:

Danielle Unger
Director in Current Programming for CBS
May 2022 – Present

As a Director in Current Programming for CBS, I oversee The Young and the Restless.
I cover all aspects of the show including reading and giving notes on all scripts, outlines and long story documents. Watching the production feed and giving notes and feedback. I maintain relationships with the Executive Producer and Head Writer, Producers, Writing Staff, Publicists and other key Creatives. I also collaborate with various divisions on the show, at CBS and at Sony including PR and Marketing, Casting, Program Practices, Research, Scheduling, Legal and Business Affairs to ensure communication is maintained across all divisions.As a Director in Current Programming for CBS, I oversee The Young and the Restless. I cover all aspects of the show including reading and giving notes on all scripts, outlines and long story documents. Watching the production feed and giving notes and feedback. I maintain relationships with the Executive Producer and Head Writer, Producers, Writing Staff, Publicists and other key Creatives. I also collaborate with various divisions on the show, at CBS and at Sony including PR and Marketing, Casting, Program Practices, Research, Scheduling, Legal and Business Affairs to ensure communication is maintained across all divisions.

_ _ _ _ _

Danielle Unger
Manager in Current Programming for CBS
May 2020 - May 2022

As a Manager in Current Programming for CBS, I oversee The Young and the Restless.
I cover all aspects of the show including reading and giving notes on all scripts, outlines and long story documents. Watching the production feed and giving notes and feedback. I maintain relationships with the Executive Producer and Head Writer, Producers, Writing Staff, Publicists and other key Creatives. I also collaborate with various divisions on the show, at CBS and at Sony including PR and Marketing, Casting, Program Practices, Research, Scheduling, Legal and Business Affairs to ensure communication is maintained across all divisions.As a Manager in Current Programming for CBS, I oversee The Young and the Restless. I cover all aspects of the show including reading and giving notes on all scripts, outlines and long story documents. Watching the production feed and giving notes and feedback. I maintain relationships with the Executive Producer and Head Writer, Producers, Writing Staff, Publicists and other key Creatives. I also collaborate with various divisions on the show, at CBS and at Sony including PR and Marketing, Casting, Program Practices, Research, Scheduling, Legal and Business Affairs to ensure communication is maintained across all divisions.


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Fans sometimes forget there's a reason why it's called Show *Business*

Keep in mind Y&R's average linear viewer age is 69 y.o. according to last week's article in Deadline. Of course, the age of those who stream will be significantly lower, but still. Ads aren't going to command big $$$ and, therefore, licensing fees will be less, etc.

I'm just glad it's still on. I hope that Sony will follow B&B's model and put all the old episodes on a YouTube channel. That's been super fun to watch.

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I was not aware of this article and just found it. The youngest skewing soap is GH with an average age of 68! Oh my! 


What accounts for the continued decrease in eyeballs? The average age of the daytime viewers may have something to do with it. While GH remains the youngest skewing daytime drama at 68.1, all three of the soaps have seen their boomer fans age up this season versus last year. The GH average viewer age is up 4 percent from 65.6 to 68.1; Y&R is up 1 percent from 69.6 to 68.7, and B&B is up 2 percent from 68.2 to 69.4.


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@BoldRestless Yes, that's the article. The Y&R numbers are mixed up, but it's safe to assume the average age of soap viewers is close to 70! The article doesn't say it directly, but like my recently passed 89 y.o. mother, the audience is tuning out, but not by choice.

I wish the networks would publicly release demo data for streaming. They obviously have it and share it with advertisers. Clearly, if you combined streaming/linear demos that age number drops significantly.

It also makes sense why a Colleen Zenk would resonate with the audience more than expected. Even if they didn't watch ATWT regularly or at all, some probably recognize her from the CBS promos.

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Probably the most concerning thing for myself is in addition that news about the declining viewers/aging and dying viewers is that both Y&R/B&B are up for renewal at the end of this season this year. An article like the Deadline one definitely gives me a sinking feeling about both show’s imminent future.  if I have nothing but disdain for Josh Griffith and Thudley at the moment, I’d hate to lose both shows. 

Edited by soapfan770
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Yeah, at this point, I don’t expect any changes to be made unless Y&R sunsets, then they could make a last ditch effort or some other change to look like they’re making some sort of effort.

My mom is a senior and the reason I even know about ATWT and Y&R but she stopped watching Y&R ages ago and has expressed surprise that I even know about any of the storylines.

Years ago, during a holiday, I turned on the television to Y&R in her living room and she said that she thought everything looked terrible. Although I had to agree, it made me a bit sad to realize that it was true.

Edited by DramatistDreamer
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I think the one thing that tempered Kent, ultimately, was Anjelica McDaniel. I know she wasn't always loved... but she cared about the daytime lineup during her tenure. And it may not have been in the way(s) people wanted her to, but if changes needed to be made she'd get working on them as best she could.

Edited by Liberty City
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That may be the last glimmer of hope - maybe someone can force change at this show as part of the renewal conversation? 

Sony used to periodically do those surveys about the show that often came during renewal time. Often, that was a sign change was coming. I don’t think they’ve done one of those surveys in a long time though.

Edited by BetterForgotten
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They love to run these stories to the ground until we won't care anymore. You had Victor faking his dementia, then he wasn't, then he was... Kyle was going to work with Tucker, then be a double agent, then work for him for real, then be a double agent... or something. Ashley and Tucker's relationship was real, then fake, then real, then fake... They think these are "twists" but they just don't make any sense.

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