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General Hospital: September 2022 Discussion Thread

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So I am watching this weeks shows and there is a lot to say, but I'll touch on my biggest takeaways. 

Brando was bland and I don't care about him, but he was not anywhere near the top of my list to get rid of.

Chase has a nice voice and is lovely to look at.  He is not a pop star.  He can kill it at the Nurse's Ball and Karaoke, but he should work harder to get his badge back.

I felt like Sonny was just wandering around town the entire week just randomly having scenes with people to have scenes.  He had no purpose.  Does Mo really have that many guarantees? 

It was nice to see Kristina, but haven't Sonny/Kristina/Alexis had this same conversation about law school for the last 10 years?

I really am interested in this Liz story, but, IMO, this would be a great time for Lucky to come back and help her through it.  Literally, Finn is useless in this.

I am actually slightly interested in Carly's trip to Florida which is surprising to me. 

Maxie continues to be the worst styled character in daytime.  I know she's not a size 0 anymore and KS might be uncomfortable by why do they keep throwing ill-fitting oversized chunky sweaters on her?

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Whatever makes her comfortable I guess, but she would look just fine in more form fitting clothes or even more forgiving things like wrap dresses or blazers.  It unfortunately doesn't fit the character or the fashionista persona Maxie has.  I don't care about her weight, but when I see her in a bulky, casual sweater and jeans at work-it's just not what Maxie would wear.  It's too bad KS seems uncomfortable with her weight, she looks healthier and doesn't scare me like she used to when she looked so thin and ill.

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Once again Elizabeth's storyline dovetails into a story about the co-star. #firefrank, why can't you just let her shine in a story of her own?


Diane, like Brando is another character I wouldn't have bothered with. If you're going to do a serial killer story, take out some of the real offenders like Wallow, Mason, Austin, etc. 

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GH should re-cast Maxie IMHO. Kirsten Storms is irritating, wrong for the role, and now looks more matronly and almost older than Kristina Wagner(Felicia). I don't see how Storms has lasted on the show for as long as she has. Jen Lilley was a much better Maxie in the almost year she played the part.  Molly Burnett was pretty good too, shockingly nothing like whiney Melanie she played on DAYS, but she's on LAW & ORDER: SVU now. I wonder where Robyn Richards, the original Maxie with the exception of the babies, is up to these days. IMDB has Richards last credit in 2006.

Possible recast ideas.............Chrishell Stause(ex-Jordan, DAYS; ex-Amanda, AMC), Brooke Newton (ex-Colby on online AMC), Ambyr Childers(ex-Colby, AMC), Natalie Hall (ex-Colby, AMC), Stephanie Gatchet (ex-Madison, AMC; ex-Tammy, GL), Alexa Havins (ex-Babe, AMC), Bree Williamson (ex-Jessica/Tess, OLTL, ex-Claudette, GH), Crystal Hunt (ex-Stacy, OLTL; ex-Lizzie, GL), Laura Bell Bundy (ex-Marah, GL) or Farah Fath(ex-Gigi, OLTL, ex-Mimi, DAYS). 


Edited by David_Vickers
accidentally quoted self
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I actually agree with all this pretty much.  I don't really think KS looks matronly though. Just unkempt. Her hair, her clothing, makeup, etc just doesn't work for most scenes.  If Maxie was just sitting around at home with her kids she would look cute in that outfit.  I have never liked KS as Belle or Maxie, but she was tolerable.  I prefer Lilley, Richards, and Burnett.  I love Melanie Jonas!  Seriously.  I am pretty sure someone said RR quit acting as I know I have asked about her in the past.

Maxie and KS should have probably been rested years ago.  KS seems like she is in a better place, but a few years off from Maxie having endless pairings/kids would help reinvigorate the character and the actress.

I really can't stand Diane so I don't care.  I think the actress is good and she's funny and snarky, but I can't take her seriously when she admonishes Sonny/Jason's lifestyles (rightfully!), but has no problem cashing their checks and dating their employee.  It was funny at first, but it got tiresome and I just wanted her to get a new job or leave.

She wouldn't be the first on my list to kill either though.  Nowhere near the top.

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I think KS has so many problems that fly in the face of parading your body on stage or on camera & certainly aren't getting any better that it would even do her a favor to be turned in a different direction for her life work. I realize it is that annoying armchair psychoanalysis at play but I can't believe she's happy. So I, too, say it's past time for a recast & several great names just flew by, grab some of them! I'd go for Stephanie Gatchet in a New York minute. One more time about KS, many people look at petite with substantial bosom & read that as matronly. I just think she needs to find people she trusts to do her hair every single day & to put her in great clothes & stop hiding in big boxy sweaters & slacks & she is clearly not doing that!

As for Carolyn Hennessey I know I should hold hold politics & guns against her, but I can't help it, I just like Diane. And, I hate horror movies & Friday bugged me!

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I don't really want to speculate on KS's mental health because I know nothing about her really and I don't know a ton about mental health to begin with.   I just don't think she looks physically ill these days and she did for years.  Certain medications can cause you to gain weight and we at the very least know she's suffered for a lot of physical health problems.  

Anyway, I just think Maxie as a character needs a rest.  They have given her so many children and love interests.  I understand she is a legacy child, but this is where getting rid of Lulu and Georgie is so apparent.  Those characters can carry some weight of all the storylines thrown at Maxie.  Brook is a good addition, but it's large hole in the canvas. We need so more leads not named Willow in that age range that the audience is invested in.

As far as Diane, I know CH is derisive with her politics, but Diane annoys me enough on her own for that to not even play into my dislike of the character.  I know she's relatively popular, so to kill her off would be a mistake, but I wouldn't be sad about it.  

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Kirsten has looked and felt wrung out onscreen for over a decade, and Maxie is worse. The offscreen issues are well known and I don't believe it's all been her physical health. They both need a long break.

Edited by Vee
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I don't necessarily disagree, but TPTB seemed determined to hang on to her.  Those absences and issues would have gotten many other actors recast permanently, marginalized, or let go long ago.  That's why I have always felt there was more to the story backstage.  Maxie/KS isn't that popular and there has never been a super clear direction for Maxie.  Idk, it's just a strange situation all around.  There are plenty of actresses out there that could bring more to the table than KS does after Maxie.  

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Well, maybe they are protective of her & are afraid that she would take it hard. You try to think of reasons why business people keep someone on longer than seems reasonable & maybe you get away from the business perspective to the personal. Or not. I certainly don't know.

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There is definitely more to it IMO and some of it has been rumored for years, rumors I believe, in addition to very real and serious health issues she's spoken about publicly. tbqh and I've said this before elsewhere, I think they keep Kirsten in part for her own well-being at this point. It's speaking out of turn as an [!@#$%^&*] on a message board, but without the show I often wonder what might happen to her. Regardless, I don't think it's good for her or the show, and what made her Maxie take off after a rough start is long gone. The character has been a shadow of herself since the early 2010s.

Edited by Vee
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