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Y&R October 2022 Discussion Thread


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@TEdgeofNight Agree. Y&R has felt hollow and empty for a long time now. 

I remember that Y&R was in a lull during the first half of 1997 and things picked up during the second half of that year to lead into an excellent 25th anniversary year 1998 (the last year I consider Y&R to have been truly excellent). I'm losing hope that something like that is going to happen for the 50th anniversary.

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Agree above with both @TEdgeofNightand @kalbir Today’s episode was horribly boring especially for a Friday. 

Perhaps crazy Chelsea will have a psychotic break and kill Kevin and Chloe and then crash her car, dying in a fire explosion in the same spot Rey died on the eve of the 50th anniversary…that would be a wonderful way to start of celebrating the show’s 50th

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I am trying to figure out what JG’s fascination with Chelsea is lol especially given she how she has been written. She’s been batshit crazy for over a year now and is now a very isolated character. No love interest, alienated her friends, alienated her family etc. Now she’s stalking a child around. I have no sympathy for Chelsea. Currently the most pointless character on the show, it’s beyond time the show cut its losses. 

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I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know, but 1997-8 had Bill Bell (though I’ve seen people here speculate that he had started to fall ill, hence stepping back ) and Kay Alden, and a roster of long time writers and directors.

Y&R, for its 50th has… Tony Morina and Josh Griffith, with writers and director(s) with any discernible history with the show you can count one hand.

I’ve long stopped watching day-to-day (and it hurts), hence hardly posting in Y&R threads, but I miss the characters I largely grew up with, and am praying for something to pull the show out of its funk, not just for me, but for other watchers here that I loved discussing and (lightly) debating with. Based on the observations of those who still watch and post here, I may end up sleepwalking past important events during this period

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Sony and CBS seem to have thrown their lot in with Morina and Griffith and are prepared to die on that proverbial hill, so let’s all just hope a spark can be  found

Edited by LondonScribe
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I enjoy Y&R for what it is and think some

of the old years weren’t that great like people make them out to be actually. It was better but had dull stuff in it too.

I haven’t watched the last 6 episodes and don’t feel the need right now coz of Phyllis, Chelsea and the never ending bickering between Chloe/Adam. Either let them hook up, let her kill him for Deliah or let her move away or let him kill her. But the same dialogue between them and the same bickering. Ugh I just can’t deal with it anymore 

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Yes I know Bill Bell and his crew were there for the 25th anniversary and this new regime doesn't have that same connection.  It's sad for me as a long-time viewer that the 50th anniversary might not be memorable at all.

We hold Bill Bell to a higher standard, but I admit that he wasn't immune to missteps.

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Just like I said that I felt Diane's return had good flow at first, I can say the same for now-revealed Tucker's return. Because Tucker did like to make an entrance. So far I like he's focused on toying with Diane on one hand and on the other hand...ASHLEY. 


And I liked the writers didn't waste any time getting him in a scene with Devon. That was abrupt and unexpected, but not bad.


Finally, Noah/Allie get some drama. Intrigued.


Awww at Sally/Nick having the 'what are we talk?' talk. I know it's going to go to Hades because she still loves Adam and we know Adam will do something.


Ugh! I really want Victoria to slap Chelesa for revealing the truth about Johnny before any of his known parents were around. And no more meet-cute moments between her and Billy. 

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