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B&B April 2022 Discussion Thread

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I took it worth a grain of salt as it doesn't have a profound effect on me, but those B&B and DAYS YouTube spoiler channels are just wild. I have a little bit of expertise with graphic design and video editing and I enjoy doing it, but I'm more in the world of social sciences, research, marketing, and statistical analysis. For me, when I'm watching and reading (in subtitle) these YouTube spoiler channels, I'm puzzled. Because I don't if they're doing it for practice to develop their skills even further or if they believe it actually looks good and cohesive. I don't know, but I do know it does take a lot of time to create videos. However, I wouldn't think so for soap spoilers because they just use scenes between the characters that have already aired before, but there are more ways of being creative in my opinion.

Edited by Noel
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As I said the stakes were too low for this to be the secret of the century.

BUT it is very Sheila to self-sabotage by obsessing over getting revenge on a small slight that sidetracks her from her main goal.

So while I think this should have been written a notch more interesting, it is at least not out-of-characters.

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Fyi, reminder that soccer may cause B&B and Y&R to air at different times (or not at all in some CBS markets)
on April 5, 6, 12, and 13.

But both soaps air all five days each week with new episodes.
So catch it online or a different channel if your area doesn't have it.
Especially with the things happening on B&B.

Full list of B&B and Y&R preemptions on page two of this:


First post on page two of that link is the alternate airtimes/channels.
(Second post on page two of that link is all the channels that are missing the episodes.)

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So Sheila has shot and left Steffy and Finn for dead….this is just awful. Sheila wouldn’t do this. This is one step to far and she can’t return from this. You mean to tell me Sheila would kill Steffy because she knew she gave Brooke alcohol?! That is minor leagues! This is ridiculous and they aren’t even pulling me in with the drama. 

I am so upset that they’ve ruined Sheila in this way. They did a good job of redeeming her too. 

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It's been ages since I tuned in, but I did today.  It doesn't interest me.  Looks like Sheila shot Finn and Steffy or something.  The character hasn't made sense to me in years and years and years - I don't find her crazy antics entertaining, and this is really no different than anything I read about (and barely watched) over the years of Sheila.  My only wish would have been to shoot most of the cast rather than 2 characters and just put the show out of its misery.  I don't really understand discussion about the redemption of Sheila, or anything like that - because over the years it's been proven she is used as a plot device and there's nothing else there.  I don't really care about her motives, what drives her, whatever.  She's nuts, has been nuts, always nuts, and no one would trust her unless they are mindless.  I'm just not into characters that make the whole show stupid.  I had the same issue with Quinn and it led me down the rabbit hole of not watching unless I happen to pass by or I see something 'might' happen just to see that one moment.  

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She's redeemed? How? She is not redeemable. I can see her doing what she did. The reason she did it is ridiculous but that's Bradley Bell for you. Was this the big twist? Sheila should've remained gone.

I DVR it but haven't watched yet but yeah its the same Sheila. It's been played out since the 90s.

Edited by Soapsuds
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I think they had positioned her to a place where she can remain in the canvas long term, which I think is needed. She’s provided a jolt to the show. And yes, it looks like the big “twist” is Sheila accidentally shooting Finn, then shooting Steffy and I’m sure their excitement is from the Emmy reels once these two make it to the hospital.

I still don’t find it believable that Sheila would do all this to cover such a minor secret. The problem with Brad is that his stories are so poorly planned that he couldn’t even give proper build up to such a huge event. I really don’t think Sheila will come back from this. It was too brutal. 

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Just finished watching it. The reasoning for shooting both is just laughable. I didn't see any big earth shattering twist. This was more hype than anything else. I knew this was a bunch of bull coming from Bradley's a$$.

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Shelia shot both? How stupid is that? Have Steffy fall and hit her head on one of those trash containers or the sidewalk. I suppose Sheila donates an organ/bone marrow and the family keeps it secret is the only way back.

Worse, I don't buy for a second that Sheila would try to kill the mother of her grandchild. This isn't a twist - it's twisted - and not in a good way.

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They had pretty much been shot when I tuned in.  But then the angst of her rolling around on the hotel bed mulling over her shooting while she slips into an afternoon nap didn't make me care or want to see what happens with it.  Nor Deacon saving the day with a 911 call.  And probably leaving the entire cast wondering who on EARTH could have DONE such a thing???!  Surely not SHEILA?!!  NO way!!!  That kind of thing falls in the whatever category for me.  Sheila jumped the shark decades ago.  She's like that Stefano guy on Days - never watched but seemed like they become a catch-all plot device.  No thanks.

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Oh I'm sure he'll have amnesia but while in the hospital he'll remember the very nice, angelic nurse who comes to visit him in secrecy and nurses him back to health and is his guardian angel.  But urges him not to tell anyone because it's their little secret.  Or some similar nonsense.  

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