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DAYS: October 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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My opinion obviously doesn't matter at all, but as someone who posts in this thread a lot about Days it is exhausting to read the back and forth and non-show related posts almost daily.  It's not hard to scroll or just ignore but it really just clogs up the thread.

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Yes. I'm guilty of writing a recap, but it was about Abigail's murder. I was trying to put the missing pieces together. I got fake mask, rain coat, and two steak knives. Then to find out it's Clyde, lol! And that recap took me a long time too! 

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The recaps honestly don't bother me.  It's all the other stuff non-Days related.  

I actually do have a couple of Days related questions about today though.  Is this the first time RC and MA's Jack have ever shared scenes?  I don't think they ever were on at the same time.  Also, I thought by the time Mike left he was fine with Nancy/Craig.  I remember Carrie being fine with them, but she was on longer than RC's Mike.

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Wasn't it the other actor who played Jack? The only thing I remember is Mike and Carrie. And Sami was trying so hard to get her sister and Mike together so she could get Austin. I remember the Chief of Staff stuff and Nancy constantly dissing on Alice's doughnuts. Hahahaha! I loved that. 

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RC's Mike shared most of his Jack/Jen scenes with Mark Valley and Stephanie Cameron I think.  I really did like Carrie/Mike.  I can't even remember why they broke up anymore.  I liked Austin/Carrie a lot too, but by 1997 I was so over Austin's stupidity of Sami.  It seems like Mike is still single?  Maybe him and Nancy will meet up for Korean BBQ in New York and fall in love lol. 

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It's true that since the 12th I have posted some recaps, which to me are just show commentary, but today's the first I've known of people not wanting them posted & I certainly won't be posting any now that I see so many new faces here in this thread objecting to them.  I made a single post about Morgan Fairchild's many character names. And I have been posting every day about the 2 shows I watch. I took part in some conversations about past ratings & about past network expansion in threads that were about those things & I typed up some out of the Hayes autobiography for people in the Y&R - Old Articles thread because they were wondering if SSH had said anything about that stuff.

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The Marlena/Kristen scenes were cringe, especially since there was no logical reason for them to be together. None.

The entire episode was filled with awful acting, which honestly, was the only enjoyable thing about it. Once you see Drake H make his "I smell a fart" face and every scene after that is filled with actors (some competent, some not) doing their worst work, all you can do is revel in the mess.

The Nancy/Mike scenes did not work for me because it was all rushed. Going from intense anger to "It really was nice to see you" with a 10-minute conversation is ludicrous. And no, Mike throwing in "I thought I might be gay when I was in high school" doesn't make me applaud Ron C for his tribute to history. It's time we stop thanking these writers for ONE LINE surrounded by an hour of trash.

I did have to laugh at Nancy's excuse for what she did when she was with Craig: "It was a bad time for me." I mean, isn't it ALWAYS a bad time for Nancy? Isn't that ALWAYS her excuse? The woman NEVER makes good choices but always blames someone or something else.

Leo and Craig? Jesus...just make it stop. Somewhere between years ago and 2022, Kevin Spirtas forgot how to act. Leo? Still and forever annoying.

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Is he? No, I forgot all about him. The only weirdo I knew was that dude who played Roger Thorpe's son. I'm going to check it out. Thanx! Honestly, I thought that the (ew) comment was because he wasn't a good recast. 

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ETA: Just read two articles. I honestly did not know that. No one's innocence should be stripped away like that.

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