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DAYS: December 2023 Discussion Thread

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I don't mind Gabi and always liked CB, but I don't feel a need for a recast.  Gabi hasn't done anything noteworthy in months.  It's a shame that CB was treated badly-I just don't know where else Gabi has to go on the show.  Her and Stefan stupidly plotting for Dimera was not interesting.

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There should be some resolution for Gabi, but I wouldn't mind a Stefan and Sloan or Stefan and Ava pairing, as both characters possess similar qualities to Gabi.

Also, can we get consensus?  Is it Stefan, Stefon, or Stephon?  I keep seeing it written in every different way.  I assume Stefan, since it is Stefan O. Dimera.

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Thanks @Liberty City

I'm terrible with remembering all the Nikki, Niki, and Nickys, as well as the Vicky, Viki, and Vicki's

Also, I just finished today's episode 5.5/10, no noticeable difference with the scab writers.

Positives:  I'm happy that Chanel is not oblivious to Holly's manipulation.  She's too savvy to get played by a teen with her first crush.

Negative:  The Jackie Cox stuff makes everyone seem ridiculous.  And Leo's epiphany over delivering Nicole's baby is just plain stupid.  If Leo becomes an OB-Gyn, I may need to scream.

Edited by j swift
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The strike stuff is coming in stages.

Ron wrote up to or including Christmas so his storyline concepts will air til then, and he'll be credited til his ideas are no longer airing.

The breakdown writers will continue to be credited for another week or two for however long their prewritten stuff is - whatever they turned in before the May 2nd strike start.  The writing staff was still credited today Dec. 4.
(but no specific scriptwriter credited today)

The scriptwriters writing individual episodes are no longer credited effective today December 4th, as the day-to-day scripts now airing were written starting May 2nd by non union people --
either former union people gone fi-core, and/or random people who were never union writers

Edited by janea4old
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Which also leads to Nik & Nic & Nick. 

I was looking at my notes from Patrick Mulcahey & just like Adam Huss is married to Adam Huss, Patrick Mulcahey is married to Patrick Mulcahey. 

@janea4old   Great explanation!

Edited by Donna L. Bridges
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Here's my Facebook post:


The first strike-affected script of "Days" aired today (December 4). All of the dialogue (script) writers were removed from the credits. As Jason47 had reported earlier this year, the script writers would be the first writers to disappear from the credits, since they submit their scripts after the breakdowns are written. The remaining writers are still in the credits as of today. In the 2007-2008 strike, the dialogue writers reappeared for an episode or two after initially disappearing, so it is possible another script or two was finished and submitted before the strike began in May (they are submitted around the same time, but not always exactly in airdate order), so another episode or two might have the dialogue writers listed again later this week.
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