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DAYS: September 2022 Discussion Thread ⌛

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If I had the chance to redecorate Belle and Shawn's home, I would easily get distracted, have a short attention span from my diligent work ethic, and I would take the vase with the sunflowers and I throw them out the window. And although I don't smoke, I would put out the cigarette on their wallpaper.

Edited by Noel
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So, to preface, I've not seen an episode as it aired in years.

My first reaction was that the number of commercials was staggering.  There would be two scenes and then an immediate barrage of medications, prime time previews, and fast food.  I miss the old educational scams of modeling and nursing schools, but I guess it is good to see the progress that student loan reform has had on daytime sponsorship.  Also, I look forward to Peacock if it means less interruptions for my $1.99 per month. There was a chyron in each scene reminding viewers of the move.

I liked the Maggie/Jenifer stuff.  Even though we've seen very little of Jennifer's dependency, it was dramatic and played on all of the beats of history and family relationships that I like to see in soaps.  But, Alice Horton would be horrified to see the state of her floors that were all scuffed and dusty.  Also, are we just supposed to not notice that they've changed the entrance to the Horton house after 57 years?

The Alex/Stefanie stuff was inoffensive.  I find the actress playing Stephanie to be charming.  I have no idea why she would be so proud of writing a press release, or why Titan needs to announce an interim CEO, given that the press would probably be more focused on Sonny, but it is good that she's staying busy.  I can't help but look at Alex and think that in a prior generation it would be odd that this 34-year-old character wasn't more mature rather than still trying to be a quirky romantic lead.  Don Craig and Neil Curtis weren't still being cute and coy at that age, and they knew to wear a tie in the workplace.

Leo's attorney needs to be immediately dis-barred for disclosing confidential conversations to the police.  And what cop lets a civilian walk in front of them when they're holding a gun?  Also, I get the wig, but did Leo also have the time to get lipstick and fake boobs?  I mean if a guy waking up from a stab wound could immediately recognize him, I don't think the boobs mattered...


Edited by j swift
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That entrance changed back in 2010-11 when they brought back the Horton house, I think. We didn't see the house for a bit (maybe all of 2009?) and then they revived it for Alice's funeral and had Jen move into it the following fall, and it was a modified set.

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So I'm catching up on the last couple weeks and here's my random observations: 

- New Stephanie's voice is very similar to Heather Lindell as Jan. If my blind father still listened in, he'd get confused. 

- Zombie Stefan O. DiMera dragging himself to the DiMansion only to be captured by Dr. Rolf was very reminiscent of the mid 90's Reilly era of close calls and fake-outs. I can't say I was mad at it; it was a nice flashback to DAYS of yesteryear.  It kind of reminded me of when Kate slowly made her way back to Salem in Winter/Spring of 1996. 

- God bless Deidre Hall, but when Marlena and Kayla were having cutesy conversion while tied up, some of her snark reminded me of Hattie. Dare I say, Marlena never used to have a sense of humor? 

- Kate/Roman being pals with Abe/Paulina is nice. We need more friendships on this show; nurture these relationships and others. 

- Can we PLEASE stop dressing all the women in not-so-flattering dresses? (Sorry Nicole, but this is a memo specifically for you) This is small-town Salem USA. The Salem International airport got shut down years ago (I assume, since big flights go out of O'Hare now) and there's only one park in town for people to pass through. Cocktail dresses 24/7 are simply not necessary. I wanna see some damn hoodies! Dress for comfort! Autumn is coming. 

- Once produced-for-Peacock episodes begin airing next year, I fully expect Sonny to talk in on Alex in the Kiriakis living room wearing nothing but a jockstrap. 


Edited by Gray Bunny
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It's just so odd when there are classic memories attached to certain sets, like when Marlena terrorized Maggie, the door was stage right, and the Horton Christmas tree was always next to the door on stage right, and Tom would home through the door on stage right.  Now with the door upstage next to the stairs the only icons that establish it as the Horton living room are the color and the fireplace.

BTW, is Alex a presumptive heir of the Jack's Devereaux trust given that his mother was Anjelica?  I wonder if they'll pursue that side of the story?

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I've read that rumor, but (a) I don't think it makes sense with Nancy getting Abigail's bracelet from Clyde & (b) the writing is too heavy handed for there to be no fore-shadowing of Nancy as the culprit.

My current bet is Diana Culville or Chad is going into some sort of alcohol induced psychosis when he drinks and blacks out, but he'll be exonerated because he didn't know the alcohol was affecting him due to some disease, he'll sober up with the help of Stephanie and they'll fall into a love triangle with Alex.


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My argument against Craig (or Dianna) is that it means that they'd have to pay a day rate for the actor to return, and both actors are so thirsty that it would have leaked on social media. 

Whereas if it is Chad then he just becomes another in a string of DAYS romantic heroes who are also murderers.  And RSW fans get to take solace in the fact that Alex has never killed anyone (yet).

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