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Coronavirus/Covid-19 Discussion Thread


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I'm sorry to hear that carolineg. People are so selfish, and are putting other people at risk including employees and co-workers. I hope you end up being okay.

Those of us that are fully vaccinated can try and do the best to continue to protect ourselves. But it can be hard, especially when we have to deal with people that aren't vaccinated, particularly on a regular basis like the workplace. 

Edited by xtr
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I had to cancel my plans for a social gathering with a bunch of friends the other day, my first since COVID. L.A. brought the indoor mask mandate back and my ex, a doctor, just got it again despite the vax. While I haven't been in physical contact with him, the precedent of that and other stories like it plus the idea of going to a party with 30-40 people, many of whom I don't know and none of whom would likely be masked, just wasn't for me. I don't even feel safe going to the movies right now, something I'd deeply enjoyed being able to do again in the last month or so. Now I'm debating whether it is safe to fly home and see my family in 2 weeks as I'd planned.

Stay safe and rest up, caroline.

Edited by Vee
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Thank you all for the well wishes!  People are truly being careless!  Most are not vaxed in Vegas and walk around like they are.   I am very sensitive to taking precautions because my husband got Covid very seriously and my 40 year old former co worker (at a different workplace-part of the reason I left) passed away due to it.   I am in good health overall so it's pretty rare to get it again, but things happen like this.  My boss was selfish, but she put it down to political reasons for not getting the vaccine and, while it is a well known luxury company, they still don't have set rules on this particular issue.  I assume they are coming and they are fully paying for my leave and health, but I am sure a lot of companies are the same.  We are NOT essential workers, but things have opened so I rolled with the punches and lost.   I thought it was impossible to get it with the vax but I guess not.   I will say, outside of my boss, I do deal with a LOT of people in a day.  

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I think the vaccine is effective.  This seems to be a fluke.  I only know of one other fully vaccinated person that's gotten it and I think about 85% of people I know are vaccinated.  Strange things do happen.  I feel worse this time around than the first (which was about 8 months ago), but it's more of an energy thing than coughing/breathing problems.  Thanks for the well wishes!

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I read your story open-mouthed @carolineg. Sometimes these things happen and transmission is accidental. And sometimes... Get Better very soon!

Just something to think about -- my colleague (working remotely for the last 15 months) got exposed to someone who tested positive for Covid last weekend. He got sick this week with fever, flu-like symptoms, coughing, etc., but also vomiting. His Covid tests (he's had a couple done since) are still showing as Negative. And now, the person who he was exposed to is now saying his tests are negative. Sometimes these tests are not 100% accurate. 

Also, hospitals here are noticing an uptick in people catching the actual flu because their immune system has been so protected for the past 15 months. This article by a UK respiratory doctor talks a little more about this ("On top of this, other respiratory viruses are starting to rise again in adults. We are starting to see cases of flu, parainfluenza and others that have been almost entirely absent for months.")


Save yourself the trouble and don't bother. She's an alt-right professional outrage artist spreading dangerous lies about Covid. Probably hoping for a job on one of Murdoch's networks.

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So I have definitely heard there are false positives especially with the quick test I took, so I am going to the actual doctor in a few days to get re-tested.   I know the first time I had Covid I tested negative after exposure then tested positive 2 days later.  It is something to think about because my case is very unlikely to happen.  Anyhow, I am just laying low and quarantining regardless.  

Luckily, I am in the financial position to not have to go back and I think that's most likely for me.  If my boss is going to refuse to vax there is no need for me to put myself and my family in danger.  The job isn't worth it lol. 

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