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DAYS: 30+ Year Vet Quits!

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If you've been at a job for 37 years and your employer was like, "we're not going to pay you for 5 months, but after that you can come back," would you be happy?  Of course not. You would look at other jobs.  I too don't see how she was spoiled or stuck up.  

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Exactly. Corday taking everyone off contract & not renegoiating before filming started back in February was a dumb ass move. Now we have people quitting. Your entire cast cannot be off-contract. There is no gurantee they will be available to film. You cannot produce a show like that

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Maybe my opinion is skewed by my perceptions of how little KA brings to Days. She's not a bad actress, but she rarely elevates the scenes she's in, and with a relatively high episode guarantee, she takes away airtime from far more interesting characters and actors. And there are some long-running actors on that show who are much better than KA and would have probably killed for the deal that TPTB offered her. 

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I agree.  I have read way nastier goodbye interviews.  If you followed her on social media, she was a champion of the show.  It has to be hard to be there and see it slowly dying.


I remember how sad and depressing everything was after AMC and DAYS were axed.  The cast of GH acted like they were on borrowed time, and after the ratings went up during the 50th, a lot of them talked about how hard it was.

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Y'all gotta try harder with these troll posts.


Of course Ron wanted her gone for months. That's how he and Frank isolated stories on GH and often OLTL with an overly large cast, cutting people's appearances for weeks or months at a time and then leaving them adrift til they came back like the story was still going.


I like how these John and Marlena stans? or something? are excoriating this interview at the link on twitter. Like, is this all bc of that Gina story? Who cares? It’s not real life. I haven’t even cared about Hope in like 20+ years but Kristian has every right to say whatever she likes. And it’s not even some scandalous or nasty interview, lol! At all! Go back and read Tony Geary's exit interview for that kind of tea. These folks on twitter make no sense to me. What part of this dime store soap are they supposed to be cutting for?

Edited by Vee
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Even when it's not good I still think DAYS is miles above Y&R, B&B and GH. But that sure isn't saying much. It's honestly like picking the best of the worst. 


I don't even mind Kate/Abe. It's kind of amusing. I like when people who don't often interact share scenes. But it reeks of "I have no idea what to do with them and they're on contract so there ya go".



She'll be back when she either needs the check or the show is ending. Mark my words. LOL. I feel like actors shouldn't say that "the door is closed" because, in life, you just never know.


Honestly with how she's handled the exit I'm glad she's leaving. BYE. 


Corday was finally smart in wanting to give Hope a few months break. I think it was just the tip of the iceberg for her. She had been checked out for years despite her desperately trying to make Aiden and Rafe work for Hope. 


It's a shame. I LOVE Young Hope. And 90s Hope. But Hope hasn't been the same in like a decade (and most of it was the writing, some of it was Kristian herself, she lacked the warmth and fire Hope used to have). I'm fine with it. Bye. There are tons of others who could use the paycheck and the airtime.


It was SO idiotic. 


I think she has a bit of entitlement about her. She was Corday's pet for years. She got butthurt she was asked to be off-screen. As an actor, of course you want to work. I don't blame her for being insulted but she's survived how many cast purges over the years as her fellow actors are fired or off screen for months. Just saying she could have taken one for the team if the show mattered to her still. It didn't and she chose to move on. I respect her exiting but I'm not crazy about how she's handled it. JMO. I don't think she needs anyone coming to her defense. We all take what people say differently and it's just my opinion how she comes off :shrug: 


But I also see it from her perspective. She was right to exit, for a variety of reasons. She had been checked out for years.

Edited by KMan101
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You actually think she’s been checked out and handling this a certain way? I normally agree with you on most things but our opinions on Kristian and her exit couldn’t be further from each other.


She hasn’t even said anything that even comes close to being bitter or entitled.

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