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General Hospital: December 2022 Discussion Thread

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After seeing the preview, my prediction once again is that Nikolas is going to get hooked for the new year, so Rudolf and Tyler can put away their 8x10s.

(Does anyone still use an 8x10 in Hollywood?)

My totally uninformed prediction is that Nikolas is going to get hooked, suspicion will fall on Esme, but Liz (and the audience) will know that she's innocent because we'll get a glimpse at the killer.

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OK - here's an addendum, when Rory was attacked there was a discussion about using the venom antidote because the supply was running low and Rory's injury seemed fatal.  So, what if Nikolas is attacked, they think he's saved, but then the antidote fails?  That way MC (I abbreviated given your preference) would air in January, but be gone by the end of the month...

He's notably absent from the preview which is why I suspect that he's next.

Edited by j swift
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I haven't been able to watch GH in a long while.  (Lack of cable, lack of Hulu, lack of time.)

I have been skimming GH recaps occasionally and I've read some spoiler articles.  The show usually posts a few minutes of episode clips each day on social media, so I sometimes catch those.  

I kind of know what's going on, but not clearly.

I know Britt has Huntington's and it's incurable and she's fading fast.  She has bequeathed her worldly goods to her BFF Brad.  She wants to have a big birthday party and probably leave town.  I also know the actress is going to primetime.

What I'm getting from these Britt spoilers is ...  something from Tolkien.
Specifically Book one of the Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, as follows:

Bilbo is aging and "fading".  He decides to secretly leave town and go live with the Elves.  He arranges to have a huge birthday party, after which he will secretly leave town.  He has bequeathed his worldly goods to his nephew Frodo.  He intends to vanish in a spark of light during the party (by arrangement with the wizard Gandalf).
There is (of course) MUCH more to Bilbo's party because of the Ring, etc. 
But I'm only mentioning the details relevant to .... GH's Britta.

This Britt's big birthday party plan on GH reminds me of Bilbo's party scenario.  Granted I'm not able to watch  but that's what I'm getting from the little bit of recaps and spoilers I've read.

I'm half expecting there to be a DJ who does some strobe light effect during which Britt vanishes at the end of the party. LOL.

Am I the only one thinking of this?

Edited by janea4old
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Seriously Brook Lynn, how’d it take you this long? How can anybody take this long to realize that they were in love with a guy like Chase 

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Not here for this Gladys/Ms Wu crap. They both can be written out. 

And I see they’re trying with Cody, but just like with Alex on Days, it’s too little, too late. 

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Here's (one of) my problems with Carly; if she thinks she's justified in keeping Willow's maternity a secret, why not tell that to Drew?

She is keeping this secret for no logical reason from her lover, it will obviously injure their relationship, he's going to be mad because Willow is sick (which he is keeping secret from Carly). 

So, they're both at fault not because of anything to do with Willow or Nina, but because they obviously don't trust each other enough to share confidences, so why is there any tension for audience in wanting to keep these two together?

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I am going to be honest, I don't understand why Carly cares that much.  I know Willow hates Nina and blah blah, but in the scheme of things is it that big of a deal?  I don't see how this is worthy of Carly's time or effort.  Why is Carly risking her own happiness over Willow being sad for a few days about Nina?  I guess I just don't understand the real harm in Willow knowing the truth.

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I co-sign this, because it is not even in Michael's best interest for Carly to keep the secret (I often forget that they are even related given how few scenes they share with each other).

It is just one of those soap tropes that information stays secret until it becomes necessary for the plot, which is often illogical and out of character.

Edited by j swift
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Honestly, I can't even really remember the initial reason for Carly keeping it quiet.   Willow is a grown ass adult who can make up her own mind about her parentage and how she chooses to deal with it.  Outside of the cancer issue, Carly is just playing God with two people's lives who I personally barely care about and it's just going to cause Carly more problems than it's worth lol.  Carly has very little self-awareness, but shouldn't every scheme she's had since 1996 remind her this is going to all end badly?

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