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B&B April 2020 Discussion Thread

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They're determined to make S2 unlikable - she was written as a complete psycho in Thursday's episode. It was all over the place just today S2 mentioned loving Wyatt, saving Wyatt from 'baby stealer,' sending flowers to Flo, how easy it was to manipulate Katie, actually having real symptoms, badgering that doctor, the WALKER and makeup.


Since B&B is literal - S2 'fake' sees a snake, we learn the only thing that scare her are snakes (really?) and Wyatt mentions that to Flo, who will like be on her way to an exotic pet store by Friday! 


Bottom line: CH is great, despite this mess because Thally is really the goal here.   

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@ranger1rg I was fine with the twist when it appeared S2 was seeking revenge on Wyatt/Flo, using it to get her line in couture, etc. Instead, in only two episodes (since it wasn't featured for several), it's because she believes they are 'meant to be together.' Just yuk. Wyatt is not all that. I really don't get the arcane logic of soaps - that a woman still needs a man, even if he doesn't want her. Someone like Sally should be: "Wyatt you don't want me. No worries, I bet I can find 1000 hotter men in LA that would appreciate being a smart, creative designer who also has a rockin' body." 


I'm only playing it out for two reasons: 1) B&B is only 23 minutes w/ads on CAA; and 2) we're going to go several weeks without original episodes soon. 

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I wonder if they'll show episodes that include RM as Ridge? I mean we're looking at least 30-40 repeats easily. Even though B&B has produced appr 1700 episodes since he left, but there's 33 full years available and episodes that would be interesting to watch.


Of course, CBS may pull Y&R/B&B repeats for games shows or special programming, which will probably do better in ratings. They won't go back to production until July 1.  

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Yeah, just when I so glad we FINALLY stopped with the Thomas/Hope madness now we have this foolishness with Sally which is unfortunate along with her now acting like she is the new Sheila. The goals of Sally wanting a leash on Wyatt and the doctor wanting to fulfill her dreams of being a "fashion designer at Forrester Creations" are just silly and utterly preposterous. Today's ep featured a scene where Katie and Steffy mope about poor Sally almost in the same way Liam and Hope mourned Emma's death, its just absurd. 

Given that Thomas fake fell into a vat of acid, I wonder what Sally is going fake fall into?

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For years I’ve wondered if Thorsten can shave.  It’s not that I don’t like him but damn:  it’s ok to shave once. 

I’m watching reruns of talk shows rather than this mess.  Apparently other people are too from looking at the ratings.  Older guys are the ones watching BB and Y&R and their money doesn’t count.  

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