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General Hospital: October 2023 Discussion Thread

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I thought Michael was pretty effective. Not just everyone has a Daddy where they can threaten some individual with getting an unwanted visit from a don! But, I really did not expect Marty to give it up so easily!!! What a coward he is. Of course, I know it's just soapy. For the story, which has now officially dragged on FAR too long, to work Marty had to cave in & verify Nina as the whistleblower! I happened to think that Marty could turn around & turn Mikey in!!! Intimidating whistleblowers is in fact a crime itself & for good reason as whistleblowers are very real targets. 

KRAZE!!!! Blaze must have VIP passage on the transporter. She got from Metro Court table with Maxie & Lucy to Puerto Rico/island in just a few minutes! 

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  • Rena Sofer is magic as Lois. I am hoping they somehow convince her to stick around for the long-term. Hell, six-months even!
  • I hope Ava chokes Mason with those lollipops he loves so much. How dare he tell our Queen to shut up!
  • Dante's chesticles are popping OUT of that button-down. Woo.
  • Carly & Drew are INSUFFERABLE! Send them both back to Pentonville, along with their accomplice, Michael Corinthos.
  • Ava's face said it all. That face says "I'm going to murder you one way or another, b*tch!"
  • I love the inclusion of the Lois' backstory.. with and without the use of flashback clips. Amazing. And she ain't buying what Eddie is trying to sell, haha. I love it.
  • Ugh... why am I liking Jeremy & Tracy? I don't want to like them, but I am beginning to!
  • For a Disney-owned company, this soap LOVES violence against women, doesn't it? I am getting rape vibes from Mason to teach Ava a lesson. And I hate saying that. I hope I am wrong.
  • How the [!@#$%^&*] is Dex going to be the one to kill Mason?! C'mon now... stop allowing these men to be the saviours!! Let women be their own saviours!!
  • Schnookery? I need this word in my vocabulary immediately!! Love that Lois is calling out the bull of Eddie's personality right now.
  • C'mon Ava, take the damn shot... a two-for-one. Dex & Mason at the same time! Do it, darling!
  • OH S**T! NO F**KING WAY! Not what I was expecting to happen!
  • Lois vs. Tracy! This is going to be [!@#$%^&*] good. Jane Elliot's last chemistry with Lois was with Lesli Kay... and was not the same as this.
  • Dante... you had one f**king job... and you didn't do it. Allow Ava to do the job that she should have been able to do since day one.
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What? Sprina in bed all episode just talking (well, okay, not just that!)? YES, PLEASE. After all of the buildup and misdirection and bad pacing issues, YASSSSSSSSSSSSSS to Sprina finally sleeping together. AND a Round 2, too? Yay! Watching Trina talk about seeing art through other people's eyes while Spencer was looking at her with love in her eyes. Oooooo how I swooned. So WORTH...THE...WAIT!!! And catching up. 


Meanwhile...watching this episode and seeing what looks like the climax to the Sasha/Cody/Glady storyline? I am surprised to say this...and seeing SOD in the store today that is on this week I'm watching apparently...it looks like the end...has made me wonder when the last time a story concluded on this show. Yes, there's a turn and the story keeps going? Or some plot twist that keeps a story going? Or delaying tactics? An actual conclusion...beginning, middle, end? And I was stumped. So seeing Sasha freed and saved by Cody, the evil doctor caught, and Gladys banished? It was so satisfying.


Meanwhile, I am shocked at how much the Anna/Valentin story has legs now that Charlotte has been revealed as the person terrorizing Anna and why (keeping the spectre of Victor Cassadine alive). I am curious to see how Anna will react when she finds out. And Nina knowing continues to be a nice little subplot within that plot.


And LAUUUUURRA!!! Counting down the minutes until she sees Nik.



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Oh God, I hope Mason dies. 

I’m really glad that GH has been picking up the pace lately and thinning the herd lol it’s well passed the time for that and I hope it continues 

I laugh and roll my eyes at him. Because he always tries to be so tough, but deep down, he’s still just Sonny and Carly’s bitchboy

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I clearly think Chad checked out years ago, but I do sort of think Michael turned out exactly how his upbringing suggested.  If that makes sense?  He is always going to hide behind Sonny/Carly because he was indulged his entire life.  He was the golden child and he thinks he's tough, but was never taught anything else. 

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I believe that Mason will survive surgery, but then Cyrus will demand that Austin kill him to prevent him from talking. Mason is just a henchman and Cyrus will replace him.

Looking ahead, I think that Trina will demand that Spencer move out of Laura's place now that Laura and Kevin are there to help take care of Ace. Trina will demand that Spencer put her first instead of Ace.

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-- Can writers please top making Laura CLUELESS when it comes to her grandchildren? Her complete shock that Charlotte is a little devil is pathetic.

-- I was a huge champion of Sprina, but I'm starting to get over it. Making Amazon Baby Ace the focus of Spencer's life is a choice, and I'm not buying it. Nor am I buying his excuses for Esme while continuing to despise his father. I don't know that I want Trina stuck with him.

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