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General Hospital: April 2023 Discussion Thread

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I'm not gonna lie, seeing Shane Donovan/Mr. Sheffield play such a cold, evil character is making me feel a little uncomfortable 

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And I knew that the show would bring back the whole Operation Demeter/Drew's memories thing like a year after they completely dropped it. I except Jennifer Smith to pop up any time now 

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I'm happy they had Ava tell Carly why she's forgiven Nina for drugging her, kidnapping her, and inducing the birth of  Avery. I don't know that it exactly fits with the character of Ava to forgive and forget (eg Esme), but it made for an interesting contrast to see how Nina is unable to forgive Carly, which will obviously only hurt her relationship with Willow further.

It's kind of funny how people just drop into Wyndemere.  Isn't it on an island?  IIRC people used to have to take a ferry to get to the house.

Edited by j swift
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There's been no decor update until Ava took ownership of the castle... a ring cam is the last thing on the list. So many need ring cams. You would've thought Sonny would have them installed at the main house and his apartment at the towers. This week was the first time, pre-Nurses' Ball and post-Ryan, that we've seen some kind of change in decor. Some of the columns seem to be in a lighter marble, and if that's a sign of things to come, then we're in for something exciting.

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WELLLLL...I didn't know Chase was packing like THAT??? Thank you, Cameraman.

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After waiting all of this time for Victor's endgame to play out...well...of course I would start to play catch up. That said...I see what those March spoilers were about and I figured he would be used for an old school action/adventure tale for the 60 anniversary a la Luke/Laura/Starvos's tale for the 50th. I do hope there is some surprised cliffhanger like Starvos' one at the end of that one episode, camera angles and dramatic music and all. And I have to say that I liked how CS played the reveal with Orbecht and Spencer...this is the first time that Victor has come across as crazy/insane, and CS was really walking that balance in the dialogue since up until now Victor has been crafty, charming, and cunning with just a hint of menace...BUT NOT crazy. I thought he pulled it off really well. 


And speaking of Victor...WOOF. Someone has been hitting that gym hard. Though...too hard? It's such a surprise from past shirtless scenes...especially from his other thread on this page. It does make one wonder. And I'm happy to see A LOT of Sprina. 


And I really, really, reeeeeeeallly love how everyone in town is gradually learning about what is going on and who is missing. The signs of a great soap town. And just letting it trinkle down. 


And I've been meaning to mention it, but I have loved the Sonny/Dante scenes that have increased since Sonny got back from Nixon Falls. I always find them enjoyable and/or insightful. And perhaps it echoes for me a lot of my own conversations with my father who has passed....and I am the eldest son. 


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I guess at the time the show was going through a major upheaval with Gloria Monty returning and revamping. Perhaps the plan was to get things in order and then deal with Jessie's passing. But it was a turbulent time and maybe that plan got lost in the midst of other stuff


Gloria had no plans to deal with it as Jessie had been severely diminished over the years and she felt it was not worthy of a mention-better to have Jessie just be forgotten. Gloria had her own vision for the show and didn't want to deal with a character she felt had no relevance to the show as she saw it and more recent viewers would not be interested in.

Who knows?

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I have a feeling it was all Gloria, and that she wanted to just move on.

IIRC, the first mention onscreen was by Steve Hardy during the 30th anniversary episode.  Before that her death and character were just ignored.

Edited by titan1978
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I have no doubt that Monty had no use for Jessie, but I always thought the show left Jessie's fate up in the air because she died fairly young and it was depressing.   Similar to Amy, it's more comforting to think of Jessie offscreen working than to know she died.  I might be crazy, but I swear someone behind the scenes said something to that effect at some point.  

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Amy's passing was definitely not tied to Shell's age, it was the fact that she was part of the vet/recurring crowd culled by the JFP/Guza regime with little to no fanfare: Tony, Felicia, Bobbie, Laura....

I'm still amazed that John York survived that era, after so many rounds of contract to recurring cycles. I guess he gets points for loyalty. Heck, the man stayed in the opening credits no matter his contract status, even in the "strictly contract players only" years.

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I really don't know how JJY survived either.  Out of all those characters you mentioned above Mac would not have been my pic to stay on lol.  I think his ties to Robin/Maxie/Georgie helped because the show let go of pretty much everyone else related to them.  Mac being with the PCPD probably helped as well.  JJY also seems like a loyal, laidback guy that probably didn't make any demands and just was happy to work when asked.

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